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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Utilizing the contact form on X-Aviation will create a support ticket for you. Explaining to us the need for the reset will 99% of the time result in us offering a free reset of the download for you. This is also explained in our terms (section 5): http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/conditions.php
  2. Bob, I've reset those downloads for you. Give that a go and see how it works out.
  3. We don't really have a final word on this for now. The only promise for the moment is the NavDataPro from Aerosoft. If things change we would certainly communicate that at the appropriate moment.
  4. Bob, Yes, both machines should have fresh installs of the products from the actual installers. That said, if you are missing your SkyMaxx Pro installer the process would be to re-download (what's the order number?) or copy JUST the SilverLining folder located in your master machines plugins folder over to the new machine AFTER installing the DC3 fresh from am installer. Easiest and cleanest route will always be from an installer rather than copying though!
  5. What your describing sounds like computer resources going down the tubes. Likely GPU.
  6. You're posting in the Real Weather Connector thread. Just to be sure you understand, this is not a part of 3.1.
  7. This is an X-Plane limitation. We have come up with a solution for it in the next update though.
  8. You're way too far ahead of yourself Tom. Put it this way: We know more about X-Plane and version 10/11 than the public does by a factor of many. There are no concerns.
  9. You are not everyone. We've been through this with a group before. The overall consensus was pretty overwhelmingly in favor of the current implementation. I'm sorry if you don't find that to be realistic, but many others do.
  10. Making a plane great and making money FOR making the plane great are two different things. This is a business first and foremost. People have families and lives, and these things must be taken into account when dedicating resources to projects.
  11. While I agree it would be cool, we've discovered a lesson during this products lifetime. We thought variants would be an effective way to give people good variety, and that there would be many who use all, but the truth is only about 2% of Saab 340A customers use the cargo or AEW variant. Because of this, going into the future we've agreed not to do multiple variants on new products. So with that said, while it would be fun, the demand necessary to generate the revenue and pay back the cost of development for this is simply not there.
  12. You need to reinstall on the new machine using the installer. Simply dragging files over like that will not work.
  13. There's no winning here. I have seen SO many complaints on X-Plane related groups about all the beta shots going out for the x737 and lack of release. We are not going to start doing this. At some point you have to realize the aircraft still looks as has already been shown. Short answer: won't be happening at this stage!
  14. Please use the contact form on X-Aviation.
  15. Then your post had absolutely no business being in this topic. Back on topic, please. To all others: We have a pretty awesome product to discuss here! Let's keep it clean and on topic. Further posts like A121017's will be removed from the topic so as to keep this thread what it's really about. Nice screenshot Morten!
  16. The guy has asked me on Skype, in private message, and on here, as well as to other team members. He was told politely many times we were not seeking more beta testers. He's not asking for a progress update. I (or anyone) really didn't need you to chime back. No one was "moderated". I asked him to "please stop asking." Simple request. Don't blow this up. I'm now going to politely ask you to please discontinue any attempt to moderate or derail this topic. Further discussion on this will NOT be had, and that's definitely my warning to you.
  17. Please stop asking. You've already been told no.
  18. What a wild post. Ben spoke economics. Not 100% of Linux users will purchase any specific add on, so that means only a fraction of a fraction of a market would purchase, making the platform not so viable from a commercial perspective. You seem to teeter totter a lot. In December you preached the same thing about not purchasing: We respect that. Now you need to respect our business decision. You're free to support whatever, but suggesting anything is greedy is seriously off base. Smart, but not greedy.
  19. The closure of a topic is not an invitation for you to open another with the same premise.
  20. Folks, This product will be priced fairly and proportionately based on five years work and a team of people getting their compensation. We will not debate this here. The price is not announced, and no one will be holding a gun to your head to purchase it after the fact. The best thing you can do is vote with your wallet, and you'll surely be offered such an opportunity in a short time. If the price ends up being out of your range of acceptability then we all accept that and kindly ask you to appreciate our side too. Likewise, if the price is cheap enough for you to justify years of enjoyment (whatever that price may be) then we welcome you! That's all for this topic. There's no need to let it spiral over something not even released.
  21. Hello Captains!, Today we're excited to announce what's coming forward for SkyMaxx Pro v3.1. This will be a free update for all current SkyMaxx Pro v3 owners! We anticipate release for this to be sometime within the next 2-3 weeks. At this time we are in the 12th beta with our internal group of testers. With this free update you can look forward to the following: - Landing lights now illuminate clouds as you fly through them! - Performance enhancements to reduce "stutters" when new cloud conditions are loaded - Many overall performance enhancements - More variation in cloud shapes - More accurate cloud altitudes - Visual improvements to solid and broken stratiform clouds - Numerical setting values now displayed in the config screen - New ability to save and load named configuration sets - More tuning of cloud lighting, visibility, and shadow effects - Ready for the upcoming Real Weather Connector product Hope you like what's coming your way!
  22. PMDG has had the DC6 listed that way for months.
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