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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. unfortunaltey I have no other computer able to run XP.
  2. ok, correction: this time Prop and mixture was restored when changing back to another plane, but… 1. X-Plane loaded with my defaults and the Baron. 2. Loading the BAE throttle, mixture and prop are lost, as well as the speedbrakes, wich are replaced by the throttle. So: With my hardware speedbrakes I can now control the throttle of the plane. Lock is OFF, so I can move my yoke etc.pp. 3. Switching on "joystick assign" I can assign as I want, e.g. yaw as throttle et cetera. 4. As soon as I switch off "joystick assign" the BAE reverts back to point 2, i.e. my Speedbrakes are my throttle again now. 5. Loading another plane at least the Speedbrake/throttle issue remains. Clearly NOT the case with version 1.01 wich perfectly accepts my settings and restores them exactly like before when loading another plane.
  3. No. That's what I mean with "lost". As in: Lost forever. It all stays as in the first screenshot I posted here, compared to the second. Version 1.01 totally reverts back to the settings in this second screenshot. So it is not only about the throttle, but the complete different behaviour between the previous BAE version and the new version. you see?
  4. I already said: yes, speedbrakes will be able to control throttle in the Jetstream. What I wanted to say with "no sense" was: I won't use a "wrong" setup. What I meant with "prop is lost" = it is still lost when changing to another plane - NOT so with version 1.01
  5. As I already said: I can change axis when the joystick option is green. But in any case, my "original" settings are not automatically restored when switching back to another plane. Version 1.01 does this just fine. With version 1.03 the wrong throttle is kept and Prop and mixture are lost… I have no intention of completely deleting the prefs after the test in the demo was no success either. Too much hassle (today) to set it all up again. What do you mean with "assign other axis to the throttle"? yes, of course my speedbrakes will work as the throttle then, but that does not make any sense (edit re: 32/64bit: unfortunately that's wrong. the lowest possible setting was used for the test above, still resulting in 3,7GB mem usage. Believe me, I tried a lot over the past year. But I'm over it, 64bit is here and I won't go back to 32bit. I bought your plane knowing that I won't be able to use it in 64-bit, by the way)
  6. version 1.01 in 32bits works as advertised. As soon as the BAE loads I have throttle as you have in your tutorial video. All settings are restored when changing planes again. So it is an issue with 1.03 only.
  7. I can try, but my X-Plane uses easily more than 3,5gb vRam (current settings around 8), wich is why I basically was out of game as long as 32bits were the only option. I can try with rendering down to "normal compressed" or lower of course. I can restore the old versions from time machine, no need to send it to me.
  8. No luck. My demo install (no other plugins) loaded with the C90. I made sure that all axis are set to "none". Loading the BAE immediately the "wrong" axis is assigned to the throttle. And also in the demo the mouse can't move the throttle.
  9. will try in my demo install and report back. The earlier version I never used because I never used XP10.20 in 32bits.
  10. ok, further tests: GoFlight: It does work when on battery; it does not work when on ground power. (both avionics switches on in both cases) Axis: No chance. I did reset to none all of them, went into another plane, made them all over again, went back to the BAE - but the same throttle issue persists. P.S.: I can't even control the throttle with the mouse.
  11. the hardware itself (GF-46 and RP48) shows numbers, lights etc. - However it does not with the Jetstream. They stay dark. Checking the status of Sandys Goflight plugin: They are recognized by X-Plane. Edit: Quick iphone picture of the GoFlight, TPM (and other stuff)…
  12. locker down (!), yes - I followed the manual and the video tutorial. maybe I misunderstood. But: Rudder and Yoke do move, i.e. they are not locked. those settings (my "normal" ones) do not come back even if doing the switch to another plane:
  13. ok, issues: 1. Radio Hardware: My Goflight stuff won't work even when switching the new button "radio hardware" to on. They do not light up, while the Go Flight plugin recognizes them just fine. 2. I can not control my throttle with my Saitek TPM hardware. The BAE assigns another axis to it. See the screenshot (*): The upper "throttle" is what the BAE wants, the lower one is what I use. When I choose "joystick assign", I am able to control it, but as soon as I turn it off again I will also loose my throttle again. 3. What's really bad: Even if loading another plane, then quitting X-Plane - after restarting X-Plane, those wrong settings are kept and I have to restore my previous preferences folder in order to have it all "normal" again. (*) Screenshot
  14. luckily it gained a lot of speed within the last few minutes I waited since purchasing on day 1.
  15. Anyone using it in FSE? What alias do you use? The 41? disregard - there is a British Aerospace JS31 in the system. Download is pretty slow. Can't wait to try it the first time!
  16. don't the colors look a bit pale?
  17. woweezowee

    The Prime

    Most often planes have the default Garmin wich is not very feature rich. But you can have more via plugins like http://www.eadt.eu/index.php?kln90b (caution: 32bit only). And the grass: That's custom scenery. Download the one in the video here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18069
  18. woweezowee

    The Prime

    OMG, Bob Feaver has been busy! I just had the pleasure to try the newest version of TrackerXP (video above was first) for 64bit flying the 64bit Mentor - what a joyride! I even forgot to record video…
  19. if it is fun for you, that's fine. Wouldn't be for me.
  20. WAC is a VA in FSEconomy. I think we're pretty happy with the way we deal with aircraft. We have a mix of stuff that's available as pay- as well as freeware. All of them need to be earned, i.e. bought with the money you earn with flying the jobs available in the economic environment. I think we never had a discussion about if the fleet needs to be freeware only. There are so many possibilities, why make an artificial limitation like that? Also, e.g. the Baron, one can have it as a pretty good freeare model or buy the Carenado version. We offer liveries for both, looks like this: http://scriptmymac.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=615
  21. Hi Cameron, any chance that the order history list will indicate the product names? The longer the list grows and with the coming 64-bit updates it is a little bit of guesswork to "hit" the correct link
  22. Is it possible? Where? How? thx EDIT: I guess I found it (Control Geometry, Trim & Speed)
  23. woweezowee

    DMax Releases Blackshape Prime

    left button, outer knob: change pages. the other things: no autopilot!
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