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Everything posted by JGregory

  1. We no longer need your log files... which you would have known if you had read the post above.
  2. OK guys... here's the story. This bug had many "legs" So, where one aspect of the issue had been resolved, another had not. I have found the second and this has now been fixed and will be in the next update. For now just make sure that you DO NOT use the "ENTER" Key on the MFD.. use the "ENTER" Key on the ReadPad instead. ...and to Mr. BWolf7... while I appreciate your input, just stating that "the same thing happens to me" is not very helpful. In the future please provide the step-by-step details of EXACLTY what you did to create the problem. Jim
  3. Mario... this issue was fixed in the latest update (1.5), so you are correct... problem solved:) Thanks for the confirmation! Jim
  4. This is normal behavior. The terrain map will change color indicating the height of the terrain relative to the aircraft altitude.
  5. Bug has been identified and fixed. We will advise as to how you can get the update.
  6. OH, you have NO idea! All kidding aside... this will be the most "in-depth" systems simulation we have done yet.
  7. Sneak peek (low res)... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5816753/sneak_peek.mov
  8. That would be a first. How many "heads up" announcements have you made regarding other developer's products (besides Carenado)? Please post the links. You stated that ... "The latest updates haven't even been formally announced at any of their other retail outlets, to my knowledge." Really? So, the first "formal announcement" of these updates was proferred by YOU, at X-Pilot, ... how interesting. How exactly did you obtain this information prior to the rest of the world knowing if you are simply a "customer" like everyone else? Your actions and words speak otherwise. You can talk all day long about your "intentions", but actions speak louder than words. If I point out the obvious relationship you have with Carenado, that is not casting an "aspersion", it's just the truth. End user beta tester status brings with it many responsibilites, or at least it should. You should be reporting your test findings to Carenado... not making announcements on their behalf or acting as a promoter. Really, are you kidding? You post that example to try to prove your lack of bias. Where/What/When was the last post you made regarding an update to Jason Chandler's aircraft? or anyone else's, besides Carenado? Please show me another X-Plane customer of third party add-on products who makes announcement and promotes that vendor's products the way you do. Your actions indicate an obvious bias and you are certainly NOT without prejudice.
  9. As the programmer for the Saab 340 I would like to address some of these issues. Ben Supnik has elaborated on the Lua memory issue in his blog. The release of the Saab is not dependent on LR releasing an update. Not everyone is experiencing this problem and it could certainly be described as intermittent and/or controllable. We understand the situation and could certainly release the Saab without the "memory fix". So... don't jump to any conclusions about when the Saab will be released based on the next update of X-Plane... there is not necessarily a correlation.
  10. Carenado should be contacting their customers and letting them know about updates, which I'm sure you would appreciate. If they did that then they wouldn't have to have a surrogate come here and post company news. And, of course, there is nothing wrong with posting news here.. just be honest about your intentions and relationships with the parties involved in the news you're posting. So, if that's sarcastic, then so be it... better than dishonest.
  11. Steve, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your "official" company (Carenado) announcement! Looks like they've been keeping you busy.
  12. The Citation will have custom systems coded.
  13. No.
  14. This is simply not true. As a member of the development team I can assure you that the changes you have mentioned are much more involved than simple cometics. Jim
  15. Matt, 1. Correct. 2. Well, you could, but for realism you shouldn't 3. There is NO rudder trim indicator in the cockpit. The rudder hold was NOT installed in all the Corvalis aircraft and is not modeled in the JGX version. Glad you're enjoying the aircraft! Jim
  16. See Page 149 of the POH that came with the Corvalis (documents folder)
  17. Steve, Your statement/quote "Been flying this one a bit ..." lead me to believe that you had the aircraft for some time (prior to release), is that true? And if so, you really didn't answer my question, are you in fact a beta tester for Carenado, or not?
  18. So Steve... just wondering... are you a beta tester for Carenado?
  19. @pfbolio Are you speaking of the ReadyPad in the 2D or 3D cockpit? Yes, the 64 bit version if Gizmo is not quite ready and therefore the Corvalis will not run properly in 64bit. The color/brightness of the screens IS an issue as a result of changes in XP10 vs. XP9. This will also be corrected with the next update. The doors, stick, and rudder pedals have never been animated in the Corvalis.. maybe someday Jim
  20. Are you running 10.20 32 bit or 64 bit?
  21. David, The picture you sent of the cockpit shows that the Corvalis plugin is not running. From what I can see in the log.txt file Gizmo is not running on your system and needs to be to run the Corvalis. Please verify that you have Gizmo installed in your plugins folder. Jim
  22. What version of X-Plane are you using?
  23. 0.01 degrees of separation.... funny how that works, eh?
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