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Everything posted by cmbaviator

  1. Will do jan if I encounter that bug again, I had to put 50% N1 to taxi but then after a while it was fine, maybe it was a big uphill taxiway as i have the option: " follows the terrain relief", don't how it is said in english
  2. isn't the B737 CL smart enough to pitch up when he's dangerously approaching that upper limit ?
  3. do you think I'm gonna stay 1 hr on xplane during cruz+descent whereas i can do other stuff ^^
  4. So buildings, clouds are rendered by the CPU?
  5. I want an Air Austral aswell, they used B737Cl in the pass and now they are evn getting some 737CL from europe airpost
  6. Hi guys Well after passing T/D and starting the descent, I went on Youtube to watch a video, after several minutes I noticed that VNAV was disengaged and A/T was on ARM mode on the FMA. if i recall correclty, the only way to get back to VNAV was to engage N1 mode or V/S and then press VNAV again to work. A friend had the same issue. As i wasn't there when the bug appeared, I need people to confirm if they had this odd behaviour.
  7. I don't understand why are you showing this view, the 172 at SEEDO is refering to the calculated Vnav Speed at SEEDO not the bearing. the ILS frequency and Course is provided in the FMC when you press the INIT REF after passing the T/D pseudo waypoint
  8. can you provide a video ? can you see the LOC and G/S deviation beam on the PFD ?, did you capture the G/S from below ?
  9. I play on my desktop and laptop but need some setting advice as I have low GPU usage. Laptop: GSync GTX980m@8gb VRAM i7 6700 desktop 16Gb RAM SSD Desktop 4790K@4.6 Ghz GTX980ti 16Gb RAM SSD. i have RWC and Skymaxx Pro but my my GPU is always <60%, i have disable all CPU intensive stuff like static shadows and no water quality. I did a test. clear sky : GPU : 55% => 55+ FPS overcast: GPU: 55% => 30 FPS. i don't understand why my GPU usage is nor increasing when they are no clouds... Doesn't make any sens
  10. are you using Skymaxx pro and RWC, could be that RWC was loading the weather and after existing the menu the weatherloading was done so you got higher frames
  11. i don't know if each axis has an individual nullzone ajustement, i just use the global nullzone setting in xplane and set it to 1-2 %. i have the saitek quadrant pièce of hardware. lets assume my spoiler axis had some noise, shoudn't the armed position display in the IXEG be blinking between armed and non armed ?
  12. Did another flight and it was fine, I don't know what caused the issue the first time. Maybe the spoiler was between the armed and non armed position but was in armed position for the IXEG but not for xplane ?
  13. Yes I have an axis. Worked fine in 1.0.3 though Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  14. As title states, not deploying at TD even if armed prior Sorry for my poor landing in struggling to keep centerline even if there is no crosswind component Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  15. well in opinion IXEG > PMDG in therms sound/graphics/eye candies stuff/hand flying. The only thing lacking currently is the FMC feature but it will be updated . When it will be updated it will better than PMDG in all aspects but that's my opinion after owning PMDG 737NG 2004/NGX/B777 fsx + 737 NGX P3D + B777 P3D ( it's (was) a PMDG hardcore fan telling you that, lol ). Can't complain with bugs, even the NGX and B77 has lots of bugs even lots CTD at release, so.....
  16. So that means that on a real 733 EHSI we could see this ?
  17. I'm one of them too, even if months ago before IXEG releases, I've anticipated by buying XP10 and installing HD Mesh V3, Skymax pro V3, RWC and NOAA so that i can fly the ixeg on day 1
  18. well as IXEG wants to make realistic stuff, they want to implement realistic wind flex but is very complex as it's based on aero-elasticity.
  19. okay, i know use xplane default real weather and NOAA for wind, i don't use FSGRW anymore
  20. maybe they can add a slider like in the FF767, so that Wing flew enthusiastic can set it to max even if it's not realistic
  21. I haven't have any issue with intercepting the ILS.... Bear in mind that for now the VNAV calculations doesn't take into account the Wind prediction so if you have a very strong tailwind, you should start your descent earlier than the calculated one by pressing Des now in the descent page on the CDU, but des now is not implemented yet. so you'll have to use some speed break or swith to HDG mode and divert a bit to give time to slow down before resuming in LNAV. Hopoefully it will better when des now will be implemented and even better when we could enter wind prediction
  22. can't you interpolate the weather between 2 station ? like instead of going to a cloudless sky to an overcasted sky, clouds will be rendered smoothly between these 2 stations ?
  23. Hi, I had lots of common comments on my video : How do i get the Wing view...... As a noob on xplane10, I woud have thought that people would have know how to do so with the IXEG B737. Start from the captain or FO view 1) save a view very close to cockpit windows ( Capt or FO) ( lets called the view X) 2) Go to back to a view where you can open the Capt/FO window depending of your choice from Step1 and open the window 3) go back to the view X, and you should be able to use now the arrow keys to navigate and go to the wings or inside the cabin. 4) don't forget to save the view The only drawback is that you have to sacrifice a view like visual or observer or IFR to save the new wing view. i guess you can do that on X-Camera to but i don't how it works even after reading the manual.
  24. Why does anyone keeps asking me this lol. If i found the trick i think you should be able to do so. Steps : 1) save a view very close to cockpit windows ( Capt or FO) ( lets called the view X) 2) Go to back to a view where you can open the Capt/FO window depending of your choice from Step1 and open the window 3) go back the view X, and you should be able to use now the arrow keys to navigate and go to the wings or inside the cabin. 4) don't forget to save the view
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