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Everything posted by Neurus

  1. Please don't simulate any control lock ;-)
  2. Thanks @goran. And what range?
  3. I think I read somewhere in the manual that you're supposed to takeoff and land with the Dump (no pressurization).
  4. Looks nice What's the range and ceiling of the SAAB 340 with full fuel + payload?
  5. And if you have an engine failure, aren't you supposed to pull back the prop of the offending engine? Just curious.
  6. Hi Javier, thanks for jumping in. A few comments to clarify: 1) The Saitek is properly configured (as I use it in every other plane without problems). 2) The Radio-Hardware was on (although for testing purposes, I turned it off momentarily and all the frequencies changed back to different stuff). When I turned it on again, I was still unable to switch NAV2 from Standby to Active (and both would end up being the same, like I've mentioned before). I can try putting a joystick button or key to try, but this has never happened to me before in any other plane. 3) ArtHorizon, I will test again with a not-so-random failure to see what happened, but I'm sure only PILOT1 had failed in the "failures" menu. But the center and the pilot weren't working. It would have been a HUGE coincidence that both had failed at the same time. Thanks for the reply.
  7. Prop control. I'm aware of the fact that in most turbo props you do not adjust in flight, but you do adjust for ground operations or feathering. While this is keyboard-doable and/or mouse doable, having the hardware adds realism and speed of reaction for a more real experience. For some programming obscure reason, this is not possible on the J32, that's fine. Other features out-weight this simple issue. Thanks for jumping in.
  8. heheheh no need, I'm sure he had his own reasons, one of those being that he doesn't really have a hardware throttle quadrant I do however, being a programmer myself, believe that there has got to be a workaround this, but the plane is good as it is with the programming knowledge he had at the time. I don't think this is too important, otherwise there'd be loads of emails! (and Saitek would be rich) Thanks for the clarification, at least I'm not doing anything wrong. Martin.
  9. So… there's no way to use the prop hardware with the J32, is that correct?
  10. Certainly not, the Saitek Multipanel has a huge white button to transfer the active/standby
  11. #1: Nav 2 Frequency Problem (+ Saitek) I have two Saitek radio panels. One I use for NAV1 and 2 and the other usually the "rest". It happened to me a few times (will investigate further) that when using the internal GPS to follow a programmed route, I wanted to change the NAV2 in the Saitek panel. When I press the switch button (to switch between the standby and the active), it will put both standby and active as the same frequency (the one that was in Active at the time). So if I have: NAV2: Active 109.5, StandBy: 110.10 and press the "switch", the end result is both NAV2 are 109.5. The problem is that I cannot change it. I have been able to reproduce this a few times. I will keep testing tho'. For reference the YOKE controls were turned "ON" (so I could control the frequencies with the Hardware). Everything else was more or less working fine. #2: Artificial Horizon Failure I had left the random failures on and my Primary artificial horizon failed (for "Pilot" according to XPLANE). This is fine and was an interesting "surprise" but… the problem is that at the same time the "backup" (located in the middle) failed as well, seems like both are coupled to the same dataref? I think that if XPlane doesn't provide a third (I don't know) it should be coupled with the autopilot one, given that I had to fly the plane sitting in the right side (because both ASI weren't working and I was in IFR). This caused a crazy AP behavior (it would not follow heading and/or ALT at all, so I had to turn it off). Night time, ILS, sitting on the right side. Scary. Add to this the fact that the above bug of the NAV2 not working meant I had to put the ILS on the NAV 1 and move the camera so I could "see" the other instrument from the right side. It was fun as a surprise, but I don't think it was "meant" to happen Any thoughts?
  12. So, I know how the J32 works (control lock and the "load another plane" thing before you exit). That's fine. I don't like it, I don't think it's worth (as opposed to Javier) but I can live with it, opinions are like colors, we all like different ones But… the question is, if I will lose the normal axis for my Propeller, and if version 1.03 has a button in the joke to "assign axis while inside J32", how am I supposed to do it? Because I turn it green and I can't assign propeller to my Saitek Throttle Quadrant. I select Prop1 (or anything) in Joysticks and Assignments after turning the option "green", and it instantly switches back to none, regardless of the yoke button (orange or yellow). The end result is that I cannot use my Saitek hardware to control the aircraft's propeller (I do, however use the mouse as a work around). What did I miss?? (I've read the manual, but couldn't find a reference to this, other than the usual instructions about choosing another plane, etc.). Thanks.
  13. Great, let me (us) know if you want for us to test it with the hardware (I own a series of Saitek Panels). Thanks.
  14. Javier/All, If there's anything we can do to help, let us know. I've been reading about the X-Plane SDK and it doesn't seem to complicated (if you're a programmer anyway). Thanks for all the hard work, I know at least two Jetstream owners with Saitek hardware. P.S.: Javier, I've lived in Spain for a few years and when I moved back to the states I donated all my hardware to a friend… if I would have known that you didn't have them, I would have sent them to you!
  15. I also have Saitek panels and the Jetstream and was kinda disappointed :~( Is there something we can do as users? Can we help? 'm an Obj-C and Java developer, don't know if that helps, never done any plug-in or aircraft development before. Let me know, I can donate some time. Thanks. P.S.: I also speak fluent spanish.
  16. I remember contacting the authors about porting it to Cocoa Mac and they were not interested. ???
  17. I have no idea about Xplane plugin development, Gizmo or any other X-PLane SDK stuff, but I have worked on different DRMs and the way we worked some, was that the generated "key", had an embedded date. The code that checks for key validity, had a duration hardcoded (or it could be embedded in the key if you want to give flexibility). So the key has all the data you need, plus a date of creation (and optionally a number of days of validity). This means that a single key that you give me today, will be valid for, say, 5 days. After that period, the key will no longer be valid. Of course, after you use it (and provided its within the validity period), the generated license will last forever. It's the code "usage" that expires, not the license it generates. Coding this was fairly easy and, provided your code doesn't get a reverse engineering craziness, it's fairly stable. Should anyone decode your encrypting/decrypting method, he deserves to have the plane… You need to have an automated license generator/email should a user change its hardware (if you're tying the Key with some hardware value) and or if he reinstalls his computer, because the original key will not be valid anymore (it will expire!).
  18. I have flown the MU-2 on a friend's system and I loved it (he has Saitek Panels whereas I only have Saitek Yoke+Rudders and 2 Throttle quadrants) and I loved the plane. Sadly with a X-Plane 9.67 (latest at the time we tried), we had problems with the lights (they won't illuminate the cockpit) so we had to make an emergency landing almost in complete darkness. My friend is not very good with computers so I don't know if he has the latest version or not but when I got home I decided to check for an updated version before buying mine… and I found this thread. It looks awesome and I can't wait to buy the new version when it comes out! I will wait for this version because having seen the videos, the difference is abysmal! Great work and thanks for improving the x-plane experience so much. (which, to be honest, is desperately looking for a UI update)
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