Greetings !
Following our discussion with LES on Reddit, please find what was said here, as requested.
So, here is my feedback : Overall, very good experience.
The only thing I have to say is : BOY THAT COPILOT IS A SLOW ONE ! The checklist system left me wondering if what I learned during my flight training was correct. If I remember my MCC in a very similar cockpit, we were working way faster and smoother. Any chance to update the checklist system to a more realistic one (aka Do-List and CheckList) ? From my experience, you do all the actions and then check them with the checklist. Way faster than following the CL while you're doing the actions. For that, I would expect a way to call "Before XXX actions", PM doing his part, then him telling "Before XXX actions completed" and then I would say "Before XXX checklist" and then we will have the checklist done.
That has to be me doing something wrong here : does he actually calls Vspeeds ? If yes, that's on my side, went for some training traffic patterns in order to get more familiar with the aircraft. EDIT: Flew a X-Country, got Vspeed Disagree on TO and APP. Manually entering the values didnt made the PM call for Vspeeds tho.