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Everything posted by mokeiko

  1. Hi all, When I use Torquesim’s sr22 aircraft and try to use the IOS on a second monitor, the settings are not clickable. Using the mouse to click anything on the IOS screen is disabled. If I use Laminars sr22, the IOS on the second monitor works as it should and the settings are clickable. Is there something unique in this aircraft that I need to enable in order to use the IOS on the second monitor? Thanks for any help
  2. Thank you for the reply Coop, much appreciated. fly safe
  3. I am using x-atc chatter and have it setup to automatically tune frequencies between com1 and com2 depending on what is selected in the cirrus sr22 aircraft radio. When I select com2 and tune to a frequency, x-atc chatter does not switch from com1 to com2 in the x-atc chatter control panel thus no voices heard. Does this aircraft support the following datarefs which is required for x-atc chatter to work: sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/com1_frequency_hz sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/com2_frequency_hz Thank you for any help. Fly safe
  4. Yes, the button on the multi function display bottom.. it says “CHECK”.
  5. I am trying to assign a joystick button or keyboard key to the “Check” button on the right MFD so that when I press the button the items on the checklist will advance to the next item. Using x-planes next and previous does not work. Thanks for any help. fly safe
  6. I got a response from realsimgear: "I believe this is an issue on the TBM side of things where the developer has used the newer GCU commands for interfacing for standard operations (ie entering a flight plan), but the older G1000 based commands for things like what you mention. Its been some time since I looked into this, but I believe that is the issue. Unfortunately our hardware can only be mapped to one set of commands at any given time, so Hotstart needs to implement a standard set of command usage across all of the functions of the MFD, ideally using the newer style GCU commands included with X-Plane" fly safe
  7. I have the same issue as well. I sent an email to realsimgear. You might want to do the same so they know its not an isolated incident. fly safe
  8. hi, I am using Streamdeck (only as keyboard emulator for now) to minimize using the mouse as much as I can. I am using it to switch views and also simple things like open/close pilot door, placing/removing chocks, etc. Does anyone know the name for the temp exhaust/short prop cover as I didn't see anything in the keyboard settings under TBM. I also noticed that the front cargo does not open/close when inside the aircraft but if I go to the external view the keyboard shortcut works. Also, what is the command to open the side menus Thanks for any help
  9. So far I haven't had any issues after unbinding the speedbrake axis to one of my throttle levers. I will leave it that way and manually control the speedbrake from within the sim. If the problem comes up again I will try the joystick shake.
  10. Hi all, After updating to v1.6.1 I am having vertical oscillations when climbing and at cruise. I have deleted and reinstalled and the aircraft still exhibits the same issue. I have tried it with no weather add-on (Activesky which I normally use), clear weather in X-Plane settings. I even tried changing airframes. This is with the autopilot on, if I turn off the autopilot I can hand fly it and it is smooth. Thanks for any help. Edit: I think it was the speedbrake that was assigned to a throttle axis I used. It worked without issues with the previous version. I probably have to reassign it again and go from there.
  11. After pressing the front button on the throttles as you just did, to clear the FAIL message, Press the TOGA button, not the ATS button. fly safe
  12. I remember when I first flew the TBM900, I was looking at my left wing and kept staring at the fuel cap not knowing what it was at the time, lol. fly safe
  13. I am getting the same issues as SteveDM. It did work once before though. fly safe
  14. Read second post of this thread. fly safe
  15. I hope you get it sorted, I'd hate to fly without the TBM over the weekend. fly safe
  16. 2019-12-12 22:30:18 TBM900[helpers.c:1076]: Cannot open directory E:\X-Plane 11\\Output\TBM900\state: The system cannot find the path specified. Did you throw away any of the folders (eg: Output, TBM900, or State or the whole directory)? The error seems to imply a missing folder, probably the State folder. fly safe
  17. You are perfectly within your rights to do so. I hope your issue is resolved. fly safe
  18. You folks probably already know this but make sure you turn off all anti-virus temporarily (especially real-time protection in windows security) and always install as admin. fly safe
  19. @rjsict My issue was remedied by lowering my AA, I had it full to the right. It is now at 4X. The changelog mentioned "added new glass reflections to PFDs & MFD screens, adjusted panel textures, etc", These new items put more of a strain to my GPU, thus causing my stutters. I noticed you use a 4K monitor setup with no AA, Of course your situation will vary as every setup is not the same. I hope you get your issues resolved. fly safe
  20. I always fly windowed mode and got these stutters. fly safe
  21. I have the same issues with stutters even at higher FPS (40 - 50). I went back to 1.0.9, smooth as glass. fly safe
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