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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. I was not happy with the Fuel used and FF. Here is a new logic for throttles and FF (and minor tweaks of autopilot). Now, set the same amount of fuel in each tank before the connection. Fuel used, FF and fuel displayed on the first progress page are correct. Smartco IXEG.zip
  2. It's already done. By default, the knob is on Auto. So after take off, both will switch to charlie. As this knob is not sync, the pilote who speak can use Stby, Auto or On, the other one only Stby.
  3. My bad. Sorry guys, my smartco file with weather was broken. Clouds not transmitted from master to slave, as reported by a lot of crews. This one should work, at least with X Plane weather and NOAA plugin. Smartco.zip
  4. Have you the exact same smartcopilot.cfg? May be a xjoymap.ini in one side only? Same hotfix for both pilots?
  5. I am not facing my main computer. After a first glance, only bugs are fixed. No new feature, so no new commands or datarefs. They is no more room for improvements without some work on the plane itself (devs side). But it's too early. Bugs and VNAV are priority. We have to wait patiently.
  7. Elevator trim. You can use this one, but don't trim with the mouse, only with buttons of your joy. About jitters, have you fps under 20? Smartco.zip
  8. How to disable the CSL of you partner (both pilots connected). Open X-Ivap.conf with your favorite text editor. [SOUND] VOICE=1 [PREFERENCES] TAGGING=0 COUPLING=0 WEATHER=0 FIXEDWINDLAYER=1 MAXVISIBILITY=80000 TURBULANCE=15 [PLANE] RESOLUTION=8 [ACCOUNT] FOLLOWME=0 REMEMBER=1 HIDEADM=0 PORT=6809 SERVER=eu2.ivan.ivao.aero BASE=LFHO REALNAME=Claude ROULLIER PASSWORD=XXXXXX VID=XXXXXX CALLSIGN=VPI007 [CSL] PILOT1=VPI07 Add the last 2 lines. Type here the call sign of the other pilot, and vice versa. PS: For the controlers, only one pilot must set the transponder to ON (The knob is not synchronized in my file). Claude.
  9. To be clear. 1- Weather is transmitted from Master to Slave. In this case, there is no weather at all for the Slave PC (No X Plane, no NOAA, no FSGRW, no, no, no.......). 2- No weather in the config file. Each X Plane manage his own weather. Of course, in this case, we must have the same weather all along the flight. FSGRW, with same settings for Master and Slave is a possibility, not tested with NOAA (are both sims refreshed simultaneously, or quiet simultaneously as it is with FSGRW?), You can also have the same settings for a static weather in X Plane, etc.. I join, for you, 2 config files, with and without weather. (you already have one of them, don't forget to rename the file you are using). Claude smartco.zip
  10. This week, i have no time to work properly about X Plane things. Some improvements to test in this file (jsnapp fixes are included). Fight of wheel trim is fixed. The 2 spots on the roof, behind the seats are now synchronized. Axes settings are send from master to slave (Recommended by Morten: 3 left cursors to 0, 3 right cursors to 25%, null zone to 10). @jsnapp. You are right.about weather. No joy with animation of the radios knobs (speed knob as well). Claude. smartcopilot.zip
  11. Hi jsnapp and dr_nerdrage. I am happy: no more alone with this file! 1 Weather: Seems to me that during final, hand flying by the slave, it is better to have winds, shear and turbulence continuously synchronized (not each 5 seconds). This is the settings I use since one year or more. Is it better ? Debate is opened, but I think yes. About bandwidth, datas are transmitted only if values are renewed. So, no problem here. In fact, the best and luxurious way (more expensive), is to delete everything about weather, and use on both side FSRGW + Sundog plugins. So, each pilots have the same visual and visibility, same spots on the weather radar ( which is a wonderful part of the simulation). 2. NAV2. Good new, I had hard time with radios. There is a mystery with some knobs. If we sync the knobs theme self, (ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_mhz , ixeg/733/radios/radios_nav1_khz ), we can’t set some values For example, 114.xx is not doable, only 113.xx or 115.xx. Same with the speed knob (ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_ias_mach_act ). Here 250knpts is not possible, only 249 or 251. But ADFs, altitude… are right. 3 TOGA: good catch. 4: Check list: better. It was already on my to-do list. Claude.
  12. Assign YAW as usual, and nosewheel to an other axis.
  13. I will be in front of my main computer next tuesday only. New datarefs are probably strings, and should not affect smartcopilot. This one is interesting: "Various fixes to sound engine. Some sounds being heard when they should not and vice versa", because it could solve the guard caps problem.
  14. Hi skiselkov, I join here a file without weather (for a first test, set your weather on CAVOK before launching the connection, then with the same weather injector on both side), and without most of stock engines datarefs. They are overriden by custom dararefs. Values of engines are computed by each plugin and does not match (as simratio are not the same on each side). What will happen after a long fly about predictions and gross weight (FF and fuel used are not the same)? Look at your ping and frame rate when freeze occurs. Ping over 100ms and framerate below 25 fps could be the problem. The P key is synchronized. So you can pause both sims, modify your settings if necessary and leave the pause. Also, if you have the Sundog plugins, try without them. Claude. smartcopilot.cfg
  15. Deleting the preferences folder and plugins should be enough. My advice is a little too late. Anyway, it's a happy end.
  16. Thank you Sir, This morning, after a fresh boot of the whole thing, my NAVs radio are ok.
  17. Hi friends, With a such long distance, success is not guaranteed. To understand what happen between your computers, have look on the ping (displayed on the smartco popup), launch a tracert command in a CMD window, or use this site: http://ping.eu/traceroute/ Happy landings.
  18. I don't know why. Probably a conflict plugin. You should have a look in your log.txt, and have a try removing not necessaries plugins.
  19. Thank you for your time Jan. My bad, i am unclear. The pictures above are not related to the AP. I should have open an other thread. I am at LFMN, NAV1 and 2 on 109.20 (CGS). Only NAV 2 catch CGS. Probably not normal. Claude.
  20. I am on ground, start engine running, NAV1 don't receive any frequency, NAV2 does. See pictures.
  21. Thank you, Of course. I have read somewhere (may be smartcockpit) that the transfer was done with FD. Both FD on = left side. One FD on = NAV of this side..
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