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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. Nav to Nav transfer Toto on his Discord channel: Then it will auto-transfer to green needles provided a bunch of conditions are met: both sides are on FMS both NAV radios have auto-tuned to the localizer localizer is being received APPR is active and LOC mode is armed localizer needle is about to center
  2. The doc is in: X:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\Documentation
  3. Hi, DCP1 / config for thr the baro setting. Create the state of the plane (Fuel, doors etc...) and save this state named C and D (Or something else), next time, load this state to start your flight.
  4. Hi, The devs, Pils, and real pilots are very active on the Discord server of HotStart. You should join it. Do you save/load from here ?
  5. Hi Jürgen. You can join the Hot Start discord chanel and push a request to receive a link for the 1.8 beta.
  6. CCP / Lower Menu / Plan
  7. Tutos are here : Docs here : D:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\Documentation
  8. Push a request here:
  9. Please. It will be in your Disk route list. See your own picture few posts above.
  10. As usual, join your log.txt. @Pils will certaily catch the culprit. A lot of fixes will come with the 1.8 release. About LittleNavMap, no idea, but there is probably a way to save the flight plan in the .fms format.
  11. @stevebiker May be unclear, but it was number one (And bottom picture) in my post of yesterday.
  12. 1- In the Cl60, your simbrief pilot id (5 numbers). 2- In simbrief: Detailed navlog 3- The doc.
  13. I know nothing about the Honeycomb, but this command should work.
  14. Your nose steer is of
  15. Pull down menu - Cl650 - Ground services - Restow ADG
  16. Later, when you will be comfortable with the basics, have a look to the study panel and the tool tips.
  17. Hi Steve, When you are happy with the state of the plane, save the state. You can even save a state after each step, and restart frome here. If you start from a different airport, untick "Restore position and trajectory".
  18. Have you watched this tuto ?
  19. Beta 2 is out. This is in the changelog XPD-14673 - Bug report “Hot Start CL650 crashes on startup due to a previously writable X-Plane dataref having been changed to read-only
  20. Hi, Join the Discord channel of Toto. You will find a link here: Then push a request to toto.
  21. You will have a better audience if you type in english. Use a translator. An other language than english is probably against the rules. 1.7 and XP 12.08 beta1 are not friends. Wait for the beta 2.
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