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Everything posted by flyinhawaiian

  1. What the EFF!!! CRJ and Q400 released simultaneously!? Good thing payday is tomorrow to replenish the funds I'm draining from my account tonight!
  2. Huzzah! Can't wait, and what a journey indeed. Congratulations all around!
  3. Bravo! Simply epic. I think we can officially say the realm of X-Plane, and flight sims in general, have taken turn in a new direction...
  4. A release date!?
  5. Wow! Thank you for your honesty and truthful update. Little things like this are very nice (as a consumer) to get so we can get a little bit more understanding as to the state of the project so many of us are looking forward to purchasing. I hope it's released sooner, rather than later, but it looks promising, either way. I'm sure the wait will be WELL worth it!
  6. Always bad news when pilots start making jokes...
  7. GAHHH!!!! OMG! I'm not worthy!!
  8. I was getting a bit nostalgic and decided to remember all the different flight sims I've played in the past: Descent Flight Unlimited A-10! Attack Fly! II World War II Online: Battleground Europe Its stunning to see the evolution from what I thought was "AMAZING" to sims which now skew what is real, and what is virtual... What's your history like?
  9. NOT FUNNY!!!! Okay, well kinda. I'll be flying for the majority of the week, so you all take your sweet time getting it right... I'll be waiting!
  10. Great vibe in here now... its like the mood of the house after Daddy hit Mommy...
  11. I wonder how hard it would be to shorten the fuselage and turn it into a Challenger CL-604? Just throwing that out there... hehe OMG CAN'T WAIT!!!
  12. I seriously can't wait... I've been looking for something new to fly... the usual suspects haven't been tickling my fancy lately. This is VERY exciting mate! Great job!
  13. I'm pretty familiar with them too, and I see your point, but every time I've flown a plane with C/S prop controls, its had a retractable gear (about 5 years experience now - 12 total). As soon as I hit Vle, I'll throw the gear down, and get slowed much faster than if I pulled it all the way back to 14-15" from 23"/2300rpm. Constant speed props were designed to MINIMIZE drag in the cruise by increasing the angle of attack of the blade, thus showing a smaller cross-section to the relative wind. The only way you're going to get that drag back is to advance the propellor control and decrease the angle of attack (aka larger x-section), which gets really nasty (as you pointed out). On the flip side, if I'm in something with a FP prop, especially on an aircraft equipped with a climb prop, pull the power back and the airspeed instantly bleeds off, and in my experience, faster than the other. That said, I can't think of a fixed-pitch prop aircraft I've flown that had retractable gear, so it could have also been the fixed gear slowing me down as well (as in your case)... I'll get a pretty good demo of this next Tuesday. I'll be flying both types (fixed gear, fixed pitch prop vs retract/cs prop) back-to-back, so it should be interesting!
  14. Not necessarily. In fact, a fixed-pitch prop would be better since they usually are at a lower angle of attack (read: more drag) at approach RPMs. If you take a C/S prop and throw it to full forward at that speed, you might over-tach/torque the engine. Good thinking, but lowering the gear will be much more effective at slowing you down
  15. I'm just gonna say... that's retarded. I'm in awe. and my computer started slowing down just from looking at it... hehe
  16. That was superbly interesting, especially for those of us who might be flying in the midst of larger/faster aircraft where we need to keep our speed up.
  17. I know... I guess people don't understand that XPFR's offerings aren't the norm. You want detail, you're gonna have to pay for it. Unfortunately, you have to wait until you're a senior citizen to see it released (Saab 340)...
  18. No kidding! My wallet is open Javier, lets kick the tires and light the fires!
  19. What are the chances of the manuals and procedures guides released early for those of us who want to study up? Resources on the interwebs are fairly scarce...
  20. For those of you (like me) who can't wait: http://sites.google.com/site/sf340com/ Good resources for learning panel layouts and systems knowledge. Just wish I could get my hands on a set of procedures guides...
  21. Well, thankfully, no AIRBUS will ever fly in those colors
  22. Sounds great bud! I have some friends / family who live over there, so it would be a great excuse for a cross country flight in the Arrow or Seminole. ;D
  23. Well, I know I appeared it of nowhere on this forum, so I guess i should take the time to introduce myself and let you know who I am. My name is Jeff and I am currently going to school to become a professional pilot. I have a degree in Economics from Penn State University, but aviation is my true love. I've been flying X-Plane for many years now and found it immensely helpful for my instrument training, as I was able to simulate real-world weather, in aircraft I fly, and practice approach procedures. I'm just about to finish my single-engine commercial certificate (I already have my private pilot single-engine land and glider, with an instrument rating) and transition into multiple-engine aircraft. I hope to one-day fly corporate jets, but it's really going to come down to who offers me the best job, first. I'm chronicling my experiences in flight training through a blog, so as gone interested can see my adventures: http://jckfink.blogspot.com Also, as I posted in another thread, I enjoy photography as well, particularly aviation photography. You can view my photos on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/finktel_jr Thanks for looking! - Jeff
  24. That won't be happening any time soon if it does. Well, one can dream. Either way, I'll be buying BOTH
  25. Oh my goodness I want... so badly!!! CRJ + SAAB 340 combo package!!
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