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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Cameron

    Maxx FX

    Thanks for the purchase! @JohnMAXX will probably best be able to help with this one, or even upload a custom profile here for you to download.
  2. The rain effects are just fine. We are not changing anything there.
  3. Let me be real clear here....sending support tickets as you have (well over 100, by the way) filled with words like "you are the son of 1000 whores" and whatever obscene language you have used will guarantee you receive NO support. Be a normal human being. Until you write ONE very clear letter to support@x-aviation.com in English apologizing for your behavior there will be no further support offered to you. I will not tolerate it.
  4. Some of those guys have our product. We do not have theirs. Hope they can help you!
  5. Sounds to me like you need to be knocking on xEnviro's door.
  6. This is not a bug. xEnviro requires special programming to make that work. If you miss this feature badly at the moment you can switch to default X-Plane or SkyMaxx.
  7. Delete theses files and update your license: X-Plane / X-Aviation / license_db.bin X-Plane / X-Aviation / marker.1
  8. I think you'll enjoy it, and hope you report back saying such! Can't stress enough that you'll want Real Weather Connector with it!
  9. Hi there, Yes, SkyMaxx Pro does work properly with IXEG.
  10. I literally just read a post elsewhere where people were saying they are experiencing more crashes as of late in the 767.
  11. It takes you little effort to install and find out. No one can tell you how your system will perform.
  12. Jesse, Looks like you have some permission issues on your X-Plane folder. Make sure your X-Plane directory is writable.
  13. It's no problem at all, Ole. Just one button to ban you...many more keystrokes for you to create new emails and continually register. Troll and look insane away.
  14. For anyone curious about this, the particular individual who started this thread is simply trolling. You can read up on that here: Topic closed.
  15. Chase, Yes, clouds will move with wind and form based on what's given in METARs to Real Weather Connector.
  16. I'd say so...this was 5 years ago.
  17. Haha, man you stoop to some weird, obsessive, low levels. You seriously just got off on the fact you got an extra post or two after me saying it ends there. Obsessive. Weird. Worrisome. Hopefully you conduct yourself in real world interactions on a more mature, less worrisome/obsessive level. Let's put a conversation about this into perspective... Ole: "Cameron said he wrote me a reply to my support ticket, but I never saw it and don't think he sent it. He's a LIAR!" Person on the receiving end: "Whoa!!! Wait...who cares?" Ole: "I care! I need proof RIGHT NOW!" Person on the receiving end: "I need to go walk the dog. See ya later, man."
  18. If you have nothing more to add here we're good. You're the one making threats to continue paddling down this stream until you get banned. I'll help you get there quickly if that's what you are going to offer as your alternative. X-Aviation has been in business for over ten years, well over 6 digits in the number of customers, and you making peculiar comments about feeling you need to spout off about this stuff on other venues to make yourself feel better is not something I'll get into. You're you. I can't change that. One thing we do not do here is censor or delete threads and posts. Anyone may come here and see what you wrote.
  19. Re-read this thread. I won't waste my time posting duplicate info either to answer the second part of your post. I will NOT be putting "provide proof to obsessed Ole" on my to-do list either. I quite literally don't care like you do. If you have nothing better to do with your life than salivate over your desire to see some image of a reply you have also now been given in this thread, I won't have anything to do with it. This topic will end here, Ole. Seems your actual questions HAVE been answered that had any substance, and should you attempt to de-rail it further after my post here, you will be banned per your alternative option to ending this topic. As of this moment, you control your own destiny here. I know this will likely be the latter and you'll choose the ban. It's no sweat off my back, but the option was at least given at that point. See ya.
  20. I have answered each and every one of your questions, including where the support ticket was written. I have not gone through the effort to go in the office on an American holiday and pull up the support ticket system proof by way of a picture. That's simply a waste of time to satisfy no one else but your own peculiar obsession. If I have failed to answer a previous question not pertaining to showing meaningless proof of a reply (at this point I just wish I hadn't sent a reply and just said I didn't see it, because your lust over this is really...awkward), please point me to the question and I will answer accordingly. Anything further is just peculiar behavior on your part which is forever etched online now.
  21. Uh, you're tired of writing us emails? You've already written about six of them. You purchased the product less than two hours ago. Tickets may take up to three business days for a reply, typically sooner. Please do not write multiple support tickets.
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