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Everything posted by cueceleches

  1. I am to blame for it, as I activated the light in the menu without knowing exactly what it was.
  2. Oh God, found it! It´s the Emergency light in the Cabin Crew menu...
  3. Please, could you tell me how to switch off this light???? The White Dome just turns off the other one, but this one remains and it´s making it quite har to see anything outside the cockpit! Thanks!
  4. Thank you. I´ve got everything max out as graphics go on a RTX 4070. I will try to play with the settings to see which is the one that takes most of the fps.
  5. Hi! Well, the title says it all... when I switch the panel lighting on, I go from 60 or 70 fps to the 30s... Is it something on my end or does it happen to someone else?
  6. It´s not really worth it... I personally think the stock ones sound better, if it might help.
  7. Oh, thank you, so that must be it. I´ll have to avoid those flights.
  8. Thank you, that I Understand, but my question is if this also can happen while flying and not just when sitting at the airport, because both times, this happened to me while at 21.000ft.
  9. I´ve read on the release notes that this might happen at airports near the PM. My question is if this could also happen when flying over or near it, as I´ve already experienced 2 freezes at cruise level when approaching the PM zone. (Just now on a flight from LFLL to LEMD.) The Log doesn´t show any errors. Thanks!
  10. Wow! It looks astonishing! Will love to get it.
  11. Hi! Just making my 1st flight with 1.31, and so far so good. I noticed that contrails while on idle power still come in front of the engines. Not a big deal in any case, but will you be able to fix it in the future? Thanks a lot!
  12. Just one question: do liveries from previous version work? Thanks!
  13. Remember that when there are altitude restrictions in the FMC with Above or Below, the VNV button won´t engage. Ex: if your FMC LEGS page reads MERSI 250/FL090A, just change /FL090A for /FL090. And the same with all this kind of restrictions. This way VNAV works pretty well and you will be able to engage it.
  14. One other method I use sometimes is set VS while watching the green arc which marks the bottom of your descent on the EHSI display. I then increase or decrease VS along this green arc in order to make it match my flightplan waypoints altitudes. I don’t know if I have explained it clear enough...
  15. Ok, made a flight this morning from LFBD to LICJ. All went like a charm. Everything looks in fine working order. In my case, this update has given me a little FPS increase... go figure! I would love to see VNAV DESC fully working, as it seems to work just as with previous version, but nothing I can´t manage with a LVL CHG or VS descent. All in all, a great product! Cheers!
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