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  1. Presssurisation?
  2. I am unable to update. Got an Gizmo-error: error: 255.118: http API call_back: HotFix_eatUpdateManifestData: [string "extensions/HotFix/HotFix.lua.aes"]:203: attempt to get length of field 'data' (a nil value) GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  3. Can´t execute any Modes? Is HDG oder LNAV working? Check the CWS Nullzone in the prefereces-menu... The slider shout be on the right...
  4. I don't know the last-time-answer...
  5. That´s it... As I said... Silly mistake... Thx for the quick offtopic-answer. Thomas
  6. I think my problem is a small one and must not start a new thread... I can´t enable da 2CH Approach... Everytime I turn on AP2, AP1 goes off... Sequence: ILS Freq. In NAV 1, Course left and right, AP1, LOC, (when aligned) APP, AP2.... Where is my "silly" (I think) fault...? Thomas
  7. Any Instrument appproach charts. Unually a table at the bottom.
  8. What's the equal for AMD?
  9. You dont need a licence for SIM purposes. In addition with the iPad App it's great. And I don't pay anything. I would, though.
  10. I used it, but the charts are outdated often. I use rocketroute. Free and up to Date.
  11. Watch your Speeds.. With 284, you will never be able for this turn...
  12. Ok, thx... I really get to the clue, that I am CPU limited
  13. Tony, which CPU are you using?
  14. Hi Tony... Thx for the reply. I am aware of that, that the GPU load is not at 100 usually. I am concerned about the GPU Clock, which is not reaching the 1090 MHz limit...
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