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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. We have now received the files for distribution as of this morning. We'll be working on a new installer and getting this packaged up to distribute as soon as possible.
  2. I'm assuming you're wanting the latest CRJ update. JRollon found issues with the update after sending it out to the org customers, and because of this did not send us the files to distribute at the same time. We finally got the files today, and will be working on packaging this up. All customer download links will reset after it is released.
  3. There's an uninstaller located in the X-Plane/X-Aviation folder.
  4. It is unbelievable to me what lengths people will go to and lie. First you told me you had no idea who Dasty was...now he's all of a sudden your friend. Piracy is not condoned. Take it up with your lawyer.
  5. Why are you telling me this? The quote you're referencing and responding to did not come from me, nor am I phased by what you're talking about. My skin is a bit thicker than that. SkyMaxx Pro has sold more units than any product in X-Plane. I'm quite sure it's well trusted, Marshall. This line is pure speculation...just because a handful of bar peanuts worth of people are complaining here means nothing. The many thousands of others are just fine, happy, and many often write in about their satisfaction all the time. Rich is subjective, and I've made no comment to allow you to interpret how much I make, but I do well enough to be quite happy and I'll leave it there. I have plenty in life to brag about, but I won't. Then perhaps don't buy it. There's no need to be witty and fill your short story posts here with a bunch of fluff like you're used to doing for the likes of Anderson Cooper and any other media in your normal day job. I'm sure our President-Elect would have some choice words in here too. Somehow he got elected...guess not everyone always agrees with the likes of you, eh Marshall? Anyways, the focus of this thread was to show some higher altitude shots. My asking to simmer down had nothing to do with saving pride...it's just not necessary for the time being. Right now we're all just wasting time. To all others: Enjoy. Until next time, thread closed.
  6. I do believe I mentioned earlier this doesn't affect me in that way. It's human interaction, and I'm not going to sit here and allow one way pounce action. This is not Ford or any other big corporate company. This is a group of individuals bringing stuff to hobbyists alike. My point is there is some very unnecessary drama being created in a pre-release preview thread. It's quite frankly silly. Bear in mind I see all posts on this forum daily, and I may have a bit more context than you when it comes to the history of a specific individuals postings in another thread. I don't expect you to have that same context in mind.
  7. Really? Wow. You don't care about frame rates? That's a technical aspect, and I substantiated where I'm coming from by giving the 3D aspect as part of that argument. That goes hand in hand with performance. You seem to want to ignore this. You absolutely are! You're worked up trying to correct me about your interpretation that a 86nm cloud draw extension is not a huge improvement. Give me a break, man. There comes a threshold that further extension doesn't even make sense, so yes, again, I maintain this is an insane draw distance increase for a not so hefty performance impact. Compare that to the v3 performance impact with the slider basically half the distance and my response again is the same.
  8. Good heavens, relax. Not just you, but all of you. I stand by my statement of an insane increase. In order for us to extend it where we did we had to optimize to even allow it. You're so focused on the visual that it's not allowing you to see the technical. And, before you start bringing up what freeware may sometimes look like, or what a product in another FS may look like...consider SkyMaxx Pro 3 and its 3D properties (it took up until this year for MSFS to have its first 3D clouds from REX). We are not going to sit here with all these custom video requests. Trust me, YouTube will be filled with all of that within a week if not a day of release. For the moment we are very busy working with testers and using their feedback to improve on each beta build (5 alone in the last week). In the middle of it we are showing you previews as a little fun. We don't have to do it if you'd rather sit in here and debate or argue stuff about something you don't even have yet. I'm not offended here, but I know how hard these guys developing this software work, and I have a higher appreciation for it. Try appreciating the previews for now rather than figuring out how you can attempt to tear it down before it's even in your hands. We haven't even got the preview video out yet!
  9. Hmmm, well, I guess that means the market we cater to doesn't seem to care as much about that product then (no matter how great it may be). Good thing you've used it I guess! I'm sure they do.
