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  1. I can only image the amount of work re-modelling the 3d cockpit. Definitely not trivial. It is, however, great fun flying the IXEG with a clockwork cockpit, I've got it running all on a flat-screen trainer with Air Manager, just a lack of VNAV display. Essentially it's a re-engined 737-200Adv, takes a bit more thought than having a magenta line in front of you, and a lot more fun - mind you I'm sitting at home on a PC sim not doing this for real. If we could please have the data to next waypoint out of the FMC as datarefs that would simplify some of the coding, oh and datarefs for all the rheostats same as currently provided for the Overhead and Pedestal panel lights would be great as well. Here's hoping!
  2. First up, thanks to you tk, Jan and the IXEG team for bringing the 733 to XP12, and for the encouraging words about further development. I got into X-Plane specifically for the 733 when it was originally released, and there's something intangible yet unique about the feel of the IXEG cockpit - you can see the "love" that went into making it. To add to @aquarich's comments I'll second the request for availability of all rheostat position datarefs - the confusion I had is the lack of consistency that some rheostats have datarefs, some don't, and the way XP12 handles lighting makes things more complicated it you're having to work off light levels. There is a workaround to reverse-engineer rheostat setting based on ambient light and gauge brightness, but I'll happily switch back to running straight off rheostat position for simplicity. Nothing lost though as I think exporting annunciator brightness for external cockpits has to be manipulated for the XP12 version; unless IXEG has specific datarefs for annunciators lit or unlit (or dim and bright) already in the system? Can I also add a request for datarefs to provide internal FMC LNAV values? I have a flat-screen NON-EFIS cockpit built with Air Manager which displays LNAV data on the HSI, but it's a fudge, and requires route data and calculations vs aircraft position to work. Essentially I'm duplicating the FMC calculations externally and having the internal FMC values available to read directly would be superb! In the absence of internal FMC values I haven't thought about how I'll deal with Vertical Deviation yet.... Anyhows thanks again, and wish you every success with the 733! PS. Not sure if it's been mentioned previously, but should the standby ASI always read zero?
  3. Thanks Jan. My commercial department said we need to modernise the fleet so I'm in the process of modifying my rig from a -200 to a -300. Julian the EADI and EHSI are extracted using a programme called XTexture Extractor by Wayne 1234. Search on x-plane .org and you'll find the file. There's also a Github link as I think you'll need to run an earlier version if you're using the Vulcan beta. It replicates what's displaying on your IXEG EADI and EHSI. The only downside is that it won't refresh if you are in outside view, but for me that's not an issue. The rest of the panel is WIP by me using software called Air Manager - it's payware from siminnovations.com. With it you can run external instruments or complete panels on the same PC as XPlane or FSX/P3D or on a networked computer. They have literally hundreds of ready-made instruments you can download, but they are mainly GA and for the Boeings 737NG. It's incredibly powerful and allows the user to develop their own instruments so a couple of years ago I set to work on the 737-200, which I now have fully working across 5 monitors, with a Cockpits4You throttle and CPFlight navcom. As an example here's the 732 MIP I produced which is split across three 27" monitors. So I'm doing the same now for the 737-300. The MIP is as done as I can be until more IXEG datarefs are available, and the overhead is a work in progress. So far the overhead has converted very nicely, I just have a few issues with a couple of momentary switches which I can't get Air Manager to hold in position (eg APU start), but as switch position dataref looks like part of future update hopefully we can overcome those minor glitches. After a few days it already works well enough to allow me to externally control the overhead for a full flight from start-up to shutdown. The eagle-eyed will spot the particular panel modules which haven't yet been modified from 737-200 to 737-300 standard. This will be split across 2 monitors so it's nice and large. The great thing with Air Manager is that if you want to take things further hooking up multiple Arduino's and adding switches, buttons, LEDs and servos to build physical panels is very easy, literally a couple of lines of code for each switch or LED. I will look to make these panels available at some point in the future, though online support's not something I want to have to get into!! Hope this gives you some inspiration. Cheers
  4. I would also like to add to that common request, output to a network would be superb. In the meantime though it is possible to use Texture Extractor and Air Manager to build multi-monitor or networked panels. I just did a flight STN-EDI with version 1.3 in the latest XP beta to check everything still works. Apologies for the photo quality and this is a test rig - the instruments are off to the side - but hopefully it shows the concept. I also have centre MIP and overhead running in Air Manager, but still a lot to do, and I'm looking forward to dataref availability being expanded. I couldn't see anything glaring that had stopped working that hasn't already been posted so to second Julian's comment - version 1.3 is awesome, thank you IXEG team.
