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Everything posted by gcbraun

  1. Hi, just had a crash after landing while messing with the checklists. Logs attached. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  2. Hello, when I was landing at KORD (nimbus v2), I had no synthetic vision for the airport (RW22R). On the same flight, I did have it for the default KMTC airport, so it was activated and I am wondering what I can do to also get it at KORD. Thanks
  3. I can`t understand how top-tier developers can`t afford VR glasses. It costs less than 200 Euros nowadays.
  4. The TBM seems to be working fine on 11.30 beta. Already done multiple flights with it. Hopefully this means that the VR effects are coming sooner rather than later.
  5. Great news!
  6. Same issue on 11.3. This white shadow of the aircraft remains visible when moving your head around, especially in VR. Knowing it is a beta, of course I will patiently wait for a fix.
  7. Any idea when VR windshield effects will be fixed?
  8. Hello, are the windshield effects in VR fixed with this update? Thanks
  9. Yes that is the same issue I have. Hopefully there is a fix for this relatively soon.
  10. I think they mentioned that the manipulators ans knobs will be fixed relatively soon. Are you also experiencing problems with the windshield effects in VR?
  11. Looking forward for VR support! Haven`t used Skymaxx since a long time because of that.
  12. gcbraun


    Well, before buying I have asked if VR was supported and got a confirmation from the developer that it was. I know that there are more pressing bugs to attend to at this point, but I just wanted a confirmation if this will be, eventually, fixed. The problem with weather effects in VR is that they do not appear correctly on the windshield, rather on the lower left-corner of the left eye in the VR googles. This makes operating the aircraft in bad WX scenario not really possible. Thanks!
  13. gcbraun


    I am also interested in knowing this. Currently it is a deal-breaker for me as well.
  14. Thanks for the answer. Actually I have a pretty good experience with VR with pretty much on every aircraft that claims to supports it. Rain-effects work even on the IXEG (and also on multiple others), so I am hoping that a fix is possible.
  15. Hello, I have asked in another topic if the plane was VR compatible and got a positive answer. Unfortunately that does not seem to be the case, at least not completely. For instance, rain effects are completely bugged in VR and they actually show up below the windshield, making the aircraft unusable in bad weather scenarios. I have also noticed that the 2D Throttle UI that appears is visible in the lower part of the VR goggles, something that is distracting and immersion reducing. Is a fix planned, at least for the rain effects?
  16. Is it VR compatible?
  17. Will this be VR compatible?
  18. Yeah, this seems to be a problem. I also have TM warthog and, for whatever reason, the PROP axis does not work for both CL...
  19. Is this still working on 1.5? I want to assign one axis to both CLs.
  20. Well, please check that the documentation of your own aircraft is up-to-date before criticizing the users.
  21. Hi, I have installed 1.5 and cannot find the window to assign the condition levers. The Gizmo bar on the right does not display it and I cannot find it also in the Gizmo/Windows menu section. What gives?
  22. Is the update still coming out this year?
  23. Has the new version been tested with native VR? Thanks
  24. With high-end add-on planes costing 100-150 Euro and top-tier graphic cards costing 1100 Euro (if you can find one), 300-400 does not seem that expensive, does it?
  25. These prices are not what is general found in Europe. Sorry to hear that they are still that expensive at your region. Hopefully this will change in the near future! I do not use my HMD for general gaming that often, you may consider them gimmicky at that, but for lower-end flight training and flight simulation, oh boy...it is the best cost-benefit solution by far. A 400 Euro investment will get you a realistic flight-deck environment for every aircraft you own! How can you beat that? Have you tried XP11 native VR with touch controls implementation yet? I am sure that your "cautiously optimistic" stance would change rather quickly once you start interacting with all those knobs and switches. I remember when I started using VR many months ago, all the reaction I would get was skepticism. That is around 50-50 now!
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