Well i upgraded from a 970 to a 980ti and i haven't seen any FPS boost even with a 4790k@4.6 Ghz, hopefully i don't only play on xplane10. i still can't believe i'm CPu limited with that CPU. But why as the clouds density is increased, the GPU usage doesn't increase. they are rendered by the GPU but its usage is not increasing ie less FPS, I still don't get
As said before, going from clear sky conditions to a cloudy conditions, will result in the same GPU usage but less fps, BUT there are more things to render ( the clouds), why doesn't the GPU increases its workload ?
/Xplane10 rant on
I hope laminar will make XPlane 11 more multi core firendly because it will suck otherwise. I think that currently even P3DV2/V3 is more optmised (CPU usage > 75% and i was a video where someonne having A SLI with both GPU > 75%.
I remember that on p3DV2.3 I could have 30+ FPS with the PMDG B777 with clouds rendering up to 200 Km with ASN, Now with skymaxx, even with the slider at max, it looks like the clouds are rendered up to 30Nm which is less immersive, hopefully the IXEG B737 is here to make me happy on XPlane
/Xplane 10 rant over