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Everything posted by Defiance_co

  1. Hiya Emma, Thankyou Have Fun Tony
  2. Hiya M4cD, Thankyou Looks great Tony
  3. Niceone yukonpete Puts me in the mood for a flight down under Thanks Tony
  4. Heya jiggy, Damn man, you steaming along fast n slick on the liveries hehe Beautiful Thankyou Tony
  5. Hiya Andy, Do you use the free plugin for the weather (nooa) ?? But, the setting checked/ticked at the top option for the real-weather-connector is fine for x-planes own weather If you use nooa then you checl/tick middle option I am on an ati/amd gpu until i save enough for a nvidia unless things change (i've had both teams gpu's and only probs i've had, and i had it with both flavours !, was the good old, not responding driver error) though on some games/sims i have to force this R9 290x driver to do the AA to take away flickering on objects (thehunter springs to mind) Gotta take the dogs for a walk, can try something later when you're on etc Tony
  6. Hiya, Middle Right Side, cloud Detail is at 45% drop that to 10% AA = Anti Aliasing, that's in your nvidia driver settings/panel somewhere, set it in there to match your 16x in x-plane pic you just posted above SMP = SkyMaxx Pro (the cloud programme) so try raising/lowering the cloud are coverage up/down after setting the AA AA can sometimes make items flash on/off, also in certain games it can glitch and cause lines in things, so for ati especially manually setting/forcing the driver AA into your case a 16x mode can help on lines/block distortion If non of that works, last resort is to change Solid Stratiform to Sparse Particles, just to test if the solid stratiform change removes the lines I need sleep, if not fixed i'll have another think when i wakeup And check here to see how you got on Midnight almost here and i'm tired lol Goodluck Tony ps : Goto your account for sky max pro, ignore it saying v3.0 or v3.1 ... Downlaod it again, it will be the latest v3.1.2 That might fix it before trying the AA etc
  7. Hiya, Can take upto 3 working days Tony
  8. Hiya, Long shot ............. Try lowering your clouds to 10% in x-plane settings Then try different cloud area sizes in smp Tony ps : Another long shot, set AA manually if not already in gpu driver settings
  9. Heya, Many Thanks Tony ps : ran outa reps, catch some in 24hrs lol
  10. Cheers jiggy Another fine one to my collection hehe Thanks Tony
  11. Heya, Niceone Will grab other too whenever it's done Many Thanks Tony
  12. Hiya, Email to here ......... support@x-aviation.com Explaining the activation failed, best guess is you've used your 3 install slots up You should get a fast auto reply with a ticket number on Have Fun Tony
  13. Had this happen maybe 1hr ago ........ Iirc, i put the temps down to cool, clicked supply duct to pass cabin, pressed ovht test button, and put temps back to auto normal No idea what i was doing to be honest I also dropped down from 30k to i think 15k Just checked and all's well lmao I think the altitude drop helped, who knows, it's all new to me, at least it's now reading 23c Tony ps : no XPUIPC pps : Climbing up to see if it occurs again, just sightseeing at the moment over spain ppps : Poor old girl's taking a battering now, up at 36k being shook like a rag doll lol, anyways temps now holding approx 20.5c no sign of dropping any more thus far
  14. Niceone Rutger Dedication, that's what i like to see Woohoo Tony
  15. Hiya, Ohh my, that's outstandingly goegeous The plane (one of my all time favs in FA and AH amongst others) the scenery backdrop is jaw droppingly amazing ! I spoke over roger wilko (sure it was rw) many many years to chuck yeager about aspects of this plane in a sim he was helping along How time flies !! Amazing Thanks Tony
  16. Heya, Thankyou This will sure come in handy for me for sure I envisage a laminated printer for items like this lol Have Fun Tony
  17. Hiya Rutger, Dang Amazing lol My first payware plane as i'm still new'ish to x-plane 10 Totally blown away as we say here Breathtaking details in the cockpit, i can actually zoom in without having to squint to focus lol I am only used to simple A-B fmc inputs, had ventured into creating my flight plans via simbrief etc, got that sorted, now this fmc has me stuck lol But, my first day with her was brilliant ended just under 48hrs lack of sleep lol I did get navigraph for 12mths, so i have all the chart side of things covered Ohh ohh, i actually did my first ever cold n dark start, that was my first go in her, took me ages though but i did get it done ....... Not figuring out the fmc i just took off, thing was, i neglected to set a high enough speed on the auto throttle setting or didn't check (can't 100% recall) , so i took off chuffed to bits, then promptly came down after a decent bit of climbing to a hard reset (i blame her for wanting to see external view of the clouds ! lol) I hope you had a great time ! Bet you've been clocking flight hours up in her hehe It is completely different obviously to planes i have been flying, but, for freeware/donate-ware ones i have used did me fine, but man, what a change of detail ! Just this beauty is going to be a nice tough learning curve which i do like in any type of sim Take Care Rutger Tony ps : And with Yourself and others doing liveries, it just gets better better and better
  18. Nice to know Morten Thanks Tony
  19. Heya, I'll take it thankyou Thanks Tony ps : Not linking pete, cheers, tony
  20. Cheers jiggy, Grabbing all's i can hehe Thankyou Tony
  21. No problem You sussed it anyways Take Care Andy Tony
  22. Me too Dang it's real snazzy lookin Tony
  23. Me too Dang it's real snazzy lookin Tony
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