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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. Nee, so leicht lasse ich mich nicht an der Nase herum führen )
  2. May I ask why laminar work has slowed down? Looks to me like there would be more work than ever because of growth and community demands.
  3. sure. aerofly is very basic. it's still fun, though!
  4. flying with no worries and great graphics. 64-bit, yes! uhm… x-plane… not there yet… 3,5/4GB and goodbye CTD
  5. would you upload your presentation? like on something like http://www.slideshare.net/ maybe?
  6. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
  7. unfortunately, yes, you're right. Anyway, thanks for the update!
  8. Any news on the Caravan, Tom?
  9. is this all new or an improvement to http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=34701 ?
  10. I was driving cars in Britain, Australia and Thailand already - it's fun to do the change and usually only takes a short time to get used to
  11. The plane can be flown from both sides. But usually, also in a Tecnam, the pilot seat is on the left side (at least it was like that when I had the pleasure to fly in one).
  12. http://wiki.x-plane.com/Beta#X-Plane_10.04_Release_Candidate_1
  13. larjeet, see here: http://developer.x-plane.com/2011/12/bad-alex-bad-the-road-map-for-memory/
  14. looking good, that seems to work.
  15. you may want to wake them up … thanks
  16. No for performance if you only look at FPS. But the improvement would be that one can use higher settings without reaching the 32-bit limits and thus x-plane crashing to desktop.
  17. those do look great, but shouldn't the priorities also be urban and industrial stuff (as well as the 64-bit update)?
  18. will do, but it might be late this evening.
  19. very nice airport, very well done!
  20. yes, that's it. CRJ loads fine without Lean Assist.
  21. this is basically all that you say: A fresh install (did all the updates with deinstalling the old one and installing the new one) of the CRJ, and 10.04beta just applied this morning. No Navigraph update after default normal install. Here is the log.txt. Log.txt
  22. Hi Philipp, any other ideas? The Cache-Folder IS empty
  23. Very nice, but those two guys have way too much money! 2 planes for 2 people! Paying the higher landing fee of Palma instead of landing Son Bonet! Car rental for the short trip to the harbour! …
  24. nope. "clean" update of every update that came out with the un- and installer.
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