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Everything posted by M4cD

  1. http://www.schiratti.com/XPUIPCV2038.zip
  2. @jcallum @Litjan Its caused by newer versions of XUIPC Disable XUIPC or get and older version Regards Lawrence
  3. Hi there Tom Good to see the progress made it's going to make this the best plane again .. Have this bug been addressed Was reported in 2016 Regards
  4. @Litjan Hi there Jan , I think I did indicate this to you a while back , When selecting NON metric system , the fuel flow is still in KG/H .. Should be lb/hr Also the quantity is the same on both Metric and NoN Metric Regards Lawrence
  5. @Litjan "lbs labeling on the fuel gauges if imperial units are chosen:" Should the the fuel flow not be in LBS ? Regards Lawrence
  6. The Aircraft does not follow the arc approach correctly , Also not drawing it correctly , but strangely drawing the missed approach correctly , AEROSOFT Navdata 1609 GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  7. HI there ON approach to EPPG with this route TURO4N TURON A5 ASDEB KORUL UN866 QPR UN472 ARE UN864 MONTY KEGU1D The aircraft turned away from flight path close to intercept . And then when i recovered to manual Gizmo crash Reqrds Lawrence GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  8. 1, Make sure you have 1.06 installed 2. Make sure the directory installed is correct X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic Then it should work . .
  9. Hi there , birdy.dma I posted the wrong pick was not thinking ..
  10. It seems I cant Tune to freqencies with decimals on the ADF , On this example it should be 462.5 , I can tune 463 462 Regards Lawrence
  11. @Ethan Have you tried it on another airport , it seems VTBS_Bangkok has to many errors and X Plae cant cope .. Regards Lawrence
  12. The ground proximity warning canot be inhibited with the inhibit switches .. Landed at SLLP 13314FT Altitude flap 15 landing , Can someone please confirm ? Regards Lawrence
  13. I just read the whole Boeing FMC guide .. All boeings from the 737 300 onwards with the Smiths FMC is flyover enabled .. It would be a crucial piece needed for IXEG , so would request it added to the upcoming things to do . Regards Lawrence
  14. Ok .. is this software based on Smiths FMC 737 300s onwards ? Regards Lawrence
  15. Hi there . #Jan , can the current FMC do a flyover waypoint , ( I did check the NOT in ver 1.0 post but could not find it ) I tried by entering /O but it did not work Regards Lawrence
  16. IXEG 737 - 300 South African ZS-SBB View File IXEG 737 - 300 South African ZS-SBB Regards Lawrence South African Airways.zip Submitter M4cD Submitted 04/24/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  17. Version 1.2


    IXEG 737 - 300 South African ZS-SBB Regards Lawrence South African Airways.zip
  18. Tom and Cameron , Congrats , this is going to be a Huge milestone for X Plane .. Now that we have a date , Would it be possible to release the paintkit so we can start making liveries ? Regards Lawrence
  19. MIne is not on gmail , even contacted my mail service provider , they have now record of it ..
  20. Cameron , I have not yet recieved my discount code .. Regards Lawrence
  21. On the latest Navigraph I get 1450 ft FINAL,Q26,26,N,3 IF,FF26,51.885009,11.629639,CB,0.0,0.0,2,3000,0,0,0,0,2,0 CF,30DME,51.867339,11.500920,0,CB,0.0,0.0,255.0,4.9,2,1450,0,0,0,0,0,0 CF,CB,51.860384,11.450539,0,COD,0.0,1.1,255.0,1.9,1,828,0,0,0,0,3,0 FA,CB,51.860384,11.450539,0,MAG,0.0,0.0,255.0,2,2000,0,0,0,0,0,0 DF,MAG,51.994989,11.794306,2, ,0.0,0.0,1,4000,0,0,0,0,0,0 Lawrence
  22. How about an update ? Its to quiet here .. Regards Lawrence
  23. I want to suggest you start taking Pre - Orders to assist Tom and take the pressure off . He has previously stated he will be running out of funds by end February , I would rather pay now and be assured that the plane is absolutely done and working , its that important to me . You could then reward early backers with some extra , or something really does not matter to me . Just my 2 cents .. Regards Lawrence McDonald
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