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  1. Hello, Since V1.51, the nose is less nose heavy when passing below 50ft RA which is a relief . However after retarding the throttle, 3/4 of back pressure is still not enough to maitain the pitch during the flare, my pitch attitude dropped at 2.5° instead of the 3.5° approx which result in a firmer touch down. do you need 3/4 to full back pressure on the yoke to maintain pitch during the flare ?? landing at 20:15
  2. Hi I know there is a dead band during rotation when reaching the 10° of pitch attitude but it seems overdone as you need lots of back pressure to increase the pitch attitude which seems not right. Besides during flare, the nose is becomming very very heavy below 30 feets ( without retarding the throttles ) and like there is no internia : you barely release the back pressure that the nose goes down with a very high pitch rate anyone having the same feeling?
  3. how to know when an update has been released ?
  4. For now, the PMDG can compete in the VNAV département and EFB
  5. Hello, After Landing at LOWS, i did the shutdown flow, pu the GPU AC on and powered off Log.txtthe APU then went for a break/nap and in a dozen of minutes later I got a CTD
  6. i think so if you put press on the MFD data on the FMS, you will see that in the challenger, the reserve fuel is the reserve fuel AFTER diverting to the alternate so i'm almost sure you need to enter just the final reserve which is around 400kgs for the cl600. so now in the default fms setting, i put 400kg as reserve
  7. it will be added later on
  8. Hello gents, I was wondering what value you should put in the reserve value in PERF menu page 3? Because it seems to be different from airliners like A320/737.. where RSV = Final RSV + ALTN. In the chalenger, the Reserve seems to be the reserve needed after diverting to ATLN so that means we shiould only enter the final reserve value ? Each time i have Check ATLN Reserve message when enterting Final RSV + ATLN in the reserve field
  9. Hi Graeme, The more landing i do the worst they are getting. I bounced almost at every landing even on firm / positive landing. I am for VREF +7 and making sure that the AoA is 0.6 max. However on release, during my landing trainning, i never bounced, it feels like the ground effect has changed in between
  10. i've found the cultprit, it was the plugin xlua but i haven't had any script, so check the script folder of xlua and I found this : as you can see, the first time i installed the Zibo script in the wrong folder (lelft), the right one being the correct one that was causing all the other aircraft to be broken I will now delete all the videos thank you for your help
  11. i hoped to avoid an reinstallation from scratch. The thing is aldo that my A300 inibuilds is broken as well but only the ZIBO is working fine so its weird
  12. After installing and unistalling several time, my 733 v1.33 is broken, idea how to fix it ? can't modify the ZFW, keeps going back to the EOW, knob like heading can't be changed....... all seems to occured after installing the ZIBO mode but even after several uninstalls ands reinstalls, still the same issue (GIZMO stable version chosen each time) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLxhlxu38Yk&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=CMBelite-FR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiXEAW744b8&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=CMBelite-FR
  13. what would you need to apply rudder trim if there is ,no engine or flight control failure ? i've watched hundred of videos if not more on the B737 and ihave yet see the PF used rudder trim after take off ?
  14. Now we're talking lmao. I don't quite understand how you can determine the area of pitching moment change in ground flare based on these figures, could elaborate for me please these were all kiss landing, almost all were <-100 on touch down !
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