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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. Hi, Here is a new file for the Jetsream + KLN90A http://xsmart-plane.com/wiki/Downloads I have only tested a beta of this file (not yet this release). But I can say that Tony did a great job. Don't forget: you must have same flight plan, and same AIRAC on both side for the KLN. Weather: only the master set the weather (X-Plane, Ivao, Pilotedge, .....). If the master have a good upload, you can choose a small slow interval, for exemple: SLOW_INTERVAL = 5.0 Enjoy. Claude.
  2. Here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/4778-pilot-and-copilot/#entry73924 is a file for the Jetstream. Today, 05/30 a new file is available for JS32 + KLN90B.
  3. Here is a usable file for the Js32. Rename it as smartcopilot.cfg of course. The autopilot is erratic from slave to master. The large and small right knobs of the GPS are not synchronized.(J32/GPSChapter and J32/GPSPage are not friends with smartcopilot plugin). No problem with the actual GNS430, more annoying with the 10.30 release of X-Plane. To fly on Ivao, only one pilot have to switch the transponder from standby to charly mode. So this knob is not synchronized here. Probably some more bugs. If anybody test it, let me know. Claude. smartcopilot.txt
  4. It also works on Ivao network. Here we have to disable the mode button of the transponder. Only one pilot have to switch from standby to charly mode. I have done a smartcopilot file for the Cessna wide-panel of Alan fletcher, and I try to write one for the Js32. I join the file for the Cessna (of course rename it as smartcopilot.cfg). If you need to synchronize the transponder mode, find this line: ## sim/cockpit/radios/transponder_mode = 0 And delete the ## PS : the GPS is not completely synchronized. Claude. smartcopilot.txt
  5. There is one improvement: Flying with the CRJ200 1.5.3 (which is 64 bits only) on Ivao. Some more here: http://fr.forum.ivao.aero/index.php?topic=216208.0
  6. https://www.ivao.aero/softdev/X-Ivap/download.htm Happy new year. Claude.
  7. Hi igorland, What a piece of software ! Nice job also with the manual. Later this week i will go deeper with it. Thank you and happy Christmas. Claude.
  8. Javier, I curently fly with 2 of my friends with the Baron and the Néo. It is really fantastic. You should test this plugin. The more difficult is probably to find between 1 and 2 hours of your time. Easier: find a copilot with a JS32 licence. Download the trial licence ( 20 minutes of connection ) here: http://xsmart-plane.com/smartcopilot/ As usual, copy the plugin in the plugin folder. Download the .zip of the 3D KLN 90B for the Jetstream here: http://xsmart-plane.com/3d-kln90b/. Inside you will find the config file for your jetstream. .( it is called:smartcopilot.cfg ). Paste it in the main directory of the JS32. Port forwarding: redirect port 10000 TCP and 55478 UDP in both boxes. Launch X-Plane: both pilots must be on the same airport, same gate. Both must have same settings for runway follow contour. In settings / net connection / multiplayer / check nothing is ticked. Open the plugin: Create a new connection with the IP of your copilot. Connect as master ( pic 1 ). 3 seconds later, the copilot launch the connection as slave ( pic 2 ). With your IP of course. Done. The .cfg is not complete, but enough to have an good idea of what the plugin can do. X-Ivap now: I have done a quick test only ( with the Néo ). First, initiate the connection between the 2 pilots. Then both pilots launch their connection to Ivao with the (quite)same callsign (for exemple, BYR007 and BYR008). So they both can hear and speak with the controllers. The controller see only the master on his scope. Enjoy. Vatsim: no joy. Claude. PS: we have Win 8.1 and Win 7. Don't know what appen with Win / Mac, Mac / linux, 32 / 64 bits, etc
  9. My good friends, I read fluently english, spanish, italian, ( french of course ). But it is a pain to write. I probably write like a child ( 6 years old max ). Thank for your patience with my non standardized English syntax and your help. Here is a new pic 1: Warnings are not in the right place. In fact this is only with the KLN90B. ( no official support for this one of course ). Solved. New pic 3: it is a ( small ) confirmed bug. Not only me, not due to my tweaks. We can leave easily with it, as we do since 1 year, and since the Js32 is probably no more a WIP. Happy Christmas.
