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Everything posted by SkyCoyote

  1. I've always found that the acoustics were better in the Bay area!
  2. If the IXEG team had to build their own algorithm for the function of the FMC demonstrated here, then the challenge to deliver is well understood. Great job.
  3. Jan, Are you saying that there won't be a passenger beating on the cockpit door yelling "How long 'til we get there?" ... sound familiar?
  4. There certainly is interest. In 1969 I was on the assembly line doing electrical check-out for the 1st generation of this aircraft, the DC-9. I tried to get a ride along test flight while I was there. Today, a flight simulation would be great.
  5. As far as who I choose to obtain navigation data from I’m open. However, the Aerosoft web site mentions compatible with Mac OS 10.5 or higher, But… I just looked at Aerosoft’s Manual for “NavDataPro”. Looking at the manual leaves me a little uneasy, as it is laden with the Microsoft PC look. The installation even mentions allowing the software to be loaded in default location “C:\Aerosoft\”. That file system, as well as a “Control Panel” is non-existent on the Mac. I don't want to come off sounding like a Mac-snob, I've used both platforms, among others that have not withstood the test of time. I've been using the Mac since 1987, and enjoyed the reliability.
  6. It appears this list of Aerosoft supported aircraft sims is FSX heavy. There's a reason I've always referred to Microsoft products as Microcrap. My reasons are much too lengthy to explain here. I'd like to hear how Austin Meyer would weigh-in on this topic.
  7. The only variable changed before getting this warning was the skyMaxx update itself.
  8. Thanks for the info Cameron. I was holding back on the OS update until now.
  9. I'd agree the clouds are a tad bit too dark, I cranked the cloud shadow slider control length down to about 30%. Also turned cloud reflections off, I didn't think they were too realistic, and could use less hit on the graphics. Speaking of which I received a hard to believe warning the first time I ran this update saying my settings (out of the box) were dangerously high. I'm running a 6-core processor with 2 GB of graphics VRAM.
  10. The IXEG videos have been great. Not including the last FMC video, I count twenty-seven over the past 4-years. Over 5 hours of video with 8,000 views is quite impressive. There remains 1-question I have that's yet to be answered. Has the 737 Classic been tested on the Mac OS 10.11.1 (El Capitan)? I am concerned because this OS seems to have rendered some software useless. I'm a long time Macintosh user, and Laminar Research (Xicat) X-Plane 5.52 was the only simulator offered, and developed with the Mac in mind.
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