That would be a first. How many "heads up" announcements have you made regarding other developer's products (besides Carenado)? Please post the links. You stated that ... "The latest updates haven't even been formally announced at any of their other retail outlets, to my knowledge." Really? So, the first "formal announcement" of these updates was proferred by YOU, at X-Pilot, ... how interesting. How exactly did you obtain this information prior to the rest of the world knowing if you are simply a "customer" like everyone else? Your actions and words speak otherwise. You can talk all day long about your "intentions", but actions speak louder than words. If I point out the obvious relationship you have with Carenado, that is not casting an "aspersion", it's just the truth. End user beta tester status brings with it many responsibilites, or at least it should. You should be reporting your test findings to Carenado... not making announcements on their behalf or acting as a promoter. Really, are you kidding? You post that example to try to prove your lack of bias. Where/What/When was the last post you made regarding an update to Jason Chandler's aircraft? or anyone else's, besides Carenado? Please show me another X-Plane customer of third party add-on products who makes announcement and promotes that vendor's products the way you do. Your actions indicate an obvious bias and you are certainly NOT without prejudice.