  10. First picture: There are two orange warning in the HSI push button. (EGT to high ). I think they have nothing to do here. Second picture: ACT mode on, it is OK. Third picture: ACT mode off: there is a shadow of knobs on the upper left corner of the non simulated cockpit voice recorder. Here is the KLN90B gps, but i got the same errors with the stock one. Not a problem really. I am just curious. Is it only me ?
  11. As i don't find any post about them, i join here 3 sreenshots. My question is: am i alone? Claude.
  12. I have some questions: Manual start: when do you use it? Hot or cold temperature, high altitude of the plate, after a hot start, never (too lazy) ? Propeller sync: it seems to me that it is easier to roll staight on the runway for takeoff when it is disable. I don't see any difference in flight. Is it me, or is it real? Yaw damper: with or without? Here also i don't see any difference. Claude.
  13. Javier, SmartCopilot is now mature. I bought two planes ( A320 Néo and Carenado Baron58 ) just for their ability to fly with a copilot. ( using SmartCopilot of course ). Your simulation of the Jetsream is really done and ready for 2 pilots. A configuration file for your plane is delivered with the KLN90B 3D, but it is only a pré beta. Could you join Rhard and give him some advice to achieve this .cfg ? Claude.
  14. Nice, Your English is just perfect for a french ear. Next release of the AN24 will be ready to fly with a crew of 2 via the SmartCopilot of Rhard. I use it with a friend and the Néo. But this one is not really done for 2 pilots as MCDU, ND are the same on both side ( and there is not dedicated checlists for Captain and FO ) For now the Jetsream is a good candidate for SmartCopilot, but there is no config file for it ( the file delivered with the 3D KLN90B is a beta of beta ). So i plan to buy the upcoming AN24 with my friend. This vidéo: http://xsmart-plane.com/smartcopilot/ is wonderfull., but we were afraid of the language barrier. I hope you have time enough to do a vidéo of each sequence of a flight. Claude.
  15. ??? Is it the right place for your announcement ? ???
  16. Many thanks Rhard. Will wait patiently. As the JS32 of Javier is almost ready for a shared cockpit, do you plan something in tis area?
  17. Finally a nice and plausible GPS for this plane. May be too early to thanks you, as for now it’s for your own usage. Is it only a teasing? A WIP? Will it come with an installer? For free, or as a pay ware add-on of an add-on plane? Any way, I appreciate your video of a shared cockpit with the 3D GPS on the .org. Regards. Claude
  18. Igorland. Thanks to you, we have the best for the CRJ. I fly some other planes. No one have such a complete feature. Only your work does a perfect job: distance, time of flight, metar, cg, trim, temperature, fuel, passengers, bags, cargo, V1, V2, VR for differents flaps settings. It will be better! Bravo.
  19. Miss one in your signature: I can't wait., and may be: how much ? Claude.
  20. May be, i just say may be, Cameron could give you a link for the 1.4.5 realese.. It is thes best 32 bits release of the CRJ to fly Ivao or Vatsim. Or just wait some weecks for the the 64 bits release of Xivap, or some mounthes for Vatsim. Cheers.
  21. Off topic Please, don't blame. Gentleman, fair play, honor, respect.....For some it's obolete, old fashion, old europe,. For others, it is a way of life. Many thanks to your mother for his hard work with you. Claude.
  22. Many thanks for your always nice support philipp. Not really a problem, the work around is easy to do. Cheers. Claude.
  23. Kris, I can load Xassign, Airport Navigator and EZ pushback without any problem. Enjoy the CRJ ( and Windows ? ) Cheers
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