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Everything posted by Ntr09

  1. Ahh that new plane smell... Very nice texturing!
  2. I have a GTX460 right now, it will run x-plane 10 OK but I don't see more than 30 fps with extreme res and everything else at slightly less than medium. Save up and get the 560Ti. It will be worth it . Also I forgot to mention a motherboard:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128512 It doesn't have to be exactly that one, but I do recommend Gigabyte's -UD (ultra-durable) line of boards. Very well constructed and high quality. Mine has been excellent. -NR
  3. Also, I previously mentioned I prefer Corsair memory, specifically these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145345&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL122011&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL122011-_-EMC-122011-Index-_-DesktopMemory-_-20145345-L024D They come in three colors, blue, red and black.
  4. To really take in XP10 I recommend getting a decent 1080P monitor such as this: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=127037&CatId=4420 But at your current state a GTX560Ti would probably do OK.
  5. The things you have picked out look pretty good. Make sure to get good cooling for the i5 even if you don't intend to OC. 8GB of ram is a good choice over 4GB. I recommend Corsair brand. I'm like you, always been with nVidia, so therefor I think the GTX560 Ti is the best value. If you want the PC to be relevant for possibly even another iteration of X-Plane, you might even consider a GTX570 if you have the money. Regards -NR
  6. Yes indeed. Very much interested and looking forward to it! Looks amazing as well!
  7. Here's my rig: CH everything, A logitech extreme 3D pro stashed away for helos and such, 23" monitor, logitech G500 mouse, ect...
  8. One of the best (if not THE best) vintage panels I've seen in X-Plane!
  9. Another aircraft livery, C-FPCG, the 1,000th beaver: Cockpit (note the inlaid silver coin on the copilot panel.) http://www.airliners.net/photo/Seair-Seaplanes/De-Havilland-Canada/1422963/M/ Port side: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Seair-Seaplanes/De-Havilland-Canada/1027214/M/ Starboard side: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Seair-Seaplanes/De-Havilland-Canada/1922010/M/ Oblique frontal: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Seair-Seaplanes/De-Havilland-Canada/1160764/M/
  10. Also, not to forget NW Seaplanes Wheels Beaver N67689: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Northwest-Seaplanes/De-Havilland-Canada/1232194/&sid=bd46a3e8a8dd8697f3beaa8c09c92790 And on floats N90YC: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Northwest-Seaplanes/De-Havilland-Canada/1551537/&sid=bd46a3e8a8dd8697f3beaa8c09c92790 Those are some of my long time favorites. -NR
  11. Amazing detail! You've set a new standard for speed too. This has been some of the fastest progress that I have ever observed! -NR
  12. Run the updater again. It should replace the file. If all else fails, re-install X-Plane. -NR
  13. Happy b-day Alex!

  14. Mine got here yesterday. And that was with standard UPS shipping from Digital Edge. Me is happy .
  15. From what I've seen in the demo of V10 it is scale able and present around all large cumulus clouds. It also has a different effect on the aircraft than it did in V9. It now shakes you violently instead of tossing you around like mad. Wind shear also seems more realistic. Don't quote me on these as I'm not 100% sure that these are facts. Just my observations. -NR
  16. Mine is out for delivery today. Ordered from digital edge with standard shipping. Not that far from SC to TN y'know!
  17. I used a lightspeed zulu once and really liked it. Slightly less expensive than the bose too. http://www.sportys.com/PilotShop/category/786
  18. That is some great texturing Theo! Really conveys the fact that it's old.
  19. Ntr09

    Carenado Announces C185F Skywagon

    I like planes like this really. I fly them more than twins. Though I do think the market is hungry for high quality twins like the C402, Piper Navajo, and others. I think that once Carenado is done converting some of their older models they'll move on to newer, bigger ones.
  20. We high end guys appreciate your quality!
  21. I THINK I could fly it.... But as I say, you're the man! I was just throwing that out there . I normally wouldnt question the accuracy of Trev Morson's articles since he IS a DC-3 pilot but, I see where you're coming from and I guess will say it again, You're the man!
  22. This is an excerpt from an article on douglasdc3.com " So it works like this... move the yoke, 'wait', the aircraft moves, 'wait again' the gauge will show correct position. Now imagine performing a simple 30 degree turn to the right in the real thing? I did! ...Move the yoke toward the right and literally guess the 30 degree mark by feel alone. Then equalize out of the turn by moving the yoke back to the left and finally into a straight position. During this time (equalizing), the aircraft will bank right and a few seconds later, the Attitude Indicator and Turn and Slip (Turn and Bank, T&B, CHW) indicator will show the calculation of your turn and you sit hoping it was actually a 30 degrees bank. If your were good enough and it does show 30 degrees, you will realize that for the last 10-15 seconds, you have been flying straight and level. You can easily end up chasing the needle ...constantly turning, equalizing, watching the gauges react moments later, all with a huge delay effect involved in every step. It can become quite a mess if you do not have 'the feel' or the ability to think ahead at all times. In FS, the gauges always react instantly since there is no delay computed in a gauge when you execute a maneuver. If you use a high null zone, you will get a delay effect in movement of the aircraft but still, the FS gauge will react too quickly compared to the real thing. FS makes it easy in this respect, you do not have to think ahead as much when simming." Ok Lucasz, (or whoever is doing that sort of thing) do you think you can simulate the delay in control and in instrument output? THAT would be amazing!
  23. Indeed fantastic! Amen!
  24. Here are some DC-3 GTMs and checklists; http://www.theaviatornetwork.com/download.htm I'm going to go hunt down some engine specific ones now...
  25. Can I say, "Most realistic engine simulation in X-Plane"? It sounds very meticulous Lucasz!
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