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Everything posted by rafgath

  1. rafgath


    Thanks !!!
  2. rafgath


    Hi, Is there any chance to remove pilot/copilot from external view after setting the weight to 0? Thanks,
  3. Are there any differences between the desktop and iPad version ??
  4. Thanks Litjan. I didn't have the possibility to set the "hide pop-up" option because these windows never appeared after new instalation. What's more, even if I assign keys for them, they also don't work. Thanks
  5. After installing the new system (new SSD), the pop-up windows on the left side have stopped working, so I can't set the C&D as well as any other option. Everything worked well before (beta version of Gizmo) so maybe it has something to do with the new version (May) of win 10? Thanks
  6. Thanks guys, you saved me 10 bucks, but I don't understand why it's still available to buy in the X-aviation store.
  7. Hi, I think to buy https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/igodispatch-ixeg-737-300-p-155 but I have 3 important questions. Does it still work with 737 v1.3? Is there a version for Windows? Can it be installed on the same computer as X-plane 11? Thanks
  8. Thanks, I've updated AIRAC and it's fine now. This plane is great. I stopped flying due to the lack of updates, but I came back and I must say that this plane is much better than other planes for the X-plane. Btw. seems Better pushback not working with iXeg
  9. Hi, Thank you for the update. How to update AIRAC? Navigraph shows me 2006, but there are 1509 in FMS. Still no possibility to open the door? Any chance to have it in the future ? Thanks
  10. Crashes to desktop only when I have X-Life (even if it's not running). Moving X-life out of X-Plane folder resolving the problem. No crashes at all.
  11. Ok. Thanks for explanation!
  12. Creating new airframe doesn't reset engine hours. Ver 1.1.4c Regards
  13. Hi Litjan, It was turned off (by default) when I was taking a screenshot. When I was trying to turn on got more errors. Regards,
  14. Hi, I just installed a fresh copy of Ixeg 737 v1.21 but getting an issue as below. Regards,
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