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Everything posted by Ico

  1. Hello, very sry but again after crash, this time set New flight with restore and light gray screen and can't do nothing heh. Really don't know, simply something it must be now depended to new installer popup becuase to this time don't have problems with recovery. Hope maybe Toto will check that, nothing else simply doesn't have to do with in my opinion. Strange is that last time I can recover, this time not, really frustrated. OM-ICO
  2. Hello, tested, looks ok. Simply solution is after crash only set New Flight and restore from previous position option. Solved for this time... OM-ICO Win10 Home x64, XP11.36r2, TBM v1.1.9
  3. Hello, looks like I found that issue. Return to flight with TBM is inpossible if I set Load flight option (I save also my flight sometimes because FMS data isn't restored) after crash of XP, after that I click <I want continue from last posit> but gray screen apears and looks like some Focus to sim is lost. Now I simply can't continue with flight so I think after crash all was fine previously with New flight selection and then set of course Continue from last posit. This is that problem what i had found and now re-started/executed. I have also backuped state files and when I put them/overwrite bad state files, nothing change, I'm freezed with lost focus but sim is working on background hehehe. So what to do now? OM-ICO
  4. Hello Goran, ok I try check that files and will return in case of news, thnx for info. OM-ICO
  5. Hello, this simply not does the trick because I lost completelly position of my flight. I simply want now again return to my flight as was working before, only this is good for me also in situations when Exception handler executes again. Now simply can't return to my crashed flight and continue. PLS make this aircraft working because after one year it's simply not frustrating but horrible solve flight to flight different reasons and investigations. Anyway in previous history I recommended not popup about new versions because this made also some similar problems what I remember correctly. Now this plane is simply not flyable. Important: Toto pls send me some file (email you can obtain from guys) which simply put me again to flight with running engine on some alt or pls give me infos what I need set inside which file becuase this is simply not normal. Pls not invite me to Discord, I'll go there no again because of full spams to my email after invitation. OM-ICO Win10 Home, XP11.36r2
  6. Hello all, I got big problem with v1.0.9 now after new version is here. Not new situation, still have random Exception handler reinstalled but after restart XP11 after crash and select continue from last position option, popup about new version shows and all is freezed, also after remove that info about new version. This simply happen only after crash of sim, not after normal XP11 start with TBM900. Sry but don't have still taste test v1.1.10, hope after some time. Maybe one recommendation to all, pls write with your problem also OS info, that can be better to know. WIN10 x64 Home 1903 last, XP11 v11.36r2 (v.40 looks to me bugy). OM-ICO
  7. Hello, thnx for perfect Update, especially Tow manual procedure perfect thing, also ground handling is much better now. I'll test this version, still with XP11.32r2 and ok, in case of my only reinstalled Exception Handler problems I will report this. In near future will update XP to 11.33 probably but will do Backup of course. Great work! OM-ICO
  8. Ico

    CTD on pilotedge

    Hello, you need next time (after crash) set on TBM Properties -> CheckBox - Run with Engines ON. Then click Start.
  9. Hello all, today I've installed v1.1.8 and with first flight Exception handler event occured. I must say that this event/error I have also with no plugin and also without weather, from version 1.1.4, with XP from 11.26r2 to last TBM update (1.1.7 is no long time tested by me still but without CTD to this time). Interesting is that with this 1.1.7 I had no CTDs to this time on about 10 flights, so now I'll roll back and continue test that previous version but I think that this is question of time. This event is really random but interesting is that occur on some 'same' places +/-. Just another important info, sometimes doesn't come CTD on that places/locations, just like other users already mentioned in other topics. I can confirm that v1.1.8 solve problem with flashing opened windows or left panel. I'll come back with some news about tests. Win10 Home with last updates, XP11.32r2, i7-8700, GTX 1070Ti, 16GB RAM, 250 GB SSD Samsung EVO
  10. Hello, why you're use XSB weather? Use XP weather and set on XSB time to 0 for download weather, this is better also for me than XSB weather. Hope this is better info for you.
  11. Hello, this looks quit interesting after long time what I've seen before... Can you post LOG.txt not TBM log? Hope your LOG still exists, not been overwrite. OM-ICO Win10 Home, i7-8700, GTX1070Ti, 16GB RAM, XP11.32.
  12. Hello, sry but must confirm now about that flashing left panel and also other windows opened (Vatsim XSB, also f.ex. PFD window if opened) when AoA is rised. Never before this issue. OM-ICO
  13. Thank You for Update! Working to me ok, after first test no problems. My only one existed problems in previous versions - Exception with Handler. Will test and in any case will report. WIN10 Home, i7 8700, GTX1070Ti
  14. Voalaaaa. Looks like HOT Start prepared some fix (as Goran promissed somewhere) and some user posted positive feedback! So also some update of TBM is ready soon as I saw in another Forum We need simply wait... om-ico
  15. OldFlyGuy: One more thing - is it just me or did the AOA indicator stop working as well? Same to me heh really now don't know but worked for me before, I must load 11.30x for check, now I'm on 11.26r2. eeehm little OFT but looks like XP11 real weather doesn't work now due some Certificate????? Really all CTDs with 11.31 are 'normal' with TBM, as was mentioned before, devs working on solution so hope with 11.32... om-ico
  16. Hello j07rdi, thnx for perfect investigation, will try your tip. Simply from my tests, CTD was random, never had idea before what can cause this CTDs but also some problems occured with my manipulation with FPLs. What interesting is to my problems is that CTDs are common on both versions - 11.62r2 and also with 11.30x. I have only 3-rd party payware aircrafts, no Ortho or other realted packs and simply clear XP11 instalation, no problems with that other aircrafts only TBM9. Will test your recommendation and will see, hope this is problem what we want find. Thnx again for your time... om-ico
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