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Tom Stian

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Everything posted by Tom Stian

  1. Roger, please report back if you get the same issue. But im not sure if it is recommended to run IVAO and X-Life at the same time. Since they both will try to access the x-plane multiplayer datarefs.
  2. Holly crap. I think I never had a double failure
  3. Its very random when you get a failure. Can go from 20 minutes to +20 hours. Good luck
  4. @Cosmopilot Do you had many failures activated by the script ? Its interesting to read the experience from other users
  5. Sorry for making trouble for you when flying online You are right about the variables. In my next version of my vSpeed callout script I have allready changed all variables to local. And made the datarefs unique. Since they are always global. I will do the same job with this script. That was a good idea. Will make that available in the next version. Thanks for the feedback. And safe flying
  6. Hello Do you have this issue with XLife also ? or only with IVAO ?
  7. I dont think you should share that acf file without a permission.
  8. I have done +350 flights online on VATSIM with this bird, so its not limited to fly offline only And it's just as easy to do manual holds as to programming the hold with the FMC.
  9. Not released yet.
  10. The compability issue with vSpeed callouts for the IXEG 733 and XPRealistic Pro will be solved in the next version of XPRealistic Pro. So make sure to update that addon when the new version is released.
  11. There is no weather radar that currently can read xEnviro weather. They need to provide an API so weather radar can read the data.
  12. I sendt you a personal message with a test version. Check it out. Got some ideas of things that may be conflicting.
  13. Thanks for testing this. Its hard for me to investigate this since I dont have XPrealistic , bit will try to contact the author behind the XPrealistic plugin.
  14. I dont have time to test this today i think. Maybe tomorrow. Is all working well without XPrealistic ? Is it XPrealistic lite or Pro ?
  15. Hi Go to your plugins menu->Gizmo64->Windows->Preferences-> Disable Tool Tray
  16. A little story from my last flight. Had a interesting flight yesterday between LSZH (Zurich) and ESSA (Arlanda) during a VATSIM event, when a failure was triggered. Its fun to (try) troubleshooting and find out what has happend without looking at the logfile or the failures menu. (All picture is taken on ground just to illustrate) I had about 400-500nm left on my flight to ESSA when I got this master caution. I obvious have some issues with flight controls and the hydraulics. So my next step is to look at the overhead panel. The first I notice is that both hydraulic pumps for SYSTEM B is indicating LOW PRESSURE. And I noticed the indicators for the flight controls, but my main concern was the hydraulics. So I checked the pressure and quantity for SYSTEM B and confirming that I have a total loss of that hydraulic system. So I was thinking, what to do, what to do. I had no problems flying the aircraft with the autopilot. And everything else worked fine. My next step was to check if the QRH was covering this issue. And it did. Luckly for me. First two steps is to set SYSTEM B FLIGHT CONTROL SWITCH to STBY RUD and set both hydraulic pumps for SYSTEM B to off. So far so good. Still flying. And I made a decision to continue my flight to my destination as planed, it was after all a nice VATSIM event with alot of traffic. I started planing my next steps. What system have I lost ? How do I handle that ? The QRH says this. Systems that are handled by SYSTEM B is. Outboard flight spoilers. Autopilot B. - No issue for me, flying on Autopilot A. Yaw damper. Alternate nose wheel steering. No issue SYSTEM A is covering Nose wheel steering. Normal brakes. SYSTEM A have to handle the brakes, and that means that Autobrake is INOP. Manual braking only. SYSTEM B is also covering flaps, so alternate flaps have to be used. The QRH says I should plan for a FLAP 15 landing. Not sure why, but could be performance issues with a go around or if I lose of a engine, since I cant retract the flaps with the alternate system. Active runway for landing at ESSA this night was 01R (2500 meters). I did ask ATC for 01L (3300 meters) for landing, but it was denied (shame on you ATC) So 01R it is. Winds calm. VREF with FLAPS 15 was 144knots + 15. So my approach speed would be 159kts. The QRH says that alternate flaps extension from flaps 0 to flaps 15 takes 2 minutes. So had to plan this and make sure I was able to set flaps 15 in time. On the approach. At < 230kts I enabled the alternate flaps. Set the flap lever to desired flap position and extend flaps on maneuvering speed schedule using the alternate flaps position switch. Landing checklist: I was able to set the flaps in time and the landing went fine. You can learn so much from the failures IXEG have made availble for us. And a 2 hour "boring" flight from A to B can be pretty busy when you need to start troubleshooting and flying the aircraft at the same time. Pretty sure I was doing a lot of mistakes, but it was great fun From the logfile. The flight on vatsim: https://vataware.com/flight/5926fe4253523315c9000008
  17. Nice guide I would add that you should take a backup of the .acf file before changing it with planemaker.
  18. LAVR1 should not be used with PAL2D LOCZ25. The STAR PAL2D have this route PAL CJ403 CJ402 BADUK LAVRU PAL2D LOCZ25 and LAVR1 transition have this route LAVRU D052Q BADUK LAVRU LAVR1 LOCZ25 So when you combine PAL2D LOCZ25 with LAVR1 transition you will get this. PAL CJ403 CJ402 BADUK LAVRU D052Q BADUK LAVRU PAL2D LOCZ25 with LAVR1 Im not a pilot, but I would not prefer that route
  19. Hello Not sure if PAL2D LOCZ25 with LAVR1 is a valid combination ? Try without the LAVR1 or 2 transition. Tested PAL2D and LOCZ25 (with the 1.1 beta), and had no issues with LNAV.
  20. I havent tried X-life, but it works on Vatsim, Ivao and PilotEdge. Pretty sure it works with x-life also if x-life is using standard multiplayer datarefs.
  21. Hello Andrey. The 733 that IXEG modeled can not be silenced at FLAPS 15 if both thrust levers are < 30 deg.
  22. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/19258-ez-pushback/ is a ok plugin for p/b
  23. That is for sure not intended. I have discovered similar behavior and its been reported to the IXEG team
  24. A new semi "major" update is available 0.109- You can now only get one type of hydraulic leak pr system. Example: You cannot get a fast leak and then a slow leak on system A.- You can now only get one type of failure pr engine. Failures available is engine fire or engine failure.- Bug fix: The same failure will not be triggered twice.
  25. Hi all A new version is available. 0.108- Added failures for Oil Pump 0.107 - Changed the logging system. Every failure will be logged in [X-Plane]\IXEG_Failures.log - Fixed the slow leak failure for system B. - Engine flameout failure is changed with engine failure. - Removed smoke in cockpit failure
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