Great job guys, loving flying this aircraft and the flight model seems massively improved.
Any chance you might tweak a few things for the ‘ready to fly’ panel state that seem a bit out of place?
- position light currently off (would be on with power to the airplane?)
- DH ref on 200 on both sides (have to drag this to -20 every time you ‘take over’ the aircraft - naughty outgoing crew)
- transponder on TA/RA AUTO - wouldn’t it be to OFF and STBY at the gate?
- Fuel pumps and ELEC hydraulics energised - I’m sure I read that for most of the service life of the classics, until the start flow you’d have the ELEC 2 and 1 off and the fuel pumps off apart from the (AFT?) number 1 feeding the APU?
More than happy to be corrected by wiser heads than mine as to why these are all the way they are , though
The only other thing on my wish list would be to link up the FO altimeter baro selector with the Captains’, to cut down the workload a bit and for those of us that fly the -800 a lot, putting the selection of the FLT/GND switch into the checklist as it’s easily missed.
Cheers and keep up the good work!