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Everything posted by cmbaviator

  1. Short flight between Calvi ( Corsica ) and Cannes, with an initial RNAV approach followed by a visual approach into this 1610m short runway => flaps 40, max reverse and breaking lol. The PAPI vertical path is quite steep aswell as indicated on the chart, the V/S was about -1000 fts to be on path
  2. i was wondering if we can have a media sub forum where we could share our screenchots and videos of the IXEG733 ?
  3. don't forget to add at least 30 min in extra time in PFPX, I tweaked the EU-OPS rule so that i have always a final reserv of 2.0 tons calculated by PFPX ie ( you can enter 2.0 in reserve in the IXEG CDU
  4. @ OP When performing a RNAV approach, set a speed constraint at FAF : Vref+5kts+1-3kts depending on the wind. You really want to do a stabilized app. So be sure to be at Vapp 1Nm before FAF (gear down and Flaps30/40). then check your approach chart, it should give you the V/S depedning on speed, at 0.2 NM, set the V/S accordingly to the value given by the chart. then check the VDEV indication on the EHSI and change the V/S accordingly but don't try to be pintpoint accurate on the middle and check the PAPI/VASI lights also. when AP/AT has correctly trimmed the aircraft and trhat the N1 is stable, disengage AP/AT and fly manually
  5. I can be interested too. i'm from France but i've never flown online. CMB
  6. you can set it at 5% and see how it goes
  7. Well, there is almost no difference with the V2 speed calculated by IXEG, only V1 and Vr will change accordingly to the wind and runway condition. it gives the derated temp though
  8. yeah i know but inside for more immersiveness xP
  9. I use a payware soft : topper
  10. just tape 737 classic FCOm or operation manuals and you should be able to find one, I'm also looking for the chart that gives the pitch and N1 ....
  11. Hi guys there is something I don't understand, probably because i'm currently more used to the NG : after liftoff, and just above 400fts, i engage LNAV and VNAV but as soon as i engage VNAV, the thrust goes to reduced take off mode to Reduced climb, should reduced climb mode begin at 1500 fts ?? Also I think that the planes wants to accelerates to 250kts before 3000 fts (need confirmation). in the CDU, it is set at 1500/3000.
  12. I know but there is a difference between -150/-200 and -500/-600 as i usually do well used to do. when performing base trainning I found that my landing were better than the one when i do a medium haul flight because on these flight, i found myself that i was always floating over the runway but then i figured that the GW wasn't updating so my Vrapp was higher than normal...... know i manage to get a -100/-300 V/S at touch down. Also i've yet seen a 737CL pilot landing at -400/-500, they all do kiss landing with minimal of floating
  13. i'd rather spend time flying, but why not, may try this evening and see if i can get some values and compare it to the real chart
  14. hi i know that there is a chart that gives you the average N1 value to : * maintain level flight in clean configuration * maintain level flight with Flaps * maintain a -3° slope at Vref + 5 * delta N to add to maintain level flap with a bank of X° ....... Does someone know where can i find it ?
  15. I was alrerady correctly trimmed as i was stable at 1500fts and disconnect the AP at 1000 fts. But now my landing are much better
  16. Does NOAA works for europe and indian ocean ?
  17. https://vs3.irisdynamics.com/
  18. Morten, does wind comes into account regarding ground effect. the greater is the headwind component, the later i have to flare. with no HD component i start to flare gently at 30fts but with a HD like 15kts, I have to start near 15-20Fts, otherwise i will float too much
  19. @OP, you need to flare à 5° pitch but then you need to hold that pitch by applying/keeping some back pressure until touchdown. from the tip given by a B737Cl/NG pilot and my experience with the IXEG: if at 30fts yourV/S is <-700fts/min, start slowly to flare,then at 20 feets, flare +2/+2.5° and maintain that pitch until touch down. At 10fts, reatrd slowly the throttle to idle. If at 30 fts, your V/S is approx at -700fts, you just need to flare +2/+2.5° at 20fts and retard at 10 fts. start to look @8:05, and watch the yoke input at 30 Fts until touch down.
  20. @ XPUIPC user, is there an option to tweak wind direction/speed rate ?
  21. I had too, all the sudden my bank angle increased about +- 20° lol ie huge aileron correction needed
  22. Can't Xpuipc do that, On P3D with FSUIPC registered, you could tweak the change rate of the wind like 1° or 1kt per second
  23. I use the crab technic, you only use your rudder to decrab during the flare. Besides, the Vref was 129kts, I set Vapp to 140 on the MCP, so that +6Kts for the wind (129+5kts (mandatory)+6kts. even if i added 2-3kts, more, i wouldn't think it would have changed something. So my question is, is this behaviour correct ? again the wind intensity is not the matter here, It seems that even small speed and direction changes make the b733 very uncontrollable on the contrary, it's realistic, the wind never stay steady ( direction and speed wise )
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