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Everything posted by Blueb

  1. Many Thanks Rolo, visually, you did a great job. I'm sure it was a lot of effort. I created a PDF viewer that works on my tablet. I'll give it a try, and see how that works out. Blueb
  2. It worked, so thanks. I've had a 4k monitor since 2016 and never had an issue before. ?? I have a few X-Aviation planes and assume they all need Gizmo. Will X-Aviation 'automatically' solve the Gizmo requirement as each is updated?
  3. I've been a Windows user since 1982 and I've never had to 'Adjust my OS Text settings'. Please explain and give me a little guidance. Thanks
  4. Thanks for the update, but your installer is not working correctly. It states that the XPlane's actual location is required, then goes directly to asking for my email. When I enter the email address it states: "You need to specify a value". I entered a non-working email address to protect the innocent. Blueb
  5. Well, if you won't tell us your issues ?????
  6. I just installed ixeg 737 and had the same issues when I clicked the 'Start with engines running' The doors were open, etc. The way I corrected this was to go to the 737 Main Menu (mouse the left side of the screen) and click the second choice: "PREFLIGHT" From the choices click "Ready to Fly" Click on "RESTART" at the bottom.. You're good to go! Note: This checkbox even overwrites the X-Plane 'Start with engines running' checkbox.
  7. Thanks for this Christophe, it's much appreciated.
  8. Here's a version for you. 1556557797_MU-2B-60POH.pdf
  9. I downloaded the new 2.0 updates for the BN-2B (reg and turbo). Thanks for this.. it is appreciated. A small thing... I do not have/use RealSimGear stuff (G5 and G500), but the install package included both versions in my system. I went to the menu, and it displayed 3 choices for the Bn-2B-26 and 3 choices for the BN-2T Islanders. Looking at the icons, it is not really obvious which is which. (if you linger, the tooltip will display the highlighted ACF file) I really don't have a problem with this.. it just clutters my selection page, for no good reason. What I did was remove both G500 folders and all the G5 files in each plane and stored them in a TEMP% folder. I gained 3.48 GB of space on my SSD, and my selection noew shows one of each BN-2B (reg and turbo). No big deal for me... but some users may need all the space they can get. Perhaps the installation should ask the user if the use: 1- G5 equipment 2- G500 equipment and skip the files that are not needed. Just a thought. PS - Both models look and fly great. Thanks again.
  10. I brought all my XP11 planes over when I got my XP12 program up and running. I was planning on removing the planes that didn't work properly in XP12... but it's not as easy as I thought. If there are issues... is it an XP11/12 issue, or something else? Result: I need to do more checking, but I'm too busy flying. haha
  11. Yep... I do have a bigger problem than I thought. I notice you have 55 plane choices. Good Golly, I have a problem!
  12. Think you have a problem, I have so many I had to create an app that 'random sorts' my selection. haha
  13. #1 - I agree.. I love Alaska and have most of the free (and paid) scenery/airport improvements that I could find. #2 - I'm embarrassed to tell you how many planes I have. I normally stick to your plan of putting some hours in on the same plane, but then I read an article (or Skunkcrafts says an update is ready)... and I'm off to the races. Do you think the internet is giving me a short attention span?
  14. It's been a great week... both the Marquise 'and' the E-Jets !
  15. Thanks for the video TK... very informative. This is somewhat off topic, but it may help your users in the future. I have a DropBox account and noticed that you used it to download the video file, and I was thinking: "Hey, what a quick way to get a point across, if I have a problem with the MU." I tried to record an X-Plane video with (Ctrl - Spacebar) which creates an AVI file in: "E:\X-Plane 12\Output\screenshots\" but the results had NO SOUND and there is no obvious place to add sound to the stock video recorder. (at least I wasn't able to find it) I can use VideoLan to convert .AVI files to the .MP4 files so that is not an issue. Thanks for any help
  16. Well, not knocking XMidiCtrl, but there's a program out there that takes 'any' MIDI device and allows you to: "Turn your MIDI pads, keyboards or controllers into the most sophisticated Macro triggers, app launchers, clipboard processor and more" see: https://mediachance.com/midimacros/ I have both available keyboard programs: Multi-Keyboard Macros Ultimate Shortcut/Macro software with support for multiple keyboards MIDI Keyboard Macros Ultimate Shortcut/Macro software with support for MIDI controllers Hope this helps, Blueb
  17. I downloaded 6 or 7 manuals from Smartcockpit.com They are for the 340B, but are very informative, here's the nav manual... https://www.smartcockpit.com/docs/Saab_340B-Navigation.pdf HTH
  18. Blueb

    Latest version

    Hi Marco, Just got an X-Touch Mini and thought I'd give your software a try. But the best release I can find at GitHub is 0.62 I have been reading the help documents and they discuss: XMidiCtrl - Changelog VERSION 0.92 Added new mapping type to send init messages once after the aircraft profile has been loaded Where can I find this latest version. Thanks, Blueb
  19. Blueb

    new HDD

    I have my complete X-Plane 11 folder on a single purpose SSD drive which I regularly backup (copy) to another single purpose SSD. Note: My backup procedure only copies files that have changed, so it is relatively fast. If and when I've had issues, I simply wiped my main X-Plane drive and copied the backup drive back to my main drive. I have had no issues of any kind with the Windows Registry, etc. Every once and a while I wipe the 'backup drive' and copy my main drive over, so that I get a 'clean' backup. Besides the above I have a backup routine that also places my X-Plane folders to 2 other mechanical drives, giving me a total of 4 backups. I only back these up weekly. As you can see, I'm cautious... but it works for me. HTH
  20. Thanks for replying Goran. At this point I have no choice but to uninstall the product and try again to see if I can get it working. Perhaps it will be a better experience. Every user would agree that the 3 things I asked is something that should exist in any plane package. Is there a reason why these 3 items are difficult to obtain? Kind Regards, Blueb
  21. Pathetic... I purchased the TBM 900 about a month ago and have tried many times to get this P.O.S. going. It's a beginner's nightmare. I have many other planes from many different sources. When I purchase a new plane I 'check' the "Start with engines running" option in X-Plane, just to see how everything works. Never had a problem, except with the TBM 900. I doesn't like this 'engines running' options. So I tried unchecking this option, hoping for a Cold and Dark Start. No luck... when the unit starts up.. the power is on to everything and I have: CAUTION: The engine has accumulated fuel residue.... If I press the red X to get rid of the caution... the engine starts on fire! I even tried the tutorial visdeo... it continues with the engine on fire! There's only 3 things I want... #1 - Checking the 'Start with engines running' option only means one thing... everything's good. - all I have to do is release the parking brake and go. (this is what any beginner would expect) #2 - If the 'Start with engines running' check is NOT checked.... - a "FRESH" Cold & Dark state is expected... everytime without fail NOTE the word FRESH (without residual things like cautions, fires, flat tires, etc. etc.) #3 - When I press "Fix all Failures in X-Plane" I expect all failures to be FIXED.
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