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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. We don't like to announce prices prior to release. Too much speculation starts happening. Rest assured, it will be a very fair price for what is included.
  2. Thank you all very much for the feedback and comments, and also for trusting that we would finish this project. We've worked incredibly hard on this aircraft...particularly the last 12 months...to ensure we have created an add-on that people would be satisfied with, and seeing comments like the ones in these forums is very encouraging and motivating, and we appreciate them. Thanks again!
  3. When you make the purchase, you get all 3 variants.
  4. There are no plans for a boxed version at this time.
  5. I will check the trim tab angles and if there is an issue, I'll put out an update.
  6. Tell the airport to get rid of the excess gravel or mow the lawn. I'll have a look at it and see what's going on.
  7. Not only are the warm up times modeled, but if you turn the CRT's off and then on again, they take less time to come up, because they've already been warmed up. The longer you leave them off, the longer they take to warm up.
  8. FMS? Come on, Dave! Real pilots fly using navaid's. There are two NAV radios, two ADF radios, two RMI's and a LEFT and RIGHT navigation source selector, all tied into two independent, DME equipped EHSI's, with different navigational displays (radial or course bar) an Elapsed Timer display and plenty of other goodies.
  9. This thing is still being worked on? I thought it was vaporware.
  10. Glad to have you here. Have a look around and feel free to ask questions, should you have any.
  11. You mean this post? It's ok. We're used to it. Tells me more about how they run things over there. This kind of thing only motivates us to work even harder!
  12. Goran_M

    LES Saab 340A Enters Beta Testing!

    Possibly. We don't like to announce prices prior to release. Let me just say that I hope people will make the best decision for themselves when it comes to spending their hard earned money. The good news is we'll never run out of Saab's.
  13. I'll take a look at the fuel issue you are describing and see what I can come up with. i'll reply back here soon with any findings.
  14. Hmmm, we'd like to think the Saab will be on par with a PMDG product.
  15. I'll check into this sometime today and post back.
  16. Definitely. We'll try. No promises. We really want to finish it as soon as possible, and the bug list is getting shorter by the day.
  17. Valentin (Hueyman) 1. Gizmo does not interfere, in any way, with any SASL driven product. It was Cameron and Ben Russell who worked with Ben Supnik to ensure this problem was eliminated. No one else. 2. If you have issues with any Gizmo driven product, you are expected to either: a. post a question about it in the relevant support forums for THAT product. b. Submit a support ticket through the X-Aviation support page. If you want to stay up to date on news relating to Gizmo or anything else related to X-Aviation add ons, it is all available on X-Aviation's Facebook page, which gets updated frequently. This thread is not a support thread for any add on. It is not for making false claims that are unsupported beyond just your word. Gizmo has been in development for 6-7 years and Ben Russell has worked extremely hard to make it a very powerful scripting language while, at the same time, ensuring it causes no problems for us or our valued customers. And that work has also been in the form of years of developer feedback on features and bug fixes (including developers who have SASL driven add ons) just to make sure no one has any problems. You're more than welcome to post any issues you are having with any X-Aviation product in the X-Pilot forums, but we expect you to do it respectfully, through the proper channels, and with enough evidence that substantiates your claims.
  18. Next update will address this as well. Should be out very soon.
  19. This project is definitely alive. It is being worked on when either Jim, Theo or myself have nothing to do on the Saab. The Saab is taking most of our time now, especially as it is in the hands of external testers who are providing valuable feedback and bug reports. Some work has been done on the Citation, including coding some systems. Once the Saab is done, I'm off on a well deserved, overdue vacation, and then we'll throw ourselves into the Citation full time.
  20. Unusual. Please post again when you try it tonight. If anyone else can confirm this, please let us know.
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