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Everything posted by J@nek

    Awesome, thank you.
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    Very nice work, thank you.
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  1. Hello, I may have discovered a small error in the animation of the passenger door. The bolt that is fixed to the railing "wanders" out of the attachment when closing the door. V1.4r1 This is by far the best aircraft for any simulator. Thank you very much.
  2. Hello, 1st CTD since release. V1.31 .......Ready to taxi, starting taxi then CTD Thanks Log.txt CL650_Log.txt
    Awesome work. Thank you I use CenturySchoolbook-Bold for the REG Color R=197 G=179 B=88
  3. Same problem here, in flight FAIL message, I pull the CB (G7) in and out and push ATS again and FAIL message is back. But at_disc in the bindings brings ATS back to life. Cheers
  4. Hi, first of all thank you for this wonderful work. I am very impressed and excited. Back to the topic. I have linked my GoFlight MCP so far, but what I am missing are the datarefs for the selected altitude, speed and heading. I mean so that I can get the digital display connected to the MCP. Thanks
  5. Push (on top) the steering wheel, that activate the nose wheel steering. It's located at the left side panel captain side. Regards J@nek
  6. Simply search for the G1000 controls via the XPlane menu. Sorry my XPlane is in GER ;-) Regards J@nek Range: For the left, right, up, down:
  7. Thank you, awesome paint.
  8. You're welcome Regards J@nek
  9. J@nek

    Ipad on yoke

    Just klick on the USB ports next to the yoke. Regards J@nek
  10. This plane has no "nose wheel steering" like an airliner. Most of GA aircrafts are controlled via the padels, brake and steering. So it's like the real one. It's a feature ;-) Regards J@nek
  11. Hi, did you switch the nav source to VOR/LOC (green arrow). Boeing 737 it is not necessary to switch the nav source. No, the correct course on Nav1 receiver is enough. What was your intercept heading? AP indication on Pfd, LOC and GS in green or armed (white)? Regards J@nek
  12. Never had that issue. AP TRIM on? Yaw damper on? Dit you load standard Cessna before loading the TBM? Maintanace hangar, maybe a system problem. Engine always stays in the green? In flight, check for icing condition maybe switch anti ice on. Regards J@nek
  13. Via the XPlane airac. The source of the nav data is XPlane. Regards J@nek
  14. Yes I notice the same since 1.08. Try the lower right area from the throttle lever it should work. Before 1.08 it was much better to catch the right point on the lever. Regards J@nek
  15. Hi, any future plans to integrate Navigraph charts into the MFD or an solution in combination with avi tab? Thx Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
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