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Everything posted by tkyler

  1. @camorg Sorry to ask you to do this, but could you delete your log.txt file, restart XP and try it. All this will do is give us the cleanest possible log.txt file, it won't fix the issue. -TomK
  2. XPUIPC is its own beast...I have someone I work with on this, but you guys are the minority...doesn't mean I don't want to get you fixed up, just triage atm. That being said, I've logged this and will be meeting with my buddy on this and we'll look into what we can do about it. Thx for putting this out there. -Tom
  3. Confirmed and logged. Thx gents. -tk
  4. Thx for testing @camorg. firewall/ad-blockers usually the first place we sniff for network/activation funnies. Anxious to hear your findings. -tk
  5. Sorry you're dealing with this. Um...it COULD be that another plugin is conflicting. The level 2 check uses what is called "cURL", which several other plugins also use. If you do have other plugins (hopefully not a gazillion) and could remove them to see if that gets you going, then we would have a data point for how to seek solutions. -tk
  6. yes it does. But was necessary due to the reorganization of lots of things for future work.....but deemed a small deviation in workflow for the time being and worthy tradeoff to get folks back in the air in V12. That does not sound right. When Jan gets back, we'll dig into this. I've logged your report. Thx. -tk
  7. This would be worthy of reporting int he IXEG support forum. Please include "V1.5 PLUS" wording in the title if you can. I've added this to my own list. Thx -tk
  8. This explains a bit more. http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/
  9. but many many more people don't think that. BUT.....to your point....I agree that the performance model needs to be improved! Its a laborious process that involves a lot of flight testing...and for the Moo, that time isn't recouped financially. So....I have to approach it after I handle the things that genreate the revenue statistically. Its never been ideal for the hard-core performance guys I admit...but I do agree with you that it needs work. -tk
  10. Good catch..I'll add that to my list to look at....JUST as soon as this IXEG stuff slows down -tk
  11. You can post the log.txt file from the X-Plane root folder would be the way to go in this case. First place to begin a diagnosis -tk
  12. I'm sure they'll get to you in due course Bulva. Unfortunately, you're an outlier data point. Nobody's fault, just the way things went. Thank for asking. for now use the traditional forums, BUT I would ask you put "V1.5 PLUS" somewhere in the title. We will be reorganizing the forums threads to isolate the old from the new, and such terms would help us do so more quickly. -tk
  13. pretty classic symptom of the plugin not running. Best practice after an activation is to reload the aircraft through the developer menu or restart x-plane, or load another plane and come back. Some computer systems load things in differing sequences after activations. -tk
  14. For anyone who was expecting a discount code and didn't receive it, then you should contact support@x-aviation.com letting them know. The email notification system is automated and if some mails didn't make it through, then that is the way to go. -tk
  15. That is the best recourse at this point. These notifcations are automated via database and 1000s of these have gone out. XA gets stats on email delivery status and it certainly seems most have reached the customers. @Pils is right about possible delays with providers or blocking, certainly we've seen it before. if you "subscribed" or "resubscribed" after the discount code went out, it won't automatically resend and XA customer support is the path. -tk
  16. Got me on that one Pils....I believe Jan tested it on the beta yes. It was just funny timing when that screen popped up -tk
  17. 3 "high frequency" suspects to check first: spam of course (obliged to say that) If on google....there's a 'promo' inbox folks who "unsubscribed" from the X-Aviation newsletter.
  18. Pinned the Whats new topic here for anybody to point when others may ask: That URL won't go out to new customers for a little bit....as we want to get through this initial push and see what crops up....being that the new XP12 update is out there and there's always hardware configs out there we can't anticipate. But at least its there for "pointing to" if anybody asks. Note that we'll be doing normal family stuff for our time zone (GMT -6)...that means dinner...going to bed at a reasonable hour and not hunkering at the computer. Wife tired of that for the last week and I've used all my "stay on the computer late" vouchers with her. BUT, I'll be around most of the weekend logging any reports worth logging and answering questions as I can. -tkyler
  19. http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/
  20. this link will be sent out in the notification email when officially released (though NOT YET as of this posting).....but you guys can get a head start. http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/ BUT....it uses the words "finally released"...which hasn't happened yet. So know its a 'early preview' and "get a head start" on all the other info.
  21. of course.....a new X-Plane 12 udpate dropped just today. Can't WAIT to see what surprises that might bring. -tk
  22. I can't say i've seen any issue with the LNAV...that wasn't related to the quality of the data sources. Some may remember that we intend to convert over to the XP11 format...at that is still the plan, but certainly the LNAV has been working extremely solid for us. -tk
  23. guess I need to repeat this every 10 posts or so. I'll admit going back and reading over previous posts are a pain. SO for all you folks on the east side of the Atlantic and the west side of the Pacific.
  24. @ThorBrasil It will be a discount code to be sent on via e-mail. -tk
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