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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. I'm no programming expert (I do the artsy stuff), but I THINK I can see your sound files are missing from your installation. Did you move your Saab folder somewhere else within X Plane?
  2. It should operate in the exact same way as the passenger variant. Nothing was changed in the manipulators or the animation between variants. I can test later today when I get back in front of my computer.
  3. The basic stuff is done. Just have to go over the real one to make sure I get all the little details finished. I'll be honest and say I haven't had much of a chance over the past couple of weeks because we've been seriously busy trying to get the Saab ready for XP11. It'll get done as soon as things relax a bit. Apologies for the delay.
  4. No accurate estimates on when it will be done. We have to get our previous aircraft working in XP11, first. (A few things have changed regarding plug ins). For the Citation, if all goes well, we're looking at next year, hopefully, the first half.
  5. DC3 is not officially supported in XP11 yet. There is still testing to be done to make sure everything works, because it does use plug ins. I might have some time to run a few small tests over the weekend to see what I can find and get back to you, but no promises.
  6. XP11 or XP10? Is your hardware calibrated correctly? I have to say, this is the first time anyone has reported this behaviour in the DC3
  7. There is no LNAV or VNAV in the Saab. You have HDG, NAV and CLIMB modes. For a bit of familiarization, I recommend you try the tutorial flight that is included. It'll get you accustomed to how the aircraft flies.
  8. Code is not my area. That's Jim (JGregory). He'll check it out and troubleshoot from here.
  9. Not enough info to go on. Definitely strange. What I would ask is go through engine start again. If you get any unusual behaviour, shut the sim down and immediately post your Gizmolog.txt file (found in the root x-plane folder). That will give us all the information we need.
  10. All LES add ons are planned for an XP11, PBR upgrade. I've wanted to do some PROPER bare metal liveries for the DC-3 for a while. It's like bare metal and the DC-3 are a marriage made in heaven. There are a few fixes I'm looking at as well, including the fuel transfer. Also looking at mesh optimization and new textures throughout. I don't think it'll take too long, but I'll post updates with screenshots as work progresses. Trying to get as much done as possible in as short a time as possible.
  11. We're gradually working our way through the different add ons to make sure they work flawlessly in XP11. Hopefully, it won't be too long before all fixes are in place.
  12. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    We'll make announcements as we finalize more details and get closer to completion.
  13. A better photo of it. I've wanted to make this for years.
  14. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    We're still in the middle of discussions regarding the Saab and XP11. There will be a paid upgrade for it, due to the amount of work going into this new version, but there will be a few finer points to discuss and finalize. So nothing "official" at this time, but once things are official, we'll make a post here and on the Facebook page.
  15. You're welcome. Of course, we will continue to keep our current and future customers in the loop when our decisions become final on any particular topic.
  16. Good question. We've had meetings about this, and there is another factor to consider. Will the XP10 market still be viable by the time the Citation is finished? If not, then it will likely be made ONLY for XP11. And THAT all depends on how many updates Laminar release to the first version of XP11 in the months following. However, (without committing myself to anything) if we do make it for XP10, and people want to purchase it for XP10, and then later want it for XP11, there is a chance there will be a separate license and a small fee incurred due to the extra work needed for PBR. But PLEASE don't hold me to that. We still need to discuss this internally and take a few more things into consideration.
  17. A rather large update is still being worked on. Apart from the bug fixes that are being looked at and fixed, there are a LOT of cosmetic changes that are taking place. I'll post comparison images from that some time in the near future. Any help we would need would likely be in the form of testing for XP11. But we'll know more about that when XP11 is out. Paid upgrades can be a very touchy subject for some people. We'll post details about that when the time comes. For now, work continues on getting this aircraft ready for XP11.
  18. We've discussed helicopters in the past, We're not opposed to doing them, but it would be completely new territory. I don't want to say we'll DEFINITELY do 1 or several in the future, but it's possible. It would be an interesting area to explore some day.
  19. Yeah. It's looking pretty sweet after being textured in PBR! Ok, I'll be serious. Jim has been under some pretty serious deadlines with his work on XP11. While he's been doing that, I've been texturing the Citation in PBR and non PBR (for XP11 and XP10 respectively), as well as some other things I've been working on in my spare time. I WILL post screenshots of the Citation in PBR when I'm satisfied with how it looks. Obviously not in XP11. I use an external renderer for those.
  20. Interesting. I'll see if I can ammend that and upload it to the forums for a download
  21. We're preparing a rather large upgrade of this package for XP11, and part of this upgrade is a modified flight model and added documentation. What we have included in the documentation in the current package is , pretty much, taken out of the AOM and is what pilots use in their every day duties. It's difficult to simplify something that relies on complex calculations, in a quick and dirty way to make it more understandable. I'm looking at some kind of simplification for the upgrade, and we'll include it in the current XP10 version. For now, if there are any specifics you need help with within the charts, please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help.
  22. When people start getting on the offensive, it means they're intimidated by the competition. Otherwise, they just sit back and let their work do the talking for them...if they have confidence in their own work, that is.
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