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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. and leaving San Nicolo again
  2. I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally saw a railroad track with a moving train on it yesterday - in italy, near LIMP.
  3. arriving in San Nicolo
  4. the setting is also not consistent, like with +/- 1% you can get drastically different visuals results. In the extreme: coulds there -> +1% -> clouds gone.
  5. Simon, it's really time to ask how on earth all those issues will eventually be solved someday. Technically possible? I am sure. But how? When? This train and electricity example is only one not-so-important example. Coulds? Mostly triangles for me even with 39% in beta10. Like I still see a cut off horizon from different angles (includes changing light conditions as if one was switching the time), and curiously moving cloud shadows. ATC? …well, also only an initial start. And no, I do not even dare to start talking about HDR again… well, well. I'm still able to enjoy XP10, but I just can't imagine how all that is going to be fixed and performance improved. I'm skeptic. (Better to be skeptic -> see the people that had high hopes for FLIGHT)
  6. at least now I know why my trains won't move:
  7. Skycharts is a nice one, too, yes. But actually it is US only.
  8. I am a fan of this app. A must have for VFR. Not only you will have OSM instead of Google Maps (wich is what XP10 uses), but you also have airspaces around the world - essential for flying Vatsim and/or Ivao. On top, it has the visual reference points you won't find in any IFR-specific app like airtrack. Also I do not suffer from the bad performance that Ola is experiencing. There are a lot of options to set up this app and I tuned most stuff off that I do not need (wich is possible because it is so much more than only a mapping app. you also could have additional instruments on the screen etc.etc.)
  9. those "(minor) frame-rate improvements" seem to come with "(major) stutters"
  10. looking at the scenery folder there is something wrong: looks like they are locked or something. I'd try to check their permissions and "set them free".
  11. great info, thanks for sharing Philipp!
  12. I'll buy the Mac version. It's definately an interesting concept, although it won't replace full featured sims like XP and MSFS. But the models look nice and feature a nice selection, switzerland is nice to fly there, and from what I've read until now the flight modelling/physics seem to be really good.
  13. That one I have on "medium". (had it on low while experimenting with HDR - wich unfortunately is still a no-go).
  14. uhhh, yesterday I waited more than half an hour at Girona Train Station. There was one cargo train not moving a milimeter. I thought "well, another will eventually arrive" - but no. However I've never been to Girona in real life, so maybe it's just like Melbourne
  15. Trains stand at the railstations in my xp10 world - forever. I guess that is what you see, too, Simon? So obviously some kind of bug seems to be there within the traffic settings.
  16. xp9
  17. i'm at the "chicago" setting, and you guys?
  18. hmmmm. is it a setting that I overlooked?
  19. Not sure if this has been asked before, but I wonder: Has anybody ever seen a moving train in XP10?
  20. merry christmas!
  21. The KSEA Demo Area/Terrain stop other sceneries in the area from showing up (e.g. Howdys Seatac with KBFI et.al.). Here is what I did: 1. Edit Howdys Scenery in Overlay Editor: Remove buildings and phototexture at KSEA (better remove the other phototextures, too, as they do not fit well with the new terrain textures). 2. Edit the apt.dat in Howdys Scenery: Remove entries for KSEA. 3. In your custom scenery folders put an "X" or "Z" in front of the names of the KSEA Demo folders, like "xKSEA Demo Terrain". This will make them load last. (hint: undo and redo this before and after an update to X-Plane, otherwise it will re-install the "original" folders. Now you will have all your scenery running along with Tkylers KSEA.
  22. another xp10 flight.
  23. they are beautiful; most important to me is they seem to use less memory. I hope such a library grows in the future - I am also one who would like to see some GA done like that. Great work!
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