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Everything posted by daombre

  1. Thanks Jan! I started too feel a little bit bad for searching for that hair in that delicious soup and for questioning so many things and how they are done. But now I feel encouraged do really get going! Viele Grüße zurück, wohin auch immer! Julian
  2. Thanks Jan for this detailed explanation! My knowledge is mostly based on the NG so perhaps some things work differently there. And of course many things will depend on airline procedures. Now I understand better why everything is as it is! Thanks again for that! Julian
  3. Hi Jan, thanks for the reply. Ok, that is interesting. I wouldn't have tought that the procedures changed that much. Thanks for clarifying this. Once again I learned something new. Julian
  4. Hi guys, I haven't found a post about this so I will do it. I think some of the switches on the overhead panel aren't as they would usually be on a turn-around. I'll try to list them as they are and how they should be (referring to my knowledge and the FCOM after the shutdown procedure) FUEL PUMPS: FWD and AFT are all ON -> only left FWD is usually used for the APU and in the ON position; others should be OFF WINDOW HEAT: all switches are OFF -> they should be all ON HYDRAULICS: they are all ON -> ELEC 2 and ELEC 1 should be OFF AIR CONDITIONING: PACKS: they are OFF -> they should be ON ISOLATION VALVE: is AUTO -> might be OPEN (but this could be an airline procedure thing or perhaps this is just different in the classic than in the NG) POSITION LIGHTS: they are OFF -> should be ON ENGINE START IGNITION SWITCH: is in the BOTH position -> would usually be in the last used position which is usually IGN L or IGN R (as far as I know ) MCP - IAS/MACH: is on the last set value -> would be in 110 (but thats not an issue for me because if you do park your aircraft correctly it will be correct; so perhaps just disregard that ) Thats so far what I noticed from my limited experience. Thank you for your efforts! Julian
  5. Michael, I really don't understand your problem. If you fly touch and go's you will not go into reverse thrust. As soon as you touch down you will set flaps 15 and advance the throttles again for takeoff. So there will be no spoiler deployment. You will only use reversers if you really want to stop and then speedbrakes make a lot of sence. The NG behaves just like that as far as I know. And btw, I think this is a pretty clever automatism from Boeing because in 99,9 % of all cases the plane will do what the pilot actually would like it to do. So you are referring to a "normal" landing where you use: - reverse thrust - no autobrake and you want the spoilers to stay in? If I understood you right (I doubt that ) then I really can't understand why someone wants to do that. Julian
  6. Hi Jan, thanks for your reply. I have 4 videos on youtube that show that the FD master light stays illuminated. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eVzGIAU8Gk&t=1683s (watch from 29:15) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PYo9FmkW6E (watch 1:26:25) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u7-FOan5Wk (watch 34:59) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glsd_lf65RA (watch 2:50) I think the reason for this is that so it is obviusly who is PF and who PM. If you change AP from A to B then the light is illuminated on the FO side. As far as I know it is a common procedure that if the FO is PF he engages AP B and vice versa. Thank you very much for looking after this! Julian
  7. One question about this topic. Is it intentional that the F/D Master light distinguishes when you activate the autopilot (A or B makes no difference)? As far as I know the F/D master light is illuminated on the left side if autopilot A is in command and on the right if B is in command. I've never seen a behaviour like this before but perhaps this is an arline option or so. Julian
  8. Hi guys, I justed wanted to say congrats and thank you for this wonderful addon! You really did a great job! I started flying the 737 classic in FS2002 with the dreamfleet 737 (does anyone remeber? ) and since then I always hoped for a 737 calssic like yours! The atmosphere is unbelievable (the sounds, the lighting, the graphics, the symmetry of the flight deck, the....)! I'm an P3D pilot but I only bought myself Xplane, to be able to enjoy your work. And I have to say that it was the best thing I did for a long time in flight simulation! This bird is going to be heads up with PMDG and Majestic as soon as you implement all stuff you listed. And making a thread where you show all the "shortcomings" of a product is just amazing! Such honesty is really trustworthy and I'm happy to support you and your hard work with spending some money on this airplane. I wish every developer would handle things like that. You're rellay a great role model in this part. All the best, (I have to fly it now ) Julian
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