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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. That's correct. X-Plane 11 is at your own risk. From a code perspective we alleviated what was causing issues taxiing around. For those adventurous enough to dabble in 11 and not care about flight characteristics, you can have some fun then.
  2. Hi @JeffLeh!, Looks like you have a carried over preference enabled. On the IXEG menu (move your mouse over to left of screen), select "Preferences" and then on the 'Advanced' section de-select the 'Turn on Debug mode'. In previous versions this feature wasn't properly working, so you could have had it selected at one time and never known till now since it's been fixed. Hope this helps!
  3. Let's try this: 1. Delete all traces of the IXEG from your aircraft folder 2. Delete the Uninstall file located in X-Plane/X-Aviation 3. Re-Download installer and re-install
  4. Are you sure you're opening the correct aircraft? Did you have one installed prior to the 1.1 update?
  5. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.1 update for the Take Command! IXEG 737 Classic. All customers who have purchased the IXEG 737 Classic up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the IXEG 737 Classic from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original IXEG 737 Classic download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Added TCAS. Just like in the real airplane, it will show various types of traffic (PROX, TA, RA) and the relative altitude, plus voice callouts and visual aids to avoiding RA traffic. The panel should work as the real one, including TA only, ABV/BLW, STBY, etc. Improved EGPWS. This is enhanced over 1.0.7 - the modes (1-5) should work a lot more closely to how the real modes work, including submodes (i.e. 4A, 4B). There is also a terrain-look-ahead feature that will alert when approaching terrain higher than the aircraft. New panel, new switches, new TERRAIN ON light. New INOP label for FO´s terrain display. Opening cargo doors with door annunciators and 3D cargo holds modeled. Eyebrow windows including selectable sunshade panels (select in preferences menu) Opening cockpit door Now showing current active waypoint distance and ETA on EHSI upper corners in MAP and CTR MAP mode Added increase/decrease map range datarefs A multitude of fixes to FMS stability and LNAV drawing and performance Several texture fixes INOP label for the logo lights if winglets fitted Autopilot fixes (autothrust gain, logic of MA buttons, GS arm logic, cleanup of FMA modes in some circumstances, FL CHG pitch behaviour in MACH regime with turbulence) Several rare gizmo crashes fixed for switches and levers Fixes to headings and bearings shown on FIX INFO and LEGS page (now show correct magnetic tracks) Ground power not showing anymore when booting in turnaround state Fixes to default transition altitude not always showing correctly (still just a crude east/west division) Added realistic way to operate approach speeds on APPROACH page Added failure flag to altimeter when not electrically powered Improved EFIS symbology when IRS units not aligned Fuel gauges now show "lbs" when imperial units are selected LNAV tracking accuracy improved (no more offset flying) Ground model "Ninja fix" when using airplane with XP11 (no full XP11 compatibility yet) Solved numerous situations that would cause the FMS to produce soft crashes in the Gizmo console The aircraft will likely work in X-Plane11, but we do not officially support it and it may not be truly accurate numbers as you would find flight model wise in X-Plane 10. This is just enough to get by and allow your enjoyment in XP 11. A separate XP 11 update will be released at a later point. As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  6. Some of them are SaaS. We obviously are not, and neither are companies like Luxology, but using the same cloud model on the licensing front. Just because you use the cloud for licensing does not imply it's subscription based. Keeping a database of valid users and their products is simple enough. Keeping the license alive so long as you're a legitimate customer is our service to you for the original purchase. Share the software, file a chargeback, etc and all bets are off. You can kiss it goodbye at that point.
  7. There are very valid reasons it's done this way. The way you propose is insecure, defeats licensing control, easily cracked and pirated, and does us no good as a company who has invested much research in the statistics of DRM vs Non-DRM on our products in this market, but depend on sales in said small market to put food on the table for families. Further, this is the proper direction. Some of the largest corporations in the world have moved to this method. It is not dated, but more futuristic. Autodesk, Adobe, Luxology, and so many others have now going the "cloud revolution".
