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Everything posted by dlrk

  1. After doing a "quick turn" with the quick turn checklist, and coming to the taxi checklist, clicking on the already-green TAXI LIGHTS item caused a CTD. Log attached. Log.txt
  2. It randomly resolved itself for me.
  3. There's a full QRH on the Discord. For winds, IDX-ROUTE MENU-FPLN WIND UPLINK-SEND
  4. It looks like Alaska may be being seen as part of Canada by the fueler. Specific gravity provided in kilograms and quantity is in liters.
  5. Could you post a full plugins list? I had this bug and it mysteriously went away after rearranging and deleting some
  6. When does the FMS tune the localizer when approach is set up and the FMS is in autotune mode?
  7. On the ground though, just wait?
  8. Let me explain why I think this mode should be kept and expanded to allow saving states: Yesterday, I was doing some practice approaches using saved career mode flights. Today, I wanted to fly a "real" flight. But my career mode state was set in the weird way the plane was left after my most recent practice approach. If non-persistent mode worked the way I would argue it should, then these different uses could be totally separated.
  9. or, set the OAT on that page
  10. Last couple flights I've been using pitch mode or handflying to keep the pitch not above 10 while letting the ATS keep the speed at the 200-250, then for further climb using FD SYNC to bring the pitch to 10, then hitting FLC once thrust has stabilized
  11. I'll check next time this happens
  12. On the ground, just give it time?
  13. It was below -10C in clouds
  14. Is there anything to do in response to FUEL LO TEMP? Or just wait until it warms up?
  15. There isn't a landing V2 speed though
  16. I believe a couple errors (typos) exist in the operations reference. "Flaps 20/Gear Down/Single Engine" speed is written "Vref +14 +5". Looking at the included checklist for a single engine landing, I think this should be "Vref +15". I also think (let me know if I'm mistaken, please), the "min maneuvering" speeds should be "max maneuvering" speeds.
  17. I'm not at my sim PC right now, but it's on the thrust limit page. Either click TO when you do the in-range checklist or if you prefer a different value, enter it in TGT on that page
  18. It's in the FMS, index->prog page, and displayed on the MFD. There's also the rule of thumb of ground speed * 5 = descent rate, altitude to lose * 3 = miles to descend.
  19. The THRUST LIMIT page displays a TO N1 once you are below 15,000FT, set that as your N1 target. The trim is recommended to be set at 5 for now, but there is apparently a C/G chart forthcoming
  20. It would be very, very helpful for practicing takeoff and landing (and other maneuveurs) in this plane if flights could be saved in non-persistent mode. As is, there is no way to practice landing or taking off without interfering with the career mode, unless you begin each flight by starting from cold and dark.
  21. Is it possible to automatically enable VNAV speeds in the climb? The FMS seems to require clicking RESUME VNAV SPEEDs, even if VNAV was armed for takeoff
  22. How should the transition to climb be accomplished? I tried using FLC with ATS in N1 CLB, but it immediately pushed up the throttles to the N1 climb rating, overshot the set speed of 250, then pitched up to 15 degrees and climbed at 6000 FPM before stabilizing at 250 knots and a more reasonable pitch.
  23. Found it on Chegg (https://www.chegg.com/flashcards/cl650-a283a319-6995-47dc-8ca6-268d38b4b72a/deck) Looks like cowl a/i should be on below 10 with visible moisture and wing a/i should be on below 5 with visible moisture
  24. Could a go-around procedure and anti-ice procedures (when to use cowl and engine anti-ice) be added to normal checklists?
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