I agree with most points, kesomir. But one thing, the price: PMDG is no comparison. They have a much larger user base. If we xplaners want great acf and scenery, we have to be willing to pay a higher price until there is a much more developed market out there. Otherwise no one will make a living with add-on development. Compare to Carenado: From the little C-152 to 40$ for the Dash8, I think that Armchair Aviation give the users a fair deal. If the xplane10 bloggers really want the Xplane market to florish in the future, they and everybody else has to be willing to "play" early adopter and support the evolving market by putting ones money in it. Then, maybe in 1 or 2 years from now, if xplane version 10 is a success, we can talk again about price policies. What else would be the lessons for all those developers that everybodys wants "to come over". The message clearly would be: Well, not much users, and none of them willing to pay a price. What the heck, stick with MSFS. Why take that risk?