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Vanadeo last won the day on September 10 2023

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  1. Completely broken now.. Engines are screwed :(. I thought they might be but worth a try..
  2. Soon I hope lol, I do miss the saab.
  3. Btw the flag is showing both on the HSI and RMI.. I really am stumped.
  4. Back again.. happening everywhere.
  5. I will check. this was at LIBN.. I'll try elsewhere in a bit and report back.
  6. I'm lost on this one.. I can't get rid of the HDG error flag on the HSI.. Gyro is slaved, noticed magnetic compass is off a few degrees although not sure that would have anything to do with it .. GPS and X-plane map shows 141 degrees as shows on HSI.. I'm lost, help lol.
  7. Hi there. I've reverted back to XP-11 to fly this plane. It seems that somewhere along the line, during the updates of XP-11 it broke the plane a bit, with engine temps and so on swinging back and forth erratically when moving the throttles between ground idle and idle. Just wondering if there is a way to fix this or not?. Also, I'm not asking for dates or anything as I understand life comes first and other projects are being worked on, etc. Out of interest, because the 340 is one of my fave prop liners and I have thoroughly enjoyed the LES 340 for some years, Is it still on the backburner for future development?. I hate pestering, but I only ask because I'll gladly hold off getting another prop plane to fill in and wait for it. I also would happily pay for it again.
  8. What are you having a dig at me for?.. I never said I have a problem but, you know, some people use that to get at bugs, which I understand, and I do know it has been updated but some people use the price point to get at the frequency of the updates, which I get. At the same time these people aught to understand that developers have lives too, and for the most part, can't spend every hour updating minor bugs. What's your angle with the cost of living exactly?.. I'm sure the devs don't just rely on one piece of software to earn a living lol, redundant statement. Yeah I've been aware of most things going on in the current world, thanks!.
  9. Quick question, when I get to the point where I flare on landing, I am having to pull full aft on the stick and it still wants to nose over.. Not really getting this with any other plane.. Just wondering, have I missed something?.. Hmm, maybe I'm cutting power too soon.
  10. Hmmm The way I fly I generally don't notice the bugs lol.. I absolutely love hand flying this plane, lovingly copied a private livery from a 600 and made it my personal 737.. I guess there are more updates coming, right?.. I wouldn't have imagined it to be "abandoned"?.. lol. Bit of a drastic statement to make on ol' IXEG team. I do get the frustration due to the price point and the FMCmadoodle having a few problems but, surely it ain't abandoned lol.. Part and parcel of being a pilot is to overcome slight issues and work around them. If something pisses me off with an FMC error in any plane weather it be a bug or my ignorance, I go back to dials and needles, whatever's left of them, these days .
  11. Maybe both, because after updating my hardware the problem went away. I upgraded from I5 5600k, GTX980Ti with same issue, to I5 12400F and 1080Ti and the issue went away. However I didn't get any issues with any other aircraft prior. So I would say, with regards to hardware, it is a valid factor.
  12. Yeah man.. looks about right .. be time to get some PIREPS in soon! ..lol
  13. I am starting to really like this plane.. I did switch the sounds out eventually but I much prefer LES Dc-3.. there's something about it that just seems right.. One question and you'll see it in this video, dead on fairly strong (Left to right) crosswind 8 gusting 16kts, I end up having to use a LOOT of left aileron to keep her steady, if not it blows over to the right violently not as bad landing but pretty much at takeoff power I'm almost full left aileron just to keep her level... I don't seem to get this with the other Dc-3 I been flying.. Strange but It could be accurate lol, I dunno, just wondering. Certainly one hell of a challenge. Here's the video, watch the left or right makers after touchdown :O.
  14. It doesn't matter.. I take that back actually lol .. Just doing a proper flight in this with headphones and I actually think they're really nice xD sorry lol. The sound package I was talking about is dated ("The Very DC3") but there are aspects to it I really like particular high power setting the throbbing sound of the props but nah I do really like the sounds in the LES one now having spent more time with it (and watching a few episodes of Ice pilots.) One thing I have noticed though is the FO's attitude indicator is a bit funky?.. Just doing a flight down to Dover and I'm loving it so far.
  15. I bought the LES Dc-3 yesterday. Not took it for a proper spin yet. I have aeroworks one (doesn't seem to work correctly graphically for me) and Vskylabs one. I have flown the Vskylabs one quite a bit and I really like it. My main gripe with LES even default Vskylabs without trying to be rude or anything like that, are the sounds. They have been improved vastly but compared to the sound package I downloaded for Vskylabs, they just don't do it for me. I wish I could use that sound package for LES as well. Not saying the sounds are bad buut when it comes to immersion, along with everything else the sounds in my opinion are one of the main things and when it comes to radials, they're one of the best sounding engines and have a very distinctive sound which somehow the package I got off org captures very well. They're both nice to fly and have very similar handling which is good, and yes a major pro with LES is the option of having modern or classic cockpits. I think also the LES has more in-depth systems simulation which is also a plus. If I could somehow use my preferred sounds in LES it would be my go to DC-3..
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