  5. I reinstalled the IXEG yesterday and messed around with converting my 737-200 overhead in Air Manager to the 733, it's about 70% done and working very nicely. Took my EXS livery for a short flight, I'd forgotten what charm this aircraft has, a real credit to the development team. Very much looking forward to it getting even better with the impending update(s).
  6. To be honest I''m a bit OCD with these things, I won't release anything until I'm 100% happy. @jfjoubert raises a great point and it's not worth working until we know if the paint kit will be updated. On the one hand not affecting existing paints would be handy, but on the other there are several issues already mentioned in the forum where improvements to the paint kit would really help painters - alignment on the nose and tail areas right now is a massive pain, and that's a big issue for retro liveries when stripes were in vogue, not like the boring (but cheaper and quicker to apply irl ) all white fuselages of today.
  7. Yes, they're done (apart from Inter European which I think still needed some work, but to be honest I gave up on this aircraft because of the lack of development and for me personally lack of certain dataref availability - I switched to the 732 and developed my cockpit software around that. I have a load of 90% finished liveries - if they do update it as indicated then I have several liveries which could be released once I dust off my painters hat. Would be nice to see a new version of the IXEG, I have a lot of real-world affection for the 737 Classics. A handful of WIP shots from 2017.
  8. I'm having great fun (and more than a share of frustration !) building networked panels for the IXEG using Air Manager. I've focused first on most used functionality. My centre (engine instruments) panel is running nicely and I'm working now on the overhead, and to customise flight instruments to better match the 733. To add to some other posts there are a few holes in the data availability I can't plug either directly or with a workaround. Plan A is to use shared cockpit software to display the EADI and EHSI. Plan B is a clockwork Southwest-style cockpit. I've seen past comment in the forum about a dataref for the Flight Director bars - has that been progressed at all? Also search as I might with the dataref tool I can't find anything covering Thrust Modes and Yaw Damper, are they available? Thanks again IXEG team. I've been tempted away temporarily a couple of times by other younger birds, but keep coming back to the good-old Classic. Cheers Jon
  9. No worries, many thanks Jorg, working as per email. Also just to say Jorg's email support today has been fantastic, very responsive and helpful, I wish all developers were the same. Cheers Jon
  10. Hi Jorg, any update following your visit? Cheers Jon
  11. Great news, many thanks Jorg, looking forward to it. Best Jon
  12. Hi Jorg, I tried the demo a couple of days and bought the software yesterday. I was very impressed by how simple it was to set up, being able to use my old MCP transforms the way I fly the IXEG now. One question though, as to what plans/timeline you have to add IXEG nav, adf, radio, xponder capability to the MCP, that'll really make this software fly? Thanks Jon
  13. Thanks darrenf, appreciate the comment though it's the folks who make the paintkit who do the real hard work. Yes will do the Dan-Air, in both this livery and with BA titles added after the buy-out. I also have Astraeus, Debonair, Flyglobespan (a few variations) and Inter European almost finished to try and complete the UK operators.
  14. Here you go craigy51. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/40355-orion-b737-300-ixeg/ Has anyone figured out how to customise the door surrounds - would love to figure that out!
  15. Thank you for this file. I also still had to mess with the B733_glass_decals.png file in the objects folder to get complete control over the engine decals but you helped point me in the right direction. Cheers!
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