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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. I can see why you would want to have this added, but our aim was to produce an aircraft add on only, with systems replicating the real thing. Anything further, such as a virtual co pilot/first officer, is up to a 3rd party to make.
  2. With regards to Video 2, that's the trim indicator. Not the control surface deflection indicator.
  3. The datarefs to open and close are the same. The values are what's different. Closed is 1 and open is 0.
  4. The torque roll fix can be done by yourself. Simply open the aircraft in Planemaker (when you open the file, select the ".acf" file), save it, exit planemaker, and it's done. Enjoy.
  5. For those that don't follow the Facebook page. (There will be at least a pilot in there when it's done.) And a couple of panel grabs...
  6. Taken from an email I received from 1 of the pilots with regards to this very thing. I asked him what the frequent, high pitched whine was in 1 of the videos I got from him. "That's the Saab mating call. It's the hydraulic pump kicking on because he's using nose wheel steering and brakes. Pressure dropped below 2100psi on Main Accumulator with Hydraulic Pump Switch in Auto Mode. Shuts off at 2900psi. I remembered a bunch of Saabs parked out on the ramp with external power plugged in and they would "talk" to each other." Followed by: "The hydraulic pump comes on any time with external power or 28v generators operating, or in Override. Frequency of it coming on depended on how "leaky" system was. On ground with engines off and external power plugged in, the pump would come on about every 10-20 minutes. Comes on during every aircraft power up if it sat for a while. I imagine that would be interesting to simulate. Pressure cycling below 2100psi every 20 min on ground and higher frequency with more hydraulic usage." Can you confirm the time is actually 20 seconds, or is it actually longer? I ran the Saab on my installation, and it is nowhere near 20 second intervals between hydraulic pressurizations. If it IS 20 seconds between pressurization, then that would be a serious issue that we would need to look into.
  7. Please be careful with uninformed assumptions and generalizations. You are so far off the truth, it's almost laughable.
  8. A tutorial is included with the package.
  9. We're carefully splitting our time between a few different areas. Saab update, Citation work and the Sundowner upgrade. I've been trying to keep things organized, which is why we've been quiet. Thought I would post a couple of screenshots of the Sundowner progress. Definitely getting there slowly. Still going to dirty up the radios a bit.
  10. Most will be real world, with maybe 2 or 3 fictional liveries. I'll be making a paintkit and using that to make quite a few liveries. Not sure of a number yet, but maybe around 10, give or take a few. I have a nice little workflow developed, and pumping them out shouldn't be too much of a chore.
  11. Usually, if you haven't received a reply, it's because you sent more than 1 ticket, and your original support ticket got pushed to the bottom of the support list, seeing as they are both from the same account. Can you confirm you contacted support 1 time or more than 1 time?
  12. Goran_M

    Saab crashing

    I will add, once you find the problematic plugin, remove it, and then proceed with the other plugins to see if any of them also cause a crash.
  13. Goran_M

    Saab crashing

    Ok, this may be a bit much to do, but it's the only way to narrow it down. First, can you confirm you have the very latest release of the Saab. Version 1.3. To find this, go to your user preferences in the Gizmo sidebar. It will state the version number in there. If it IS the current version, you will need to do a little work. Please remove every single plugin you have, EXCEPT Gizmo. Physically remove the folders out of your X-Plane installation. Your logs indicate you have quite a few things going on in your x-plane installation. Re-launch X-Plane and try to start up the Saab. If it does start up, without a crash, then the problem is caused by some kind of conflict with another plug in. Shut down x-plane and replace each plugin, 1 at a time, relaunching x plane each time, until the crash happens. Once the crash happens, please post back which plugin is causing it. If it STILL crashes, with every plugin removed, post back the log files again.
  14. Goran_M

    Saab crashing

    Please send us the logs immediately after the crash. These logs don't have any mention of the crash, suggesting you ran the sim normally, with another aircraft, after the crash. This resets the txt files.
  15. Goran_M

    Saab crashing

    GizmoLog.txt and Log.txt
  16. Amazing how good, realistic sounds can beef up the quality of an aircraft add on.
  17. Please submit a support ticket at X-Aviation.
  18. Not ready yet. But it IS looking particularly sweet. If I do say so myself.
  19. Definitely in hibernation. Throwing ourselves in the Citation and Saab fixes. Actually, more like "üpgrades". But it's definitely not vaporware. I've done too much work on it to discard it.
  20. We'll look into it and see what we can come up with.
  21. We have to determine if this is common practise with pilots and what the behavior is, based on pilot feedback. I, personally, have never heard of pilots feathering 1 prop and taxiing on 1 engine in a 2 engine aircraft. I know on some 4 engine aircraft, they shut down 2 of the engines (1 on each side, and proceed to taxi).
  22. Hi Martin I've worked the problem with Jim with my own hardware (X52 Saitek), and I am having no problems whatsoever. In saying this, could you please do me a favor and do the following... Let me know what version of X Plane you are running. Open X Plane and disable all plug ins except Gizmo. Load up the Saab. Visually confirm your hardware is calibrated in the hardware tab in the sim. Do not start the aircraft and do not supply any power. Try the hardware. If the problem persists, re-calibrate your hardware, but assign BOTH Power Levers to 1 axis. Test again and please post back.
  23. Goran_M


    Shouldn't be. It's the default Garmin. Try to duplicate the problem. If it happens again, please post GizmoLog.txt and Log.txt after the crash so we can have a look what's going on.
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