Hope it wont take too long. Good luck! it's a nice aircraft pity it's not going to be available for XP11 any time soon. It's gonna be a pain now because there's a lot of people coming over to XP11 from other sims and looking for realistic aircraft for it. The market force says the 737-800 is the most popular aircraft in other sims so guys coming over from P3D and FSX are walking in with an expectation of a 737 of sorts and there's a massive business opportunity right there for taking even if it's a 300 classic. Sure there's other aircraft that are XP11 compatible but nothing like the 737 (Take that as a compliment) but why would one hand business over to other guys on a silver platter :-) Perhaps do some compatibility update so new guys can buy the aircraft and you've got extra clients. I've got the 737 working to a point and flyable and so several flights even if it means i drift about at the gate or my logo light doesnt work... but I dont regard those as major issue because I know it wasnt designed for XP11 :-) - just the little things which I'd imagine could be "easy fixes"
Tried disabling all the AI
Scenario. Play the flight...land the aircraft, save the flight as a replay. Open the replay to view the landing - normally I can cycle through the views but with the 737 I cant, it simply doesnt want me to see any views outside the aircraft.
I just done a fresh install with only the IXEG 737 installed. Cycling through the views during normal flight isnt an issue at all. Just in replay mode I get locked into the cockpit with a 60 deg view - I can look around but I cant even change the viewing angle of the cockpit from the main xplane graphics menu. If tried switching "custom animations in replay" on and off in the 737 preferences panel and still no joy.
It's an absolute default load of xplane with zero plugins. It's literally xplane with the IXEG 737 installed. I've tried 10.45 and the same thing happens so I know it's not the version of Xplane. All other aircraft show external views when in replay mode. I've attached a log file
Can someone help me out. I'm cannot access external views while in replay mode. The minute I view a replay it locks me to the cockpit view at 60 deg and I cant change anything. Shift + numbers doesnt do anything - it flash momentarily and goes back into the cockpit
I can finally put to rest the other sims (PMDG where only holding me there). In fact they will be uninstalled and begin to build a realistic, immersive simulator with aircraft that I enjoy flying. I got used to the Airbus but my heart lays with Boeing.