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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Are you sure you're looking in the right place? Plugins > SkyMaxx Pro > Real-World Weather is the proper menu sequence. If you're in the right place, please upload both the Log.txt file and Gizmo Log.txt files from your main X-Plane folder.
  2. As VNAV code is changed this will likely change, because I believe it's supposed to be like other Boeing's, but for this product, to get proper VNAV calculation you MUST close the loop by filling out the entire flight plan.
  3. That's correct. It requires this. If you leave a route open ended you may find a hit of FPS as well. You must complete the flight plan.
  4. Just for resolution, this was okay to do. The Hotfix.zip file simply contains the latest encrypted programming scripts from the installer server. What happened here was you started an install and then aborted it (likely due to the component error that we fixed last night), and so normally this file gets auto-deleted after it's unzipped and placed in the aircraft folder by the installer, but since the installer never got to that point in the install sequence it remained. You can leave it there too if it makes you feel better, but it will never serve a purpose to the aircraft itself.
  5. This means you are running an outdated version of X-Plane 11. You'll need to update (can do the latest non-beta version).
  6. You have been using someone else account to run our products, and when another slot was needed on that account your machine was blocked. We do not allow piracy/sharing. Your machine is now blacklisted for this.
  7. There's no FPS requirement for TrackIR, so I'm not clear what you mean. Looking at your video there I also see the spikes we discussed, where your max is 60, but your averaging much less, even sometimes getting in the 40's. These brief spikes are what is stabilized. I have TrackIR, and I typically run my sim around 35 fps. There are zero issues panning around.
  8. Thanks. We're going to investigate this best we can.
  9. I just want to double check what I'm seeing here in the logs. Can you confirm that there is now a marker.1 file present in your X-Plane/X-Aviation folder? There should be now that you've updated.
  10. @Ben Russell is going to have to get back to you on that one. I'm a bit lost on that and it may or may not be related to the latest Gizmo update. To better assist, can you also please upload the Gizmo Log.txt file and Log.txt file (both located in the main X-Plane folder). To start cold and dark you must use the IXEG aircraft menus (the one's the slide out from the left side of the screen).
  11. One man's loss of FPS is not another's. You need to try it for yourself, much in the same way that one guy has 5 fps gain on SkyMaxx and the other has 5 fps loss. Everyone's system is different.
  12. SOLVED This affected a subset of Windows users. If you were one of the affected customers please delete the installer you have and re-download.
  13. Problem potentially identified. Testing a fix now. 70% sure about it.
  14. I'll look into this. Tests on Windows here were successful. Looks like Windows 10?
  15. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.21 update for the Take Command! IXEG 737 Classic. All customers who have purchased the IXEG 737 Classic up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the IXEG 737 Classic from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.21 for you. ======== This update is fully X-Plane 10 and 11 compatible. IMPORTANT As of IXEG v 1.21 the flight model is now updated to XP v 11.1. THIS MEANS THAT YOU NEED XP v 11.1 OR NEWER FOR THE IXEG v 1.21 AIRCRAFT TO PERFORM AS IN INTENDED! So, if you use - say - XP 11.05 with IXEG v1.21, you will probably experience trim issues, aircraft nose wanting to lift off to early on takeoff etc. And possibly other strange issues. So if you for some reason wan't/need to stick with XP v 11.05 or older, stick with IXEG v 1.20. ======== What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original IXEG 737 Classic download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Added reflective glass surfaces in cockpit for XP11 Added datarefs for autopilot modules Several bugs fixed to enhance stability of FMS Flight model is now updated to latest XP 11.10 standard. New downwash effects in XP11 (like mild nose-down effect when close to ground, as in reality) Enabled stick shaker sound again when near or below stall AOA Improvement to automatic go-around speed commands Improved cargo holds (lit at night, affect pressurization) Fixed standby-power logic Enabled Captain´s altimeter to work when powered by standby bus Stopped LNAV tracking when route is deleted Updates Gizmo to v18.01.02, tuned for consistent frame rates - roughly 10% faster As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  16. Max, It's possible that a plugin you have installed is preventing a letter from typing out. To verify, type your password into the email field and see if all characters are there. If they are, then it's possible if you have some special characters in your password that it's the root of the problem.
  17. No. I still use windowed mode during development. It's under the selection of your monitor resolution within X-Plane.
  18. I believe you're experiencing a 4k resolution issue. As I recall, I've heard of this problem with switch and knob manipulation with numerous aircraft, but I've only had one guy write in about it before. Apparently making X-Plane run in windowed mode is the answer. There is an app that will take the borders away and make it feel like full windowed mode. See if going to windowed mode solves your issue.
  19. Nope, didn't say that, and if you know anything about our history you would know that's not how we operate. The Saab is not the only product we carry, and we do not have infinite resources/hands to do everything at once. Furthermore, in ten years of business we have yet to charge an upgrade fee on any of our aircraft products, numerous even from X-Plane 9 to 10 to 11. That was a rather foolish comment you just made.
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