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  1. When I move my physical rudder pedals the pedals in the virtual cockpit don't move. The rudder on the exterior does move.
  2. All better in b16! Also just wanted to say you're doing a fantastic job responding to support requests @Coop
  3. I'm also having this issue on b15. Updating to b16 now.
  4. They had already put all this work into modeling the PT6 engine so it would make sense to do another plane that has that engine. My favourite is the Cessna Caravan.
  5. I also could not turn during pushback. In XP10 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I fixed this by uninstalling, deleting the IXEG 737 aircraft folder, then re-installing
  7. I want to come to your house to play haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Is it normal for the oil temp to dip below 0 when throttles are at idle during descent? I noticed this today and was curious.
  9. There has never been an HUD announced that I'm aware of.
  10. I haven't been using VNAV as there are still some bugs. I find three TOD is almost always too close to the airport. I do look forward to the bugs being worked out.
  11. Are all of your hydraulic pumps on?
  12. I have also been sticking to using level change instead of VNAV as I've found the VNAV TOD is way too late in most cases
  13. I would love to have the Canadian North one!
  14. My understanding is that IXEG wanted to accurately simulate all systems. Since there is no quick alignment in the real world it doesn't exist in the sim. As was already said using the turn around state would work. What I do is start alignment as soon as I've got ground power or APU online and then it's usually done around the same time I'm finished prepping for the flight.
  15. Looking at the CWS setting lead me to the solution. The red bars on the CWS setting were all the way across due to a jostick config issue. Thanks for the help!
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