I am new to Xplane, and went for your great weather bundle!
I was flying test flights with RWC via Xplane default realtime weather , SMP of course but also the Real Haze Terra plugin, and wondered how all these plugins deal with visibility.
If, for exemple, I have a CAVOK metar, how is the visibility value chosen? Because I was flying CAVOK and got 16 sm visibility (real terrain haze read value) which very hazy (but for sure 16sm would be 9999). It seems I can not increase visibility inside Real Terra Haze because if I do so, internet real time weather disconnect immediately. I Wonder what is the link between Xplane visibility setting, SMP visibility et real haze terra visibility.
Also, is there a way to limit maximum visibility in order to preserve performance and look? For exemple, if RWC is asked to display great CAVOK conditions, is there a way not to have unlimited visibility to the horizon, but rather a maximum visibiltiy of 45SM ?
Sorry for newbie questions,
Keep up the good work,