  8. The DC-3 will work in 11. There were no special updates yet done for it in 11, but it does run. A small texture patch was also provided for use in 11:
  9. X-Plane controls the reflected sun on water. What you're seeing is our sun model based on the closest year in time to which Laminar uses for their reflections (about 2014). Every now and again you'll likely find a quirk like this.
  10. LOL, I know I shouldn't laugh at this, but I did. This random vision of a "pucker up" face came across my mind as you get instructions from ATC and pray at the same time.
  11. No, not the case. When you disable Gizmo you also disable SkyMaxx Pro, so the clouds you see appearing are default clouds.
  12. You're not doing anything wrong. We're working within reason to not overload customers' computers. Glad you're enjoying it!
  13. Haha, ya, not that guy, but I wouldn't be surprised if very alike in person.
  14. There's definitely something "off" about him. He's also out starting conspiracy theories now too. Someone just alerted me to this little quote in his last post at the org: @Agrajag said: So apparently now each person in this thread is a fake because they didn't agree with this dude's childish antics. He seems to insinuate the accounts are fake. I don't know who thinks that way, but perhaps this guy does that himself in other venues and tries to lay blame on normal people in society who actually can see this guy for what he is. Sorry to all those in this thread being accused of fake. We appreciate your support and patronage during this little bump with a childish adult.
  15. Hot air. Lots of it. And blind like a bat too. You have lost so much perspective in life it seems, especially statistically. The "dwarfing" numbers is so infinitely dwarfed in comparison to our costumer base or even product orders. There will always be a few. You're one of them. This situation certainly wasn't challenging. Just challenged. A mouse click. A MOUSE CLICK! You're off the rocker, dude.
  16. Mark, Before we go further, the falco will not work in XP 11 or 10, we do not sell this (for a long time), and I'm curious what version of X-Plane you're now trying to use it with?
  17. X-Plane users are quite vocal. We have had thousands of activations on this new setup in one days time. I have received exactly ONE email about this notification and asking how to get rid of it. Care to guess who from? You. There have been THREE people asking about how to dismiss it a bit easier across forums. There have been numerous people, especially in your org topic, telling you to literally "get a grip", or "get over it". You blew something up over a mouse click. Like a child with a temper tantrum because mommy made him tie his shoe before going outside. Ben did reply to this early. Tons of people did and still are talking about you behind your back. What's sad is you are blinded by being able to see how bad the antics you pulled really make you look. If I had read this thread before reading your OK Cupid profile I'd call BS all day long like playing a poker match. One things for sure...you really love to write about yourself.
  18. Ah, I can see how you could assume that. Happy to help!
  19. Hi there! Simply move your mouse to the right hand of the screen to bring the Gizmo menu up, and then click on the preferences icon. De-select the option for checking the license at each startup. Easy, peasy!
  20. Aside from the fact I'm talking to a seemingly ignorant individual, I do not have a chip on my shoulder. You just seem to have a comprehension level less than that of my brothers pre-school child. Given your age, it's also not so likely you'll change, either. No, you're trying to MAKE it more than a push notification. Your gripe was the notification. That's what sparked this. Because you're too cool for school to click your mouse twice a month. The more you type, the more stupid comes out. This is literally that. I only know what you've publicly gloated about yourself. Remember, you did that before I ever said a darned thing. The whole holier than thou comes from you, not I. You're the one who wanted it to be known about your profound greatness in life about researching or writing on these things. Holy s*it, Batman. Talk about proving my point on comprehension levels! We're talking about knowledge in X-Plane DRM and you want to start asking questions about your favorite color or where you spend your time? Lame. What a poor argument. Go ahead and count them. It's small. Wouldn't even amount to 1% of our customer base. I really hope they do read it thoroughly. It's quite evident who the child is if they do. You were on a tirade before I entered this convo about how you can't possibly use a product with a notification that requires your mouse click. Well, you're gone I guess, right? Yes, you're very skewed, silly version of facts. Thank the lord those speaking about you both in PM and now through alternate channels are mocking what a crazy goof you seem to come off like. It's not just me. Hopefully you're done now.
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