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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. Absolutely.
  2. @BE19Pilot... What @Andydigitalsaid is correct. We planned to model the EVS, and I modelled the sensor for it. But it soon became apparent that it wasn't possible. Legitimate X-Plane limitation. The HUD is modelled and fully functioning, and will be seen on stream. Along with a lot more that we haven't shared yet.
  3. You might be surprised at the built in redundancies of the CL650. It simply won't let you do certain things beyond limits. There have been some people in our discord asking for failures, so we will likely revisit that some time in the next few weeks/months.
  4. We're still considering that for a future update. The only thing is, the 650 is extremely reliable. And the vast majority of Challengers spend maybe 200-300 hours in the air, per year. Nowhere near enough to warrant any kind of major repairs due to wear and tear. We do have a very comprehensive failures module, where you can set failures in, if I recall correctly, several hundred different areas. But it's completely manual. But, like I said, we'll look into that more in a future update. Not complex enough.
  5. Sure, you can if you wish. TBM900log.txt and log.txt. Would be handy, just in case.
  6. I'll make a note of that and run some tests. If anything needs to be done on our end, we'll address it once the 650 is out. There'll actually be a few TBM updates we're going to tackle over the next few months. One of which will be XP12 compatibility.
  7. Yes. But not in the initial release. Yes that’s all in the fully featured FMS, just as it is in the real plane.
  8. The HUD and synthetic vision, and their compatibility with Vulkan, has been addressed in the last update and is now working. Are you referring to something in particular?
  9. This is certainly something we haven't come across. It looks like you're loading some kind of space shuttle scenario based on your preferences. Try clearing out your preferences folder (X-Plane 11/Output/preferences) and reload X-Plane. Don't delete the contents. Just move them somewhere outside the X-Plane folder. Reloading X-plane will rebuild the files, bhowever, you will lose any calibration and X-Plane settings you previously made.
  10. I’ll cover one or two initial liveries, with more following over the coming weeks. You’ll find this add on very beneficial. We consulted with three 650 pilots who were very particular about all the systems. I have plans for quite a few paints. Just to add to @Pils, all sounds were recorded off a real 650 by one of our testers. Thanks Ryan.
  11. I’m making it on the same spec Mac you have, and it runs very well.
  12. I'm also looking to make a Substance Painter file for the painters who want a little more control over certain areas. For example, matte or gloss. Metallic, non metallic, etc...
  13. The REGA variant, including cabin, will come out as a free update after initial release.
  14. Yes
  15. There will be a free update for XP12.
  16. Check that the CTOT is not armed. Other than that, I can't think of anything that would make it do this.
  17. Nothing is sticking out at me in your log. If this happens again, check your maintenance manager for a list of damaged components.
  18. SCIP is an airport on a small island. It's many developers "test" airport. I'm afraid you'll have to go to my final suggestion. Download another copy of X-Plane without scenery, and test in there. It's almost a guarantee that another plugin or plugins is not playing nice with the TBM.
  19. This is definitely something to do with your VR setup. The textures for the panels are at their maximum size (4096x4096 pixels). I don't own a VR setup, but you could try checking to make sure all drivers are up to date.
  20. Make sure you've activated the TBM. If it isn't activated, the crash bar stays down.
  21. You have an awful lot going on in that log file. Here are some thing to try off the bat. Try these in the order I post and test after each. Run X-Plane in Windowed mode. (There is a bug in the AMD drivers on Mac's and Windows PC's that cause crashes in full screen mode. There is nothing anyone but AMD can do to fix this, and LR are aware and have also contacted AMD for a fix). Remove XJets and Skunkcraft updater. Test the TBM at SCIP. Failing all that, download another copy of X-Plane without plugins and scenery. Install the TBM and test again in windowed mode. Don't worry...this will have no effect on the activations of the TBM if installed on the same computer. Post back any findings.
  22. You can quit the sim at any time, and it saves the state of the aircraft. When you load it up again, it'll ask you if you want to start again or resume. Keep in mind, you'll need to set the engine to "start with engines running". Sometimes, it can be a little buggy. We're working on that.
  23. Please post a screenshot of what you see and a log.txt file.
  24. Datarefs fall into different categories Indicators - (A heading indicator that displays the aircrafts current heading) actuators - (The knob on an autopilot heading dial that changes the heading bug and commands the aircraft to follow a specific heading) (Also some are writeable and some are not. Some are ratios...0 to 1... and some are booleans...negative numbers, 0, positive numbers) And then they can fall into the different types of systems air driven gyro electric AHARS Whenever you see a "TBM" dataref, it's a custom dataref that is code driven. a "sim" dataref is a default dataref that comes with X-Plane. In some cases, the TBM uses default datarefs, because many of those work very well. To answer your questions, 1. a dataref that is an actuator can absolutely trigger a sequence of events that trigger and activate indicators, and if there is code attached, they can also trigger other actuator datarefs. 2. actuators and indicators, yes. In most cases. 3. 1 triggers the next, and then the next, and so on. (I hope this answers your question).
  25. I've passed this on to Saso (who coded the systems), and he or I will get back to you. This will require a little bit of figuring out, as we don't "officially" support this configuration.
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