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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. 1st of may (germany)
  2. As Goodway slowly ages and more complex FMS (CRJ to be out soon, vasFMC etc.) and GPS (like http://www.eadt.eu/index.php?kln90b) find their way into xplane, I thought it might be a good idea to collect links to Flight Planning Tools or online services. I'll start with this one: FlightPlanPro, which is intended for real world use, free of charge (is in beta and always updated before the expiry date) and available for Win, Mac and Lin. Its focus is europe. Get it here and try it out: http://www.flightplanpro.eu I only hit the surface of its capabilities yet. And please share your tools.
  3. yes, that's what I was refering to. thx
  4. CYEG (24 nm) -> CZVL (156 nm) -> CYJA
  5. did not experience that one yet. you asked about the hi rez liveries: on my machine I can use them nealry everywhere and all the time. however, in very intense regions (= lots of custom scenery), they are just a tiny bit too much using Vram and x-plane kicks me. So yes, for those regions, I have to fly the low rez ones or turn my xplane settings down. won't like to do the latter, so please keep always both (at least until xplane became 64-bit).
  6. and here's another: distances are shown completey wrong,
  7. they have interesting deals, Widerøe. 14-day ticket .... ahhhh, someday should do a holiday there.
  8. next stop is a safe ILS in Edmonton . you're crazy
  9. that did work. amazing plane
  10. first real supershort field (actually off-field in the greens at a seaport) landing in the Dash. But how do I get get out of there?
  11. while waiting, nice video: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=51777&pid=574446&st=0&#entry574446
  12. there's more to it like the eye candy: an amazing flight model. and btw, I like the prop animation. I'll also buy the CRJ. But I wonder how often I will be able to fly it. It takes time. I quite like the Q400 for its rather straightforward handling. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the CRJ will be a great one. But I love to have a good mixture in my hangar and choose planes that fit to certain and differing circumstances.
  13. yes i think so
  14. LOL... that's a karma point, my friend
  15. 5000 views - not bad that is
  16. heavily manipulated
  17. I'm your reader, too. But anyways my remark was not aimed at you specifically, but more generally speaking. well, there you have it. that's the market as it is now: a handful of good payware planes for a rather thin user base. we all want both to change, right? So call out what's crap, that's fine and more than necessary, but for the good ones there needs to be money and positive feedback in it - or they won't stay. at least that's what I fear.
  18. yes, as for your VA, for me the planes I purchase also have to be usasable in FSEconomy. The Dash is the third largest plane there
  19. I agree with most points, kesomir. But one thing, the price: PMDG is no comparison. They have a much larger user base. If we xplaners want great acf and scenery, we have to be willing to pay a higher price until there is a much more developed market out there. Otherwise no one will make a living with add-on development. Compare to Carenado: From the little C-152 to 40$ for the Dash8, I think that Armchair Aviation give the users a fair deal. If the xplane10 bloggers really want the Xplane market to florish in the future, they and everybody else has to be willing to "play" early adopter and support the evolving market by putting ones money in it. Then, maybe in 1 or 2 years from now, if xplane version 10 is a success, we can talk again about price policies. What else would be the lessons for all those developers that everybodys wants "to come over". The message clearly would be: Well, not much users, and none of them willing to pay a price. What the heck, stick with MSFS. Why take that risk?
  20. A release with (nearly) no obvious bugs*. That's a good effort, and I am having fun with this plane - although I usually don't fly such big birds. But it's fast, and doing a 300nm leg under an hour time is pretty cool. Since you asked, frame rates on my machine are just fine as with any other well done bird. I feel nearly no impact whatsoever with the Dash8. * Here's one: autopilot status graphics when HDG activated and LOC selected, then the two indications overlap each other.
  21. two short trips in spain, one only beeing a circuit. join me live on the flight server . on my way to mecheria now
  22. two flights into it: great plane!
  23. no email from you, Ben. I send you a private message. thx
  24. ok guys, looks like a great plane. But here is one issue, and it is GIZMO related: I have the Falco, C400 and Mu-2. I still had the old Gizmo plugin that came with those planes. That Dash would not work with that, so I replaced the old gizmo-plugin with the one that came with the Dash. Here's what I get with that: Only short test tell me: The Dash is now working fine. The MU and Falco don't ask for activation. BUT! I won't buy another license to get rid of that splash screen. I already have donated to Ben for Gizmo and purchased said planes that come with Gizmo. So. What do I have to do to to get rid of the splash screen and also ensure that not only my new Dash works fine with this Gizmo version, but also my current and future x-aviation planes?
  25. No need to be sorry. It's your first effort and we all wish you luck with it. Plane looks great, some weeks ago I flew with the real one. Thanks for the hard work, buying now!
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