  10. I didn't misunderstand you at all. I said I don't use or have interest in the platform. I cannot benchmark software if I don't utilize the software it runs in to begin with. It's rather ballsy of you to deduce I would have solved something without user feedback. After all that time, if it were truly that obvious you wouldn't have been the one to first shout and curse to fix it. In the end, thank you for your help. We rely on users' feedback to improve the product. You offered feedback, we fixed it. Hopefully that willingness was a delight as well. I digress...your original question was about Active Sky. The answer is no.
  11. I do not use MSFS or P3D. My interest in that platform stopped at FS9, so I'm not going to be the guy to answer that question for you reliably.
  12. You're wrong. Distance has been increased to an insane degree. These images depict use of RWC, so it's possible for edges TO exist...just like they would eventually end in real life too. Of course, that's assuming you ramp up the new draw distance coverage. I've been running it with satisfactory results here.
  13. Save the big man talk for after you explain why you've been sharing our software. This silly stuff you're saying does not interest me in the least. That's piracy, sir.
  14. At this point you're slightly shifting gears. To be very clear: nothing on this will be changing, we almost never hear about it, and it's not just because we're lazy. It took significant effort just to create a sound engine to begin with. Further discussing this will literally be a waste of time for all.
  15. If you want playback of sounds in replay then rename the sounds to something default X-Plane 10 will handle with it's own, crappy sound engine. There's a reason Laminar introduced a new sound engine in 11, you know... Your compatibility argument is hogwash, and there's obviously not a clamoring of people hounding us for this either. We made a sound engine. There is no "compatibility" situation here when Laminar doesn't make situations for custom sound engines like ours anyhow. We bent the rules of possibility to make something exist that never did because what was there by default is awful on so many levels...just ask any serious X-Plane user.
  16. Just to be clear, we don't know what Laminar has in store with changes in 11, but what I can tell you is we will no longer be updating the code to v3 of SkyMaxx.
  17. Hi Max, I've just had a look through the support ticket system and aside from a support ticket we helped you solve last year, the only thing we have is the very subject you're talking about now from about one hour earlier than you made this post.
  18. Try downloading the free version of Stuffit Expander in the Mac App Store and then use that app to unzip the file you download from us. It seems that the unzip utility that Sierra ships with sets bad permissions on the files it unzips at times, causing the error you are seeing.
  19. See the original posts in the forum about added performance and vastly increased draw distance.
  20. Because trying to spark debate that late after the posts you were quoting, especially in this topic, have no place. We can do without the riff raff for now. You can certainly talk to people on PM if you need to get something off your chest.
  21. Cameron

    link rest

    Well, you're still within the timeframe...
  22. SkyMaxx Pro is a complete 3D rendering engine replacement for X-Plane's clouds. You'll want Real Weather Connector to add in better functionality with weather injectors. This includes the default, free injector in X-Plane (which I recommend).
  23. There are plenty of videos of such out there on YouTube already. I'm going to cross post something here that I posted elsewhere: We have distinct representations for cumulus, stratus, cumulonimbus, towering cumulus, cirrus, and cirrocumulus. Sorry guys, but that's all you're about to see in the real world. The new HD puff overcast representation is certainly visually distinct from cumulus, and if you want something really different, there's the solid and broken stratiform options in SMP. These clouds meet the very strict training requirements of organizations like the US Air Force, US Navy, NASA, Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, etc., all of whom are our direct customers along with hundreds more. The only one we don't fully have implemented (partially in some instances) is altocumulus, which we may look at adding in later on. What sets SkyMaxx Pro apart is it's ability to actively MORPH clouds into new shapes. They can start out in one form, and eventually morph to new. This is something no current simulation has. Version 4 definitely appears distinctly different in sim than past versions as well.
  24. Hi Captains!, We'll keep up with the tradition from yesterday since you guys loved the previews so much! Our beta testers for the upcoming SkyMaxx Pro v4 have some more shots they've taken, and here's our favorites for today... Enjoy!
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