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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Ya, well, that guy in the interview is an idiot. So your naming yourself an idiot?
  2. I have a Core2Duo E8400 with 3GHz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 and a GTX260 216, which i overclocked a lot. So i'm running with 3.6GHz and 1066Mhz RAM. The GTX is already overclocked out of the box and is near its maximum, as i figured out when overclocking a bit more. We had a blackout 1 or 2 weeks ago, and the board reseted the clocks. The result was, that i was having about 40% less fps. From 35, down to 20 or even 19 with decreasing sight, depending where i was looking at (on the apron). The difference of normal clocks and overclocked is 40% ( 600 * 2 = 1.2GHz more, which is 40% overall higher clock). So X-Plane scales perfect with a better CPU. But i have to say, that the GTX is more then sufficient for X-Plane. Everything is maximized, which uses the GPU (antialiasing, filters, texture quality). Only the objects are set to default, since they are not calculated by the GPU and therefore kill my frames. So if your video card is strong enough, than X-Plane really benefits from more CPU power. The higher RAM clock wasn't affecting the fps. Nothing i have noticed when i tested different settings. Otherwise the video card is the bottleneck. And the 8200M is a shared memory onboard chip. So max 512MB out of 4GB are used for the GPU. And those onboard chips are known for very low performance. Although the rest of your system is way better, X-Plane is overburdening your GPU.
  3. Getting 33fps with the same settings (Mitsubishi).
  4. Then i can expect about maybe 20fps? :'( Got a Core2Duo with 3.6GHz OC with 260GTX 216 and 4GB 1066MHz RAM. But i lately noticed, that neither graphics, nor RAM speed is what X-Plane really needs. After a blackout the board clocked back to standard 3GHz and 800MHz RAM and i wasn't even able to get even near to 25 fps with the same settings, whereas i had 35 fps @ FL320. Even with 1066MHz DDR2 i didn't even notice a difference of 1 fps.
  5. I set the FOV to 65 degrees since i have the MU-2B. It feels more accurate, then the default 45° imho. I always had the problem of having not enough instruments within my line of sight. Either i had to look down, and didn't see anything outside, or saw the runway, but not the ILS markes in the instruments. The fisheye effect starts with 70°, or i at least think it starts there to be noticable. So i personally think, that 65° are perfect.
  6. The main reason why i never changed to FS, except the fact, that the the aircrafts just fly like toys, is that every time shit costs money. And you need lots of tools to get FS even to a level where you can say "Now it feels ok.". I for myself will not pay anything more than 30 Euro for an addon... The sim was expensive enough (70 Euro). And if that means, that i have to wait half a year until the price drops, then ok. I have some good Planes, so no need to get an overpriced airplane, with stuff that has no purpose. Just like those animated doors, no smoking sings, rotating beacons, emergency door in cockpit, passenger seats and so on. Throw this out, and give me a plane for max 30 Euro with a good external model, 3D panel and airfoils. Thats all what i need. You fly the aircraft, so why give a shit on what is behind the cockpit door? But i guess i'm alone with this opinion.
  7. My biggest fear is, that the assigned keys to the x-plane fms won't work any more. I know, there are some sites where you can get flightplans which can be imported but my airacs are mostly half a year old and so flightplans need lots of editing. So typing with keyboard is really fast and easy.
  8. Do you include the liveries within the liverykit for photoshop? I would like to have a clean version of Lufthansa : Im not really a fan of those "special" paints. :-\
  9. October, i would say that its very optimistic But nice to see more planes popping up. Too bad these will all take until christmas to see birth
  10. VFR has nothing to do how you land. As long as your aircraft has the capability to perform an ILS approach, then why shouldn't you use it? You can do a visual, NDB DME, VOR or ILS approach as long as your aircraft is equipped with the right instruments.
  11. Core2Duo E8400 @ 3.6GHz and 4GB 1066MHz DDR2. I now have my old card installed again, and get 10-15 more FPS with same settings. So the CPU is not the problem.
  12. And what settings do i have to select, which files have to be hacked? I get about 10 more fps out with my 295, than with my 260 core216, but i guess its only because it has more cores. Its frequency is way lower 575 vs 650. As long as i don't try to set anything, then i get about 35-40 fps, whereas i got 25-30 with my GTX260. Looking on RivaTuner, the 2nd GPU is lazy with 300MHz downclocked and therefore idle. Only one GPU is working. When messing around with different settings, then i cant even get beyond the 19fps with 0.1 visibility. Im sowhat disappointed from this 400 euro shit card. Only Crysis Warhead is really benefitting from it, a game i haven't played since half a year and i guess i will not play again, because its boring and too short. Anno1404 can't even be played with max Details and it feels somehow smoother with my old card with the same settings. And so on and so on... 2 out of 12 games benefit from the card... Wow... So which magic trick do i have to learn, so that the GTX295 is not only a waste of money?
  13. What's the current status of the project? Plane was build in about 2-3 weeks, but programming lasts now for somewhat over 3 months. How much is left do be done? 50%?
  14. Its about time to get this plane into the air... on my PC
  15. I made a livery for Lufthansa Regional ( http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=7666 ), although they don't have those in their fleet. Would be cool if you could (X-Avition) release a "blank" version of the aircraft, only with the windowse and rivets, so repainting is easier. I had to search a long time for an livery that was almost white, so i could do the painting.
  16. It seems like the x737 section has disapeared. Why? :-\ Just wanted to leave a reqeust for the next version. :/
  17. Hmmmmm.... ??? I can't find this section on the aedt website. :-\ Ooh heh, there it is, on this forum 4 hours of flying online is too much :
  18. The avatar, which is showing the new fuselage and (untextured) gear, looks fantastic! Yeah i know...im too much into eye candy :
  19. Thanks for the info, works now and makes life way easier. The downside, a few bugs with the x737.
  20. Hi, i today completly remapped all "important" keys for X-Plane. Everything worked fine, until i tried to input fixes, vors etc into the fms. Not a single FMS/xyz mapping works. Am i doing something wrong? Is there a key i have to press to select the fms first? Anyone ever mapped the keys to match with the fms? Neither 8.6, nor 9.3b7 are functioning.
  21. I have a 22" widescreen display with 1680*1050 resolution and you just can't enjoy the x737. Since 9.3 the cockpit scales, so no more free space on the sides if you have a widescreen. Its a nice feature but it has one major drawback: important things like localizer indicator, heading, moving map etc are not in sight any more. Most of the time i have to look down, to see if i'm catching the localizer or what the next waypoint is, when i will be there and so on...the cockpit is cut into pieces... The fuselage is total crap...the back has a hole, where you can see through, the nose has so few polygons, that it just look ridiculous when the sun light down on it and you see all the shapes of the wireframe. The flex wings...they are nice and ich like the animated slats/flaps/spoilers/speedbrakes but that said, have you ever looked more into it? The flap track fairings don't even touch the wings...they are floating in the air. The left Krueger flap is bugged, the texture is not shown properly ( the left when you look forward through the cockpit window ) and the engine nacelles are swinging completely ridiculous when you have stronger winds and gust. Engines have 2 or more points where they are connected to the wing, but its like they have only one fix point... Oh and the blades of the engines are made out of 4 sections each...when you use 9.3 then you have some really bad lighting on them And if you look closely, then you will notice, that the slats are made out of 4 sections. On night the edges of them shine lighter than anything else. Same with the point wher the wings merge with the fuselage... The wings and engines are cool, especially the engines, not a single edge, but that doesn't weight up all the minuses on the list. It's a nice plane, but nothing special, not until these issues are solved. Thats my opinion. By the way: The MU has one tiny bug too The tyres look through the door, even its only very little. Tried to correct that in planemaker, but....no chances since its a 3D model, so changing something on the gear doesn't make any difference Hmm ok, thought since you already got the DRM plugin for the MU it would be easy to get it work with another plane too. However thanks for your reply. Hopefully months pass by fast
  22. Hi, i converted a few sceneries the last 2 days and noticed, that i really have a lack of good aircrafts. The x737 is nice, but the fuselage and cockpit are really a pain in the ass and i don't think that it will get better within the next few months. The A346 from Petersaircraft is just too big for flights that only last for 200-300NM, and has only few animations. The MU-2B has a cool 3D Cockpit, beautiful animations and a top fuselage but...yeah its slow. The perfect plane for distances between 60-150NM but anything above just takes so damn long. So here comes the CRJ-200 It fits perfectly my needs, since i nearly don't fly more than 350NM and this jet is fast and not too big for those distances. So here comes my question: Have you ever thought about a light version? This light version will be the animated plane with standard FMS and Autopilot, plus XP standard functions. This would people get an inside view what this plane is capable of but for a lower price. Later in a few months, when you have finished the aircraft with all the cool stuff, you sell only the top model (or maybe both) but giving people that have bought the light version the chance to upgrade to the "full version". Why? Because i want to fly it asap But beside of this you would get some/more attention to the project (don't know if its already widely known). People will be able to get the plane for 15$ and get a really cool plane, that still out stands most of the current available products on the market, but without custom ap, fms etc. You will have some money to work with, and will release a plane with high detail for everyone for a "mid-price". Those who want more system depth and better autopilot, fms and so on, will pay another 15$ to upgrade (if the finished plane will cost 30$ alone). Thats just a suggestion, i don't know if its interesting for you. Pro: - more attention - fully animated plane for low/mid-pricing - getting some money while still developing - getting an overview how good this plane may sell - serving my need of this plane Con: - having to get the upgrading process to work - maybe loose some money, because people don't want to spend another 15 bugs for features they are not so interested in, but would have paid the full price when having only the choice between nothing and the "full version" plane Of corse, the pricing is just an example. Please give this thought a chance Greetings Nova
  23. Hi, i solved the problem, even i can't understand why the sim behaves like this... The layers in the WED where not like they should have been, meaning that the taxiways overlayed the taxilines, and the taxiways where overlaying the runways. I saw that when i set the opacity to "solid" (standard was 50%). After having corrected everything, so that taxilines are 1st, runway 2nd, taxiways 3rd and apron 4th, everything showed up in the sim. However, its somehow a mystery since i forgot to rearrange the layers on other airports too, but only with the result of not seeing any taxilines, because they where under the taxiways. Now after having converted fife sceneries, i'm gonna convert EDDK again. EDDK was the first and due to lack of knowledge i needed terrible much time for it and had to delete the ground textures to solve some problems, which is not necessary any more Anyway, thanks for your replies!
  24. I took part in a VATSIM event and won some money there. So i purchased German Airports 2, so i finally get some nice airports. But things just don't work like i thought they will.... After tons of problems, which i was able to solve with lots of experiments, i'm now stuck. All buildings are now where they should be, MS FS shit was dropped out and i now get enough fps to use the airport (deleted about 100 objects). However, one problem is still unsolved: I have no taxiways, no runways, no taxilines, no aprons....nothing that comes from x-plane itself, expept PAPI lights and runway lights. I modified the apt.dat/fullapt.dat with WorldEditor and saved my changes (god damn...there is so much things to improve....) but however, i can't see anything. But why? I have absolutly no clue...anyone ever had a similar problem? ???
  25. Updated the livery on x-plane.org. There were 2 minor "bugs" within this livery. 1st: Side windows were overlayed by a grey circle like texture. 2nd: The location where the props are, still had the original mirror of the old fuselage with blue paint. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=7666
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