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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Nope, it's just a massive amount of textures that cover a small area, thus using up quite a bit more VRAM than your typical add-on. It helps that they are good texture artists, but my first point is the primary answer that you're after. Where a typical plane can be textured on a single UV map, McPhat will split it up into multiple.
  2. He labeled it as a joke. Perhaps you missed that part where he said "kidding aside." In any case, thanks for sharing your perspective and thoughts! You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I hope that airing your frustration has made you feel better. If you feel your time was put to good use, then that's okay in the end and I have no objection to it. I still firmly believe it's counter productive, that we all could have found something better to do than have an exchange of words that do nothing, but if it was felt as a positive step in your daily activities, I am not going to stop you.
  3. Glad to hear of a fix! Direct link to topic is here.
  4. Enough, Gentlemen. It's out when it's out. This is entirely counter-productive not only for us, but for you too. There are many better things we could ALL be doing with our lives than actually trying to hash out words here.
  5. Pretty sure the 777 uses SASL. Rather than it being a SASL issue, I think this is an A320 NEO specific issue where the developer needs to chime in and explain what he's doing with weather datarefs. I wouldn't be so quick to blame SASL as a whole.
  6. So why don't you just switch to a different sky color? It's a matter of preference. Don't like it? Change it!
  7. I won't even begin to have a debate about complexities with you. Nine words in to your post and I knew you can't even begin to relate. Believe what you wish and how you wish. Congrats to the SSG team!
  8. Please read the replies above yours. Thanks (although the server shows you already just activated)!
  9. All license request must be handled through email.
  10. I have just uploaded a new version of the installer which should fix this issue. There will be no e-mails sent out for this as it doesn't seem to affect a mass amount of people, but for those who do experience it, please follow the instructions as outlined in the update topic to grab the latest installer and re-install!
  11. Elaborate. That's not very useful.
  12. We are still working out the best way to handle this. So far it's proving to not be an easy task.
  13. The glazing is purposefully out of position.
  14. All license related issues must be sent in by email to X-Aviation. We do not handle these on the forums.
  15. I agree that with a 780 you should not be having any crazy issues. This isn't a big multi monitor setup, is it? We'll keep looking into this, but I'm not sure how far we will get. One idea (if you have time) is to remove all plugins except Gizmo, Silverlining, and XSB and see if the problem persists. You also mention SASL. That should not be in your plugins folder if if is.
  16. Correct.
  17. It's not a bug. The Jetstream does not support what you are trying to do.
  18. You may need to take this one up with Wade at XSB. That log clearly shows his plugin is crashing. Be sure to send any related crash log to him too! As for the pauses, it should be about 75% faster. If it's not it's quite possible your GPU is just hammered. What kind is it?
  19. There is no bug here. The look of the clouds is time based for when X-Plane feels it should change the color for day transition. If you press the 'K' or 'L' and keep them held down you will see the time at which X-Plane feels this transition should take place.
  20. Unzip the files before running the installer. Don't run it within the zip.
  21. 1. What sky color set? 2. What location is the screenshot taken? 3. What time of day in the time setting?
  22. This is entirely beside the point. It still loads data based on location and changes it often using the same method of weather injection that any other Real World method would. That's the point that matters. Anything more and we're just getting too technical for customers, which in turn gets mushed in words. Thanks though!
  23. You're not losing any rendering quality. This just forces an alternate method for updating vertices. It's not as efficient speed wise, thus we don't make this default. You don't have much choice, and as you can see, it's not too inefficient in the end.
  24. Okay, we've reviewed this now and it's come down to a few possibilities: 1. Potentially bad drivers - this would be on Nvidia. It's possible that we are tapping into something on the GPU that X-Plane typically does not, thus the reason you didn't have the issue before. 2. Potentially hitting a fill-rate wall. The 580 was a good card (especially for X-Plane 9), but when X-Plane 10 came out the fill-rate issue became a big factor, and this card does get hit hard with it (I had the very same card myself). You have such an amazing config, this will likely be your next thing to upgrade down the line so that you're not GPU bound, I'm sure. Anyways, if it's a fill-rate issue and we are filling up your card beyond what it can handle with current settings, there's one option you can try (side note: folks, this is not an invitation to try this with the exception of the thread starter here)... 1. From your desktop, go to your system control panel / system and security / system / advanced system settings 2. Click on "environment variables" 3. Click "new", enter SILVERLINING_NO_VBO for the name, and 1 for the value. 4. Restart Windows. What happens now?
  25. He's using 1.2 as stated in original post. We're looking into it. First glance this seems bad driver related, but I'm not going to pin it there just yet.
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