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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. That post is updated by Jan. Ignore the date of original post. Read it carefully and decide based on that. Most of the things in there are minor things. You'll mostly just be concerned about no holds and the PROG page is incomplete. I'm pretty certain you'll be quite satisfied with your $75 spent.
  2. SkyMaxx does not use any default X-Plane textures (minus sky colors if you select that).
  3. Ben's last post sums this up pretty nicely, and that's where this thread ends. It's out when it's out. Whomever is spreading other rumors about issues between Goran and I (who is a great friend and business partner that speaks to me daily) has no clue what they are talking about. You bought something for v10. It was advertised officially on the store as v10. If you could not stand to wait for an update at the time you purchased it, while appreciated, was an inappropriate time to do so. Only you are able to assess your level of patience. This thread is now closed.
  4. NO beta test will ever prepare you for the many thousands of people who use the product once it's in the wild. The issues reported here are not affecting majority of customers. We have a lot of beta testers between all products at X-Aviation. Each one of these people are regular customers like you.
  5. Show us your X-Plane rendering settings window, please.
  6. I don't recall which plug-in causes this, but there is one that prevents the letter 'A' from being typed. You likely have it installed. You can always just type your password in notepad, copy it, and paste it into the password login window in sim.
  7. X-Plane is very good about blaming a specific plugin if something goes wrong. Your entry from the log here has X-Plane blaming itself as crashing. I would remove all plugins from your resources/plugins folder EXCEPT for Gizmo and then add some back in till you find the culprit that MIGHT be causing a crash.
  8. If there was one it'd be posted. Crazy thought, right?
  9. Unfortunately not. I really don't want to be responsible for something that goes wrong if it does. Do you have some kind of anti-virus that may have quarantined something from the exe file during download? Maybe disable that and then re-download + install?
  10. In 10 years of business, I've never once seen this. I don't even know where to start because of that. Are you able to expand the window, or perhaps run as an administrator?
  11. Sorry, but that's ridiculous. You are not the whole world. We have other customers ahead of you in a line, and we're not going to jump that queue in an unfair way just to deal with you. I appreciate your excitement, but please don't be selfish. We're looking into it.
  12. Only thing I could suggest is turning down/off the reflections setting in X-Plane's rendering menu.
  13. You could read around the forums to see what other suggestions to this problem are....like disabling vortices, or restarting your computer, or re-loading the aircraft. Unfortunately there's not a for-sure solving to the problem yet. From the X-Aviation Contact Page: We will reply as soon as we are able and will endeavor to reply within 3 days, but usually quicker. You sent your ticket YESTERDAY. Because you selected the X-Plane 11 version of the aircraft in the installer. Don't play with these files. We do not do daily advertisements. Stop with the rubbish.
  14. Where is your X-Plane directory installed? This seems really suspect of permission issues, but @Ben Russell will ultimately know best. The fact a marker.1 file is never created signifies a problem for sure, and that's why it leads me to suspect a write error based on folder permissions in X-Plane/X-Aviation.
  15. Just because you disable Gizmo to rid a conflict that someone who created the conflict is not willing to fix, does not mean Gizmo is at fault. You're faced with a trade-off now. Kodiak or SkyMaxx Pro + RWC. Who you choose to be finger pointing over it will be up to you, but I can tell you if it's faced this direction it's the wrong way. We spearheaded all SASL related issues 5 years ago. Like I said, Dan loves to do this blame game, but I'm not going to let that fly here. He's wrong (and he knows it).
  16. I can assure you that such is not the case. Gizmo has had no direct clashes with SASL since 2012. Dan loves to use this as an excuse, but if I'm going to call a spade a spade, we can chalk this one up to bad coding on his part. There are plenty of other SASL add-ons that co-exist just fine. Dan's just being lazy and placing blame where he sees fit because he likes to whine. This is normal for him.
  17. You would be out of luck by disabling, yes. You would not only be disabling SkyMaxx Pro, but also Real Weather Connector in the process. When you disable SkyMaxx, default clouds take over. The config panel still works, but the SkyMaxx Pro clouds do not render. I haven't received any e-mails about a Kodiak issue, but out of curiosity, what happens?
  18. I think I edited in the last sentence while you were reading. Please re-